by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Friday Night
It’s like getting off a moving sidewalk. While you’re on it, you move quite quickly even if you walk slowly. But the walkway beyond it doesn't move at all, so when you get off and walk on normal floor, it feels like you're going slow no matter how fast you are walking.
Elul is a lot like that too. The rest of the year is like the moving sidewalk which moves quite quickly. I mean, can you believe that we’re already just a month before Rosh Hashanah? It not for the addition of L’Dovid and the daily shofar blowing, we’d probably be at the doorstep of the Yemai Norayim wondering how we got there so fast. The Sephardim have already begun saying Selichos as well.
It’s also like a tractor beam from the world of science fiction. That’s a gravitational beam that can lock on objects within a certain distance and pull them in. Rosh Hashanah may be 30 days away, but L’Dovid locks on us now, and like a tractor beam, it pulls us towards Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, all the way to Shemini Atzeres. The average person would probably prefer to not think about Rosh Hashanah until it comes. Halachah compensates for that yetzer hara by changing up our dovening and making life feel more serious than it does the rest of the year.
The rest is up to us. You can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink. In our case, God could make us “drink,” but He’s not going to because it defeats the whole purpose. We’re being judged on our choices, not His. We can choose to be real with the opportunity of Rosh Hashanah, or to take it lightly.
I used to think that only meant rising to the occasion for 40 days, from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Motzei Yom Kippur. I used to think that all God expected from us was to push ourselves for 40 days to be in our best spiritual form for the final evaluation, after which we would gradually descend once again to our yearly behavior, albeit somewhat better. Apparently I was not alone in that thinking.
Then I realized that tzaddikim get judged for life the moment Rosh Hashanah comes in, and evil people, for death. They really don’t need the next 10 days of teshuvah since the tzaddik is already where they need to be spiritually, and the evil person isn't interested in doing teshuvah anyhow.
That part I already knew for years. What was new to me was the idea that if I am doing what I am supposed to be doing the rest of the year, then I would not need Rosh Hashanah to decide my fate in the upcoming one. The judgment of the 10 days is for the beinoni, the person whose life says that they can go either way, in the direction of the righteous person, or the other direction, God forbid. If that is where my previous year has left me, then what kind of year was it? Was that the path I was choosing for myself from the outset? Wasn't that itself a statement about how serious I took life?
Shabbos Day
IT'S OKAY TO be average, if that is the way God made you. According to Sha’ar HaGilgulim, it is possible. It says there that different souls have different potentials, some to be Torah scholars, some not. God never faults us for not being things we were not made to be. He only faults us for being less than we already can be. He gave us very specific potential. It's up to us to figure out what it is, and how best to actualize it.
That’s a lot easier physically. You can just look at a body and see if it will be strong or weak, athletic or the opposite. Intelligence is also something that seems to naturally show up early in life. A soul however is invisible, and may be a lot “bigger” and “stronger” than the body that houses it. Many of the most spiritually accomplished people in history have been some of the physically weakest in their generation.
Not only this, but I have seen people who, if you had asked me a year before they became a ba’al teshuvah, if they could ever be Torah observant, I would answer no flat out. There was just nothing about them that said they could ever be interested in or handle such a 180-degree change of life. Then they proved me flat out wrong. Oftentimes they have even surprised themselves.
Equally surprising can be someone who seems so spiritual and ready for Torah but who does not go the distance. They’re intellectual there, they’re spiritually there, but they’re blocked for the time being. It might be an emotional block, like a fear of losing a connection to past friends and family, or it can be a spiritual block because they’re still fighting to drag themself out of the Klipos from which all souls begin.
After Adam HaRishon sinned with the Aitz HaDa’as, the Tree of Knowledge, all the souls that were previously a part of his and destined to become ours later on, fell into the realm of spiritual impurity, the Klipos. The greater the soul, the deeper it fell into the Klipos, and the harder it is for it to “leave.” It may still have a propensity to sin in ways that “simpler” people do not even consider to be a challenge.
And of course, there are stories like that of the Rambam, who was written off at an early age as someone who would never advance very far in Torah learning. But he wanted to, very badly. So he poured his heart out to God in front of an open Aron HaKodesh, and never had to look back. He became one of the most accomplished and influential gedolim of the last 2,000 years. There are other stories just like the Rambam’s, though less well known.
So how does a person figure out their spiritual potential? The same way engineers figure out the physical potential of their inventions. They test drive them and push them to the limits to see what those limits are. A person has to do the same thing spiritually, by putting themselves into situations that push their spiritual limits.
In increments, of course. Even the engineers don’t test things all out at first. They do it in stages and levels. If they succeed at one level, then they move on to test their product at the next level, until they get to a point that it is clear that only failure will result.
That’s where spiritual “product” testing and physical product testing can differ dramatically. There’s not a whole lot of reason for God to bend the laws of physics just to make some product more marketable. But He will bend them for someone who wants to spiritually advance beyond their means to do so, perhaps like the Rambam did initially. As the Gemora concludes: Someone who sanctifies themself a little, Heaven sanctifies them a lot (Yoma 38b).
The Rambam did, and look where it got him.
Shalosh Seudot
IF THE ONLY thing we had to battle against was ignorance, it might not be so bad. But it’s not. We have a yetzer hara, our own personal klipah that shadows like, well, a shadow. As the Arizal says, it “moved in” after Adam’s sin, and took over our lives like it is the ba’al habayis, the owner of the “home.”
So much of that resistance to spiritually grow comes from the yetzer hara that loves comfort more than life because it thinks that these are one and the same thing. Or at least it tries to convince us of this in order to stunt our spiritual growth and leave command over our lives in its hands, all the while making people believe that they are the ones in control.
