Israel's direct conflict with Egypt has never ended. But for the last three decades it had assumed a more subtle form that tied Israel's hands. The peace accords with Egypt were nothing more than a miserable illusion that robbed us of the Sinai and its settlements. They forced Israel into recognition of the "Palestinian nation" and its right to our Land, to the Madrid Accords and finally to Oslo, the loss of Gush Katif and Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state. Throughout this process, thousands of Israelis paid the price of mushrooming terror and Israel lost its oil fields and major financial resources. Now, when the direct conflict begins, it will happen just outside of Be'er Sheva and not on the banks of the Suez Canal, as was the case in the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Who is responsible for this fiasco? Menachem Begin is at the top of the pyramid. But the pyramid rests on layers of officials that developed political, media, academic, legal, military and of course, economic careers from Camp David, Madrid, Oslo and the entire Orwellian "peace process."
Where are all the experts and advisors who day in and day out pressured Israel to give the Golan Heights to the Syrians immediately? Where is Ron Lauder, who mediated between Israel and Syria in Netanyahu's previous government? Where are all the journalists? The Middle East analysts? The commentators? The broadcasters? Do any of them feel the need to apologize and admit their mistakes? Do any of them have the courage to say that it is a good thing that Israel did not succumb to their demands and didn't repeat the mistake they made with Egypt?
Let us say that a bank robber escapes from the bank with a sack of money over his shoulder. Passers-by identify him and shout, "Catch the bank robber!" Chances are that he will be caught within a short time.
But now let us change the scenario. It is not the robber making his quick escape from the bank, but the bankers. Instead of running away, they distribute the money from the sacks to the passers-by. Is anybody going to shout, "Catch the bank robber!"?
Fuad Ben Eliezer gleaned invaluable benefit from the "peace spoils". His friendship with Mubarak afforded him great prestige and was his main calling card. Like Fuad, major layers of Israeli society basked in the glow of the "peace process" and enjoyed its abundant and multi-faceted perks. Only "nut cases" opposed the accords and did not partake of its spoils.
The "peace process" representatives have nothing to worry about. Nobody is going to demand that they pay for robbing Sinai, Gaza and parts of Samaria from the Nation of Israel. They have distributed so many dividends to such wide circles of society that everyone has enjoyed the spoils of the robbery.
The relatively few sane people who remain have nowhere to turn to demand justice. As long as those responsible for the scandal remain in the government and influential positions, nothing will change. They will never admit their mistakes, they will never take responsibility and they will continue to push the State of Israel over the cliff – employing the same principles that they have so successfully used in the past.
The peace process fiasco is the product of governments of both left and right. The Likud is no less responsible for the bizarre situation in Israel than Labor and Kadimah. Both the left and right wings of Zionism are incapable of getting on a track other than the "peace" track, because they cannot define a destiny worth dieing for. For if Israel is nothing more than a "safe haven" for the Jews, then the Zionist experiment has utterly failed. In no other place on the globe are Jews targeted by tens of thousands of Islamic terrorist rockets, waiting for the nuclear salvo that is supposed to pick up where the missiles left off.
Manhigut Yehudit is changing the situation from the foundation up. Our candidacy for leadership of the Likud is the way to break out of the "peace process" trap. Our Jewish destiny is the only factor that makes our existence here values-based; something worth fighting for – and not just surrendering for.