Likud or National Union Party?

Manhigut Yehudit Member (MY): And what do you intend to do?
TR: I am going to become a member of the Ichud Le'umi (National Union Party). They are staging a major membership drive. Then they will unite all the Right wing parties. Together, the Right will be a serious force and will make its voice heard.
MY: And who will be Prime Minister?
TR: Whoever is elected.
MY: But you know who will be Prime Minister. Whoever will head the Likud. Effie Eitam, for example, thinks that Netanyahu will head the Likud. That is why he is already working with him hand in hand.
TR: Don't you think that Effie Eitam as Defense Minister in the Netanyahu government is a positive development?
MY: Now it is my turn to ask questions. Do you really think that another round of Bibi as Prime Minister is what will solve Israel's problems? Do you understand that when you become a member of the National Union Party you have effectively voted for Netanyahu to be Prime Minister? Do you understand that you are simply recycling the same method used by all the Right wing parties of the past and present? You leave yourself with no options. As soon as Netanyahu veers Left, you will become irrelevant --even if you have 15 Knesset seats!
TR: So what is your solution?
MY: I suggest that we stop trying to influence the Prime Minister, and instead work on becoming the Prime Minister. I suggest that we all become members of the Likud. We will be one large party that includes a strong Jewish National camp. That's right. Silvan Shalom, Netanyahu, and you and I. In the Likud, we will fight for the top spot. We will fight for leadership and not mere influence. Leadership means taking responsibility for the Nation of Israel and implementing a revolutionary, Jewish solution to Israel's problems.
TR: Feiglin doesn't have a chance to win the Likud primaries or to influence the Likud.
MY: Many members of the Likud agree with Feiglin and want to see him leading the Likud. They just need to be convinced that he can actually succeed. When you join the Likud, the numbers convince them. Not only will you be electing the head of the Likud, you will also be able to choose its list of Knesset candidates. This time, all members of the Likud -- and not just Central Committee members -- will vote in the primaries for the Knesset members.
TR: But if the entire Right unites under the Ichud Leumi, it will be a formidable force in politics, and will not have to be identified with the party that expelled the Jews from their Land.
MY: Let's face it. The potential voters for the Ichud Leumi, even if it unites all the Right wing parties, basically come from the religious Right sector. The average Israeli, who identifies as a Jew but does not see himself as a sector, will not vote for it. But if the entire National Camp joins the Likud, it will authentically represent the Jewish majority. The Likud can then elect a leader who represents its constituency. It will appeal to the largely traditional Jewish majority in Israel and will have excellent chances of winning the national elections.
In other words, the major membership drive has been going on for years. Whoever has not yet joined the Likud has surrendered from the outset. He has already come to terms with our hopeless situation and perpetuates it. But those who have joined the Likud stand a fighting chance to bring about the revolution that will save Israel from disaster.
TR: And what if Netanyahu manages to expel Feiglin from the Likud?
MY: Both Netanyahu and Sharon tried to expel him from the Likud, but did not succeed. Feiglin has a lot of grass roots support in the Likud, and it is most unlikely that he will be expelled.
MY: Of course not. If the newly elected leader of the Likud and its Knesset list do not reflect your beliefs, you can vote as you please.
TR: O.K. You have given me some food for thought. I'll consider joining, but I'm in no rush.
MY: According to Likud rules, a new member must wait 16 months before voting. So the sooner you sign up, the better your chances of helping Israel now!
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