But just wait and see what happens when the yetzer hara is no more. Wait and see how spiritually buoyant you will feel, and driven to accomplish great spiritual things. You will look back and wonder how you never felt that way earlier, while there was still time to use that energy to be spiritually greater. A tzaddik is “just” someone who understands this and makes the effort now while they can. They don’t strive to be righteous. They just strive not to be spiritually mediocre.
This week’s parsha starts out about this as well. On the surface of it, it is simply talking about setting up a complete legal system to keep people honest. On a deeper level, the commentators say that it is talking to each individual, that they should set up their own system of self-evaluation to judge their spiritual progress. They should police their yetzer hara and, when necessary, do something drastic to bring it back in line.
Part of the problem is that the yetzer hara is tricky, clever, and a “man” of many disguises. Amazingly, the most dangerous enemy a person will ever have to face passes as a friendly next-door neighbor who we’re convinced couldn’t harm a fly. Hardly. The yetzer hara inside of us is constantly conspiring against our spiritual growth and greatness, and doesn’t mind losing a few battles along the way to ultimately win the war.
And what is victory for the yetzer hara? It’s duking it out with the person until they’re too old to fight back and accomplish very much meaningful. The yetzer hara knows it’s going down too, but it has the satisfaction of taking their host down with them along the way. Victory is when the person reaches the point of realization that they should have, and could have, done more with their life spiritually, but didn’t.
Therefore, we have Elul Zman. It’s like a boxer who has taken a beating but gets to sit down and regroup in-between rounds. It gives you a chance to look at the enemy from a distance, to see it for it really is. Which is?
(I have returned to giving a Thursday night class online, b”H. To get the link and notified of an upcoming class, write to:
Ain Od Milvado, Part 16
ONE OF THE most difficult things to do is to square the Sitra Achra with Ain od Milvado. He’s an angel too, and he works for God. So why does it always seem like the Sitra Achra works for himself, and against God?
It’s a little like when you ask someone who seems down, “Is everything okay?” and they answer, “Ya, sure, everything is fine,” in a not so convincing way. The question is, do they want to throw you off and move on, or are they really saying, “If you really want to know, you’ll ask again and insist on the true answer”?
Sometimes people want to complain but do not want to seem like complainers. So, they try to get people to pull the complaint out of them, as if they’re saying, “Well, I really didn’t want to say anything, but since you insist on knowing…”
Right. People who really don’t want to complain fake their happiness well enough to fool everyone else around them. People who act in a way that tells me that something is not quite right really want to talk about it with people who are willing to listen.
Likewise, God runs history in a way that looks normal, except for a few things here and there that make the onlooker wonder, “Is something else going on here?’ Like the Sitra Achra for example.
Some people just find it simpler to not ask the questions, and put the contradictions under the category of, “The Lord works in mysterious ways.” There is God and there is the Sitra Achra. We have to do our best to please God and block the Sitra Achra. The only problem is that sometimes this can lead to a way of thinking that might fall into the category of believing in false powers.
What God is really saying with all the mystery, “Catch Me if you can.” He is saying, “If you really want to know the truth about Me and how I run the world, you’ll ask further, investigate more deeply, and develop a more sophisticated understanding of hashgochah pratis.”
It’s like tracing a family tree. At the bottom of the tree. you’ll find all kinds of relatives are a very different from each other living in different parts of the world. But as you go up the tree, the number of relatives will decrease and the number of places they are living in will be less. Eventually everyone will be living in one place because they are only one family.
Likewise, if you trace all creations, including the Sitra Achra, back to their Original Source, there is only God. But you have to want to trace everything back to God, and be willing to make the effort. And to make that possible, God created many different instruments of His will, to challenge us to see how everything does work for God. Ain od Milvado.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The Shamrak Report: Walk Away from Nuclear Deal and more..
Walk Away from Nuclear Deal
by Bradford Betz
Israel said it would make no further concessions to Iran and would continue to do everything in its power to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Israel opposes a return to the Iran nuclear deal, and would not be obligated by such an agreement.
A senior Israeli official said: "The time has come for a new, stronger strategy to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. Iran's terrorist regime should be treated as the tyrannical, extremist, and oppressive regime. The money they get from this deal will go directly into funding terrorism."
In current deal, Iran is poised to rake in an estimated $275 billion in the first year and balloon to an estimated $1 trillion by the early 2030s.
Military Option is the Only One Left
Former top intelligence officials warn that the military option is the only one left once the superpowers sign the nuclear deal.
"Iran is a major strategic threat to the state of Israel. You have to understand that we aren't just talking about a vision; the Iranians are investing a lot of resources to acquire very threatening abilities. According to foreign reports, they have 150 rockets pointed at Israel in Lebanon, long-range missiles, cyber and terror abilities, and worst of all they're on the brink of going nuclear," said Amos Gilad, former National Security Council chief.
If Iran achieves a nuclear weapon," he adds, "they will terrorize the whole Middle East, and the whole area will be forced into a nuclear arms race. Our advantage is that we seem to have strategic abilities, and we will be looked at differently in a nuclear middle east." (On the other hand, the continuation of the 'negotiations will also help Iran to achieve its nuclear ambition.)
Food for Thought
'Palestinians' do not Understand what Peace is
The anti-Semitic world closes its eyes and is not ready to look at reality as it is, because the Palestinian Authority encourages terrorism and the Palestinians glorify the murderers of Jews and make the murderers into heroes. Enemies of Jews and Israel do not understand the concept of peace at all, and their main desire is to eliminate the State of Israel and the Jews who live in it.
Israel is Reducing the Threat from the North
Airstrikes in Syria were attributed to Israel and struck a factory converted by Iranian forces into ammunition warehouses. Russia's removal of S-300 batteries from northwest Syria clears way for Israel's strikes on arms depots and Hezbollah in Syria. An Israeli airstrike on the western Syrian city of Masyaf on Thursday destroyed more than 1,000 Iranian-made missiles.
What does Iran Hide?
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi said there won't be nuclear deal with world powers if IAEA inspectors continue to investigate man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country. President Ebrahim Raisi also issued threats against Israel.
Biden Snubs Lapid
The National Security Council has been working in recent days to facilitate a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden as the renewal of the nuclear deal with Iran appears imminent. US officials have denied Lapid's request with the explanation that Biden is on vacation. We have made it clear to everyone: if a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state, Lapid said. (Israel has no other options but to deal with Iran on its own. 'There is nobody in the White House.)
Erdogan Supports the 'Palestinian Cause'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey s reconciliation efforts with Israel will in no way diminish its support for the Palestinian cause . Erdogan made the comments during a visit by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who arrived in Ankara just one week after Turkey and Israel announced their decision to restore full diplomatic relations and reappoint ambassadors for the first time since 2018. Erdogan said. On the contrary, our Palestinian brothers also express that these steps will contribute to a solution to the Palestinian issue and improve the situation of the Palestinian people. (That means that Turkey is supporting the destruction of Israel - this is the only goal the enemies of Israel have in mind)
Russia Removed S-300 from Syria
Russia has shipped its advanced S-300 air defense system in Syria back home amid its invasion of Ukraine. The S-300 system stationed near the city of Masyaf in north-western Syria had been taken apart in recent weeks and loaded onto a Russian ship bound for the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. In recent years, Israel and Russia established a so-called de-confliction hotline to keep the sides from getting tangled up and accidentally clashing over Syria.
Israeli F-35s Penetrated Iranian Airspace
Israeli F-35 stealth fighters penetrated Iranian airspace on multiple occasions in the last two months, a Saudi-run news outlet reported. The jets successfully evaded Russian and Iranian radars during the exercises. Drones and mid-air refuelling tankers were also reported to have participated in the massive drills.
Quote of the Week:
Complete horse manure. The Iran nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal. These so-called most rigorous and intensive inspections failed in the last deal - and will be even weaker this time. -Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
The US Friendship and Jewish Assertiveness
by Steven Shamrak
Quite often an idea is expressed that the United States is a strong supporter of the State of Israel and Jewish people. Many Jews feel quite nervous when the United States is criticised by Jews and US friendship toward Israel is questioned.
I would like to state clearly and without any reservation: I am a strong admirer of US democracy. I spent half of my life living in the Soviet Union. Therefore, the notion of equality of every individual, freedom of speech and self-expression are very dear to me. I even appreciate the American government s selfishness, as they put the interests of their own country and people first.
If Israel is to become a true democracy, I can only hope that the purity of all these principles will be adopted by the Jewish State.
But let us be truthful and face the reality of historical facts:
1. Knowing the German policy toward Jews before WW2, Jews were not permitted to immigrate to America. The US state department reprimanded and scared Hollywood Jewish producers by accusing them of War mongering . It was Charlie Chaplin, a non-Jew, who broke the taboo by making the comedy The Great Dictator exposing fascism. Not a single bomb was dropped on concentration camps, railroad lines, or bridges leading to them. After the war, American officials were actively involved in providing safe passage to Nazi criminals.
2. The United States supported the UN embargo of arms sales to the region after Israel declared independence in 1948. In the 50's, the US abandoned Israel. And Israel was forced to find new masters' - France and UK - and fought the Sinai War on their behalf.
3. Consistent sabotage of Israel's military successes through the years effectively perpetuated the Arab-Israeli conflict and prevented Israel from attaining decisive victory over her enemies. Past pressure on Israel by President Bush and Condoleezza Rice was just another symptom of the same old sickness (nothing has changed since same is during Obama and Biden presidency, but with more disrespect).
I have stated many times that being pro-Jewish does not make me anti-anything. I am not against Arabs or Christians, nor against USA or Europe. I strongly believe that the Jewish people, in Israel and the Diaspora, must be united in pursuit of their own National Goal: The right of Jews to live in peace on all Jewish land.
This goal is completely justifiable morally, historically, religiously and even legally. We must not pay any attention and disregard what the anti-Israel demagogues and spin-masters are saying or fabricating. Their interests are in conflict with Jewish goals and should not be our concern! For too long, Jews have been accommodating and pleasing others with the detrimental effect to their own needs and interests. It is time to become assertive and give high priority and consideration to Jewish national aspirations. History teaches us that nobody else did, does or will do.
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Israel opposes a return to the Iran nuclear deal, and would not be obligated by such an agreement.
He also warned that the revised offer will pave the way for significant investment to flow into Iran s terrorist network and to strengthening the Iranian military.
A senior Israeli official said: "The time has come for a new, stronger strategy to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb. Iran's terrorist regime should be treated as the tyrannical, extremist, and oppressive regime. The money they get from this deal will go directly into funding terrorism."
In current deal, Iran is poised to rake in an estimated $275 billion in the first year and balloon to an estimated $1 trillion by the early 2030s.
Military Option is the Only One Left
Former top intelligence officials warn that the military option is the only one left once the superpowers sign the nuclear deal.
"Iran is a major strategic threat to the state of Israel. You have to understand that we aren't just talking about a vision; the Iranians are investing a lot of resources to acquire very threatening abilities. According to foreign reports, they have 150 rockets pointed at Israel in Lebanon, long-range missiles, cyber and terror abilities, and worst of all they're on the brink of going nuclear," said Amos Gilad, former National Security Council chief.
"This is a bad deal and it's good that Israel stated clearly that they aren't bound by it," added Amidror. "Once the Americans decided that they will work towards a deal at almost any cost, the diplomatic 'options' were exhausted. I don't see any way to convince the Iranians other than force since Iran isn't being stopped by diplomatic or financial pressure. This obligates us to ensure that we're ready for a military option".
If Iran achieves a nuclear weapon," he adds, "they will terrorize the whole Middle East, and the whole area will be forced into a nuclear arms race. Our advantage is that we seem to have strategic abilities, and we will be looked at differently in a nuclear middle east." (On the other hand, the continuation of the 'negotiations will also help Iran to achieve its nuclear ambition.)
Food for Thought
by Steven Shamrak
Quite often I see postings: "ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHTS TO DEFEND ITSELF". I am sure they are made, most of the times with good intentions, but not by some Israel-loving Western politicians. Stop stating the obvious - all countries have this right! Why is Israel singled out?
'Palestinians' do not Understand what Peace is
The anti-Semitic world closes its eyes and is not ready to look at reality as it is, because the Palestinian Authority encourages terrorism and the Palestinians glorify the murderers of Jews and make the murderers into heroes. Enemies of Jews and Israel do not understand the concept of peace at all, and their main desire is to eliminate the State of Israel and the Jews who live in it.
Israel is Reducing the Threat from the North
Airstrikes in Syria were attributed to Israel and struck a factory converted by Iranian forces into ammunition warehouses. Russia's removal of S-300 batteries from northwest Syria clears way for Israel's strikes on arms depots and Hezbollah in Syria. An Israeli airstrike on the western Syrian city of Masyaf on Thursday destroyed more than 1,000 Iranian-made missiles.
What does Iran Hide?
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi said there won't be nuclear deal with world powers if IAEA inspectors continue to investigate man-made uranium particles found at undeclared sites in the country. President Ebrahim Raisi also issued threats against Israel.
Biden Snubs Lapid
The National Security Council has been working in recent days to facilitate a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden as the renewal of the nuclear deal with Iran appears imminent. US officials have denied Lapid's request with the explanation that Biden is on vacation. We have made it clear to everyone: if a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state, Lapid said. (Israel has no other options but to deal with Iran on its own. 'There is nobody in the White House.)
Erdogan Supports the 'Palestinian Cause'
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey s reconciliation efforts with Israel will in no way diminish its support for the Palestinian cause . Erdogan made the comments during a visit by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who arrived in Ankara just one week after Turkey and Israel announced their decision to restore full diplomatic relations and reappoint ambassadors for the first time since 2018. Erdogan said. On the contrary, our Palestinian brothers also express that these steps will contribute to a solution to the Palestinian issue and improve the situation of the Palestinian people. (That means that Turkey is supporting the destruction of Israel - this is the only goal the enemies of Israel have in mind)
Russia Removed S-300 from Syria
Russia has shipped its advanced S-300 air defense system in Syria back home amid its invasion of Ukraine. The S-300 system stationed near the city of Masyaf in north-western Syria had been taken apart in recent weeks and loaded onto a Russian ship bound for the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. In recent years, Israel and Russia established a so-called de-confliction hotline to keep the sides from getting tangled up and accidentally clashing over Syria.
Israeli F-35s Penetrated Iranian Airspace
Israeli F-35 stealth fighters penetrated Iranian airspace on multiple occasions in the last two months, a Saudi-run news outlet reported. The jets successfully evaded Russian and Iranian radars during the exercises. Drones and mid-air refuelling tankers were also reported to have participated in the massive drills.
Quote of the Week:
Complete horse manure. The Iran nuclear deal is designed to let the Ayatollah cheat his way to a nuclear arsenal. These so-called most rigorous and intensive inspections failed in the last deal - and will be even weaker this time. -Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
The US Friendship and Jewish Assertiveness
by Steven Shamrak
Quite often an idea is expressed that the United States is a strong supporter of the State of Israel and Jewish people. Many Jews feel quite nervous when the United States is criticised by Jews and US friendship toward Israel is questioned.
I would like to state clearly and without any reservation: I am a strong admirer of US democracy. I spent half of my life living in the Soviet Union. Therefore, the notion of equality of every individual, freedom of speech and self-expression are very dear to me. I even appreciate the American government s selfishness, as they put the interests of their own country and people first.
If Israel is to become a true democracy, I can only hope that the purity of all these principles will be adopted by the Jewish State.
But let us be truthful and face the reality of historical facts:
1. Knowing the German policy toward Jews before WW2, Jews were not permitted to immigrate to America. The US state department reprimanded and scared Hollywood Jewish producers by accusing them of War mongering . It was Charlie Chaplin, a non-Jew, who broke the taboo by making the comedy The Great Dictator exposing fascism. Not a single bomb was dropped on concentration camps, railroad lines, or bridges leading to them. After the war, American officials were actively involved in providing safe passage to Nazi criminals.
2. The United States supported the UN embargo of arms sales to the region after Israel declared independence in 1948. In the 50's, the US abandoned Israel. And Israel was forced to find new masters' - France and UK - and fought the Sinai War on their behalf.
3. Consistent sabotage of Israel's military successes through the years effectively perpetuated the Arab-Israeli conflict and prevented Israel from attaining decisive victory over her enemies. Past pressure on Israel by President Bush and Condoleezza Rice was just another symptom of the same old sickness (nothing has changed since same is during Obama and Biden presidency, but with more disrespect).
I have stated many times that being pro-Jewish does not make me anti-anything. I am not against Arabs or Christians, nor against USA or Europe. I strongly believe that the Jewish people, in Israel and the Diaspora, must be united in pursuit of their own National Goal: The right of Jews to live in peace on all Jewish land.
This goal is completely justifiable morally, historically, religiously and even legally. We must not pay any attention and disregard what the anti-Israel demagogues and spin-masters are saying or fabricating. Their interests are in conflict with Jewish goals and should not be our concern! For too long, Jews have been accommodating and pleasing others with the detrimental effect to their own needs and interests. It is time to become assertive and give high priority and consideration to Jewish national aspirations. History teaches us that nobody else did, does or will do.
Monday, August 29, 2022
Rav Kook on Parashat Shoftim: The Sorcerer and the Gidufi
Which is worse: a sorcerer or an idolatrous heretic?
Theoretical Knowledge
Concerning sorcery, the Torah warns:
“When you come into the land that God is giving you, do not learn to do the repulsive practices of those nations.” (Devarim 18:9)
What are these “repulsive practices”? The Torah enumerates divination, witchcraft, incantations, communicating with the dead, and so on. These forms of sorcery were an integral part of the idolatrous culture of the Canaanites.
Yet the Sages read this verse with care. The Torah text does not say, “Do not learn their repulsive practices,” but “Do not learn to do them.” Study — with the intent of practicing sorcery — is forbidden. But one is permitted to study witchcraft “in order to understand and judge,” i.e., to correctly determine who is a sorcerer and should be punished accordingly (Shabbat 75a).
However, the Torah’s sanction to acquire theoretical knowledge of sorcery is not a blanket authorization. The Talmud contrasts the sorcerer with a far worse category: the Gidufi. A Gidufi is a fervent believer in idolatry who constantly proselytizes for his idol worship. “One who learns even one thing from a Gidufi is punishable by death.” Unlike the sorcerer, this fanatical heretic has nothing to teach us.
Why is the idolatrous Gidufi so much worse than the sorcerer?

Sorcery — Penetrating Evil
Rav Kook explained that the sorcerer’s motivation is an attempt to reconcile the fundamental conflict between the animalistic and Divine aspects of the human soul. The sorcerer’s solution to this constant struggle is to suppress the Divine nature of the soul. This frees the base instincts to rule over the individual, and society in general.
The means and techniques by which the sorcerer achieves his goal are complex. Some aspects of his knowledge may also be utilized for the good. Recognition of evil means awareness of the negative side of creation, which can grant deeper understanding of the positive side.
Heresy — Rejecting Truth
The sorcerer gains his knowledge by focusing his mental powers on the essence of evil. But the idolatrous Gidufi is much worse. His methods do not reveal any hidden knowledge, not even with regard to the realm of evil. The Gidufi simply rejects good and truth. He offers us no new understanding. His path is based on stubbornness, to fill the heart with doubts and intoxication.
Deeper awareness of evil, of hidden aspirations to promote evil in the world, entails spiritual dangers. But it has the potential to prepare the soul, and all of society, to define and refine evil, and to purify it from its baseness.
(Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. IV, pp. 138-139 by Rav Chanan Morrison)
Theoretical Knowledge
Concerning sorcery, the Torah warns:
“When you come into the land that God is giving you, do not learn to do the repulsive practices of those nations.” (Devarim 18:9)
What are these “repulsive practices”? The Torah enumerates divination, witchcraft, incantations, communicating with the dead, and so on. These forms of sorcery were an integral part of the idolatrous culture of the Canaanites.
Yet the Sages read this verse with care. The Torah text does not say, “Do not learn their repulsive practices,” but “Do not learn to do them.” Study — with the intent of practicing sorcery — is forbidden. But one is permitted to study witchcraft “in order to understand and judge,” i.e., to correctly determine who is a sorcerer and should be punished accordingly (Shabbat 75a).
However, the Torah’s sanction to acquire theoretical knowledge of sorcery is not a blanket authorization. The Talmud contrasts the sorcerer with a far worse category: the Gidufi. A Gidufi is a fervent believer in idolatry who constantly proselytizes for his idol worship. “One who learns even one thing from a Gidufi is punishable by death.” Unlike the sorcerer, this fanatical heretic has nothing to teach us.
Why is the idolatrous Gidufi so much worse than the sorcerer?

Sorcery — Penetrating Evil
Rav Kook explained that the sorcerer’s motivation is an attempt to reconcile the fundamental conflict between the animalistic and Divine aspects of the human soul. The sorcerer’s solution to this constant struggle is to suppress the Divine nature of the soul. This frees the base instincts to rule over the individual, and society in general.
The means and techniques by which the sorcerer achieves his goal are complex. Some aspects of his knowledge may also be utilized for the good. Recognition of evil means awareness of the negative side of creation, which can grant deeper understanding of the positive side.
Heresy — Rejecting Truth
The sorcerer gains his knowledge by focusing his mental powers on the essence of evil. But the idolatrous Gidufi is much worse. His methods do not reveal any hidden knowledge, not even with regard to the realm of evil. The Gidufi simply rejects good and truth. He offers us no new understanding. His path is based on stubbornness, to fill the heart with doubts and intoxication.
Deeper awareness of evil, of hidden aspirations to promote evil in the world, entails spiritual dangers. But it has the potential to prepare the soul, and all of society, to define and refine evil, and to purify it from its baseness.
(Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. IV, pp. 138-139 by Rav Chanan Morrison)
Teshuva - Fear and Joy
by HaRav Mordechai Greenberg
Nasi HaYeshiva, Kerem B'Yavneh
"Judges and officers you shall appoint in all your cities." (Devarim 16:18) The simple meaning of this verse is the obligation to appoint judges to rule between man and his friend and to teach G-d's laws and His Torah. However, there is an additional meaning that the Mussar masters talk much about. A person is commanded to be a judge of his own matters and to review himself at all times with discernment; thus, a person judges himself. It is not for naught that this parsha is always read at the beginning of the month of Elul, because the time of judgment is approaching, and therefore a person must place himself before the seat of judgment, before G-d does so on the Day of Judgment. The very fact that a person judges himself and appoints himself a judge is the beginning of the teshuva process.
However, every criticism causes a person discomfort. "My sin is before me always" (Tehillim 51:5) places the person before himself in a negative light. It leads to an attempt to escape and puts the person into depression. Therefore, Teshuva is always viewed as something burdensome, depressing and not natural.
In truth, though, Rav Kook zt"l writes in Orot HaTeshuva (15:9):
The upset thought, which comes through the connection to the depths of teshuva, is the source of joy. The basic nature of teshuva is the contemplation of the greatness of the supreme perfection of Divine spirituality. Through this, the sins stand out very much. "You have set our iniquities before Yourself, our immaturity before the light of your countenance." (Tehillim 90:8) And since we sense, as the sensation of sin is any case comes from the Divine shining on the soul, this idea itself fills with infinite joy and greatness. The delight of happiness increasingly strengthens simultaneous with the submission of the heart, which stands at the level of teshuva.
It is through closeness to G-d a person's sins are highlighted more. The sins depress the person, but the closeness to G-d leads to happiness.
"Teshuva does not come to make life bitter, but rather to make it pleasant." (ibid 16:7) Even though the person is still caught in the mud and does not know how to escape it, nonetheless, the very aspiration to free oneself from sin leads to a sense of satisfaction. Rav Kook further writes:
At the time that [a person] thinks all about the burning thought of full regret for all of his sins, at the time that his soul dotes with love for the beauty of sanctity and perfection, longs for her Lover, Creator ... even though he ponders much how to extricate himself from the mud of the sins, even thought it is not at all clear to him how to repair the entire past, even though the ways of action are not at all paved before him, and they are full of stumbling rocks - however, the desire to be good - this is the spirit of G-d's Gan Eden, which blows in the soul and fills it with unlimited satisfaction, so that even the fire of Gehenom of deep suffering, also turns into a river of pleasure.
In a letter that Rav Kook wrote in the month of Elul to one of his disciple, he writes:
I would like to encourage the diligent, may there be many like them in Israel, and to remind you the basic ideas of the means of preparation that we should be involved in, for our true perfection at the year's end, and to prepare ourselves for the light of the holy days ... the Day of Remembrance (Rosh Hashana), the days of Teshuva, and the holy day Yom Kippur, and the days of happiness, the Festival of Succot and Simchat Torah that are coming upon us for good, G-d willing.
The preparations of the month of Elul come not only to impart trepidation and fear, but instead, from the fear of closeness to G-d to reach joy; from the days of Elul, the days of Teshuva, to reach the peak - Simchat Torah. The Chasidim say that all the days of Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Chag Succot are only a preparation for "Ata Hor'eta" of Simchat Torah night.
Nasi HaYeshiva, Kerem B'Yavneh
"Judges and officers you shall appoint in all your cities." (Devarim 16:18) The simple meaning of this verse is the obligation to appoint judges to rule between man and his friend and to teach G-d's laws and His Torah. However, there is an additional meaning that the Mussar masters talk much about. A person is commanded to be a judge of his own matters and to review himself at all times with discernment; thus, a person judges himself. It is not for naught that this parsha is always read at the beginning of the month of Elul, because the time of judgment is approaching, and therefore a person must place himself before the seat of judgment, before G-d does so on the Day of Judgment. The very fact that a person judges himself and appoints himself a judge is the beginning of the teshuva process.
However, every criticism causes a person discomfort. "My sin is before me always" (Tehillim 51:5) places the person before himself in a negative light. It leads to an attempt to escape and puts the person into depression. Therefore, Teshuva is always viewed as something burdensome, depressing and not natural.
In truth, though, Rav Kook zt"l writes in Orot HaTeshuva (15:9):
The upset thought, which comes through the connection to the depths of teshuva, is the source of joy. The basic nature of teshuva is the contemplation of the greatness of the supreme perfection of Divine spirituality. Through this, the sins stand out very much. "You have set our iniquities before Yourself, our immaturity before the light of your countenance." (Tehillim 90:8) And since we sense, as the sensation of sin is any case comes from the Divine shining on the soul, this idea itself fills with infinite joy and greatness. The delight of happiness increasingly strengthens simultaneous with the submission of the heart, which stands at the level of teshuva.
It is through closeness to G-d a person's sins are highlighted more. The sins depress the person, but the closeness to G-d leads to happiness.
"Teshuva does not come to make life bitter, but rather to make it pleasant." (ibid 16:7) Even though the person is still caught in the mud and does not know how to escape it, nonetheless, the very aspiration to free oneself from sin leads to a sense of satisfaction. Rav Kook further writes:
At the time that [a person] thinks all about the burning thought of full regret for all of his sins, at the time that his soul dotes with love for the beauty of sanctity and perfection, longs for her Lover, Creator ... even though he ponders much how to extricate himself from the mud of the sins, even thought it is not at all clear to him how to repair the entire past, even though the ways of action are not at all paved before him, and they are full of stumbling rocks - however, the desire to be good - this is the spirit of G-d's Gan Eden, which blows in the soul and fills it with unlimited satisfaction, so that even the fire of Gehenom of deep suffering, also turns into a river of pleasure.
In a letter that Rav Kook wrote in the month of Elul to one of his disciple, he writes:
I would like to encourage the diligent, may there be many like them in Israel, and to remind you the basic ideas of the means of preparation that we should be involved in, for our true perfection at the year's end, and to prepare ourselves for the light of the holy days ... the Day of Remembrance (Rosh Hashana), the days of Teshuva, and the holy day Yom Kippur, and the days of happiness, the Festival of Succot and Simchat Torah that are coming upon us for good, G-d willing.
The preparations of the month of Elul come not only to impart trepidation and fear, but instead, from the fear of closeness to G-d to reach joy; from the days of Elul, the days of Teshuva, to reach the peak - Simchat Torah. The Chasidim say that all the days of Elul, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Chag Succot are only a preparation for "Ata Hor'eta" of Simchat Torah night.
Choose Your Fear
by HaRav Shaul Yisraeli, zt"l
Rosh HaYeshiva, Mercaz HaRav
Rosh Kollel, Eretz Hemdat
Chaver, Beit Din HaGadol Yerushalayim
"[The king] shall read from [his personal sefer Torah] all the days of is life, so that he shall learn to fear Hashem" (Devarim 17:19). There is no amount of time after which we can say that we have learned enough Torah. It requires a concentration of all our time – all our life – no less. Study of how to fear Hashem is a course that requires a lifetime, not just for people on a low level, but even for people on the highest level.
There are two types of fear, both of which appear in our parasha: one is desirable, the other is undesirable. The fear of Hashem that comes with study of Torah throughout life is obviously desirable. Later on we read about the man "who is fearful and has a soft heart," who has to "go and return to his house" (ibid. 20:8), instead of taking part in the nation’s battle. Just as one has to toil to create the desirable fear, so must one toil to rid himself of the undesirable fear. Furthermore, the two fears are opposed and contradictory – when one possesses the proper fear, it destroys the improper one.
Yeshaya asks: "Who are you that you fear a person who is destined to die?" (Yeshaya 51:12). Fear is present not only at times of war but even in times of peace. Most of our actions and our energies are actually motivated by mundane fears. We are afraid of what we will have to eat tomorrow and into the future. It seems to be the work of the Satan that a person wants to make shoes that will last him for seven years when he is not sure that he will live more than seven days, so that the Satan can then laugh at us. We are afraid of those who are far away from us and those who are close to us, lest they encroach on our space and take that which we were wanted for ourselves. Why do we work so hard for things that we do not need but are there just to glorify us, such as nice clothes and fancy drapes? All that hard work, which is motivated by a fear of what others will think, is a fear of people who are destined to die.
The Torah teaches us not to bow to pressure, but to realize what it means to be a free person. The Torah says about the king: "He shall learn to fear Hashem," and the Rabbis point out that this is referring to the king who has no one above him other than Hashem (Horiyot 11a). Let us remember that, in essence, all of Israel are the sons of kings (Bava Metzia 113b). If someone lacks fear of Hashem then he will have the fear of every leaf that falls off the tree. Only the significant, positive fear will straighten our spine; lowering our posture before Hashem can straighten our stature when it comes to other people.
The soldier who is fearful and soft of heart, say Chazal, is "one who is fearful because of the sins in his hand" (Mishna, Sota 8:5). This is the one who ‘shoots arrows up at Hashem,’ and kicks with a callous heart everything that is holy and pure, with the chutzpa of one who says that he has no Master. He does not know that when he denies his one Master, he is really creating for himself hundreds of thousands of human masters to fear.
Rosh HaYeshiva, Mercaz HaRav
Rosh Kollel, Eretz Hemdat
Chaver, Beit Din HaGadol Yerushalayim
"[The king] shall read from [his personal sefer Torah] all the days of is life, so that he shall learn to fear Hashem" (Devarim 17:19). There is no amount of time after which we can say that we have learned enough Torah. It requires a concentration of all our time – all our life – no less. Study of how to fear Hashem is a course that requires a lifetime, not just for people on a low level, but even for people on the highest level.
There are two types of fear, both of which appear in our parasha: one is desirable, the other is undesirable. The fear of Hashem that comes with study of Torah throughout life is obviously desirable. Later on we read about the man "who is fearful and has a soft heart," who has to "go and return to his house" (ibid. 20:8), instead of taking part in the nation’s battle. Just as one has to toil to create the desirable fear, so must one toil to rid himself of the undesirable fear. Furthermore, the two fears are opposed and contradictory – when one possesses the proper fear, it destroys the improper one.
Yeshaya asks: "Who are you that you fear a person who is destined to die?" (Yeshaya 51:12). Fear is present not only at times of war but even in times of peace. Most of our actions and our energies are actually motivated by mundane fears. We are afraid of what we will have to eat tomorrow and into the future. It seems to be the work of the Satan that a person wants to make shoes that will last him for seven years when he is not sure that he will live more than seven days, so that the Satan can then laugh at us. We are afraid of those who are far away from us and those who are close to us, lest they encroach on our space and take that which we were wanted for ourselves. Why do we work so hard for things that we do not need but are there just to glorify us, such as nice clothes and fancy drapes? All that hard work, which is motivated by a fear of what others will think, is a fear of people who are destined to die.
The Torah teaches us not to bow to pressure, but to realize what it means to be a free person. The Torah says about the king: "He shall learn to fear Hashem," and the Rabbis point out that this is referring to the king who has no one above him other than Hashem (Horiyot 11a). Let us remember that, in essence, all of Israel are the sons of kings (Bava Metzia 113b). If someone lacks fear of Hashem then he will have the fear of every leaf that falls off the tree. Only the significant, positive fear will straighten our spine; lowering our posture before Hashem can straighten our stature when it comes to other people.
The soldier who is fearful and soft of heart, say Chazal, is "one who is fearful because of the sins in his hand" (Mishna, Sota 8:5). This is the one who ‘shoots arrows up at Hashem,’ and kicks with a callous heart everything that is holy and pure, with the chutzpa of one who says that he has no Master. He does not know that when he denies his one Master, he is really creating for himself hundreds of thousands of human masters to fear.
Standards of Justice
by Rabbi Dov Berel Wein
This week's Torah reading envisions for us an efficient, organized system of law and order, justice, and fairness. The Torah set a very high bar regarding the selection of judges and police. They are to be free of prejudice, bias and personally held agendas and social ideals. They are literally to be blind, without knowledge as to the nature and personalities of the litigants who appear before them and whose cases they must decide. The judges must be free of any form of corruption, from open graft to simple courtesy.
The Talmud records for us that the great Mar Shmuel, the head of the Academy of third century, Nehardea in Babylonia, was walking across a narrow bridge when the person coming towards him honorably made way so that the Rabbi could pass. Later in the day, this very same person appeared as a litigant before Mar Shmuel in a case before his court. Afraid of being influenced by the courtesy extended to him by this person, by allowing him to pass first on the narrow bridge, Mar Shmuel disqualified himself from judging the matter.
While such standards of justice that are outlined in this week's reading are almost impossible for human beings to achieve, we all are influenced by great and small things that occur to us, and by previous prejudices that have been instilled into us by events and societies. Though justice may be blind, the justices themselves rarely, if ever, are able to obtain the necessary level of fairness that the Torah seems to demand. Yet, we are aware that the Torah was not granted to angels, but rather, to human beings, and human beings are never perfect and always have, within themselves, prejudices and preconceived ideas regarding policies and judgments.
The Torah set standards for us to try and achieve. It never demands the impossible from human beings. So, the requirements set forth in this week's reading are the goals that we must try to achieve. We must pick the best, wisest, least prejudice, most honest people of integrity, that we can find in our midst, and appoint them as judges and police. Yet, the Torah reminds us that ultimate justice belongs to the Lord.
Mistakes that we make here on earth, in the long run of time and eternity, are always rectified by Heaven. We should be comforted by this. The Talmud teaches that a judge can only judge what he sees and understands, with the human condition appearing before him. Heaven, however, has the ability to see everything, in terms of eternity, in terms of ultimate justice and fairness to all. It is without limited knowledge, therefore, that we are to do our best, and realize that ultimate justice is not done here on earth, but, rather, subject to the guidelines of Heaven. We can only attempt to create the best system of justice that is possible, within the constraints of human behavior and society.
This week's Torah reading envisions for us an efficient, organized system of law and order, justice, and fairness. The Torah set a very high bar regarding the selection of judges and police. They are to be free of prejudice, bias and personally held agendas and social ideals. They are literally to be blind, without knowledge as to the nature and personalities of the litigants who appear before them and whose cases they must decide. The judges must be free of any form of corruption, from open graft to simple courtesy.
The Talmud records for us that the great Mar Shmuel, the head of the Academy of third century, Nehardea in Babylonia, was walking across a narrow bridge when the person coming towards him honorably made way so that the Rabbi could pass. Later in the day, this very same person appeared as a litigant before Mar Shmuel in a case before his court. Afraid of being influenced by the courtesy extended to him by this person, by allowing him to pass first on the narrow bridge, Mar Shmuel disqualified himself from judging the matter.
While such standards of justice that are outlined in this week's reading are almost impossible for human beings to achieve, we all are influenced by great and small things that occur to us, and by previous prejudices that have been instilled into us by events and societies. Though justice may be blind, the justices themselves rarely, if ever, are able to obtain the necessary level of fairness that the Torah seems to demand. Yet, we are aware that the Torah was not granted to angels, but rather, to human beings, and human beings are never perfect and always have, within themselves, prejudices and preconceived ideas regarding policies and judgments.
The Torah set standards for us to try and achieve. It never demands the impossible from human beings. So, the requirements set forth in this week's reading are the goals that we must try to achieve. We must pick the best, wisest, least prejudice, most honest people of integrity, that we can find in our midst, and appoint them as judges and police. Yet, the Torah reminds us that ultimate justice belongs to the Lord.
Mistakes that we make here on earth, in the long run of time and eternity, are always rectified by Heaven. We should be comforted by this. The Talmud teaches that a judge can only judge what he sees and understands, with the human condition appearing before him. Heaven, however, has the ability to see everything, in terms of eternity, in terms of ultimate justice and fairness to all. It is without limited knowledge, therefore, that we are to do our best, and realize that ultimate justice is not done here on earth, but, rather, subject to the guidelines of Heaven. We can only attempt to create the best system of justice that is possible, within the constraints of human behavior and society.
Still More Dangerous New Concessions by Biden Administration for a Nuclear Deal with Iran's Mullahs
by Majid Rafizadeh

The Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime has been one of capitulation and giving concessions, and it appears determined to enrich and empower what the State Department has called "the world's top state sponsor of terrorism," whose core policy since its Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been to "export the revolution," as anchored in "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". Pictured: A member of the Islamic Basij volunteer militia burns an American flag in Tehran, Iran, on July 16 2022. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)
Since assuming office, the Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime has been one of capitulation and giving concessions to the ruling Islamist mullahs of Iran. So far, they include suspending some of the anti-terrorism sanctions on Iran-backed Houthis, then revoking the designation of Yemen's Houthis as a terrorist group; disregarding Iran's oil sales to China; shipping oil to Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Venezuela in direct violation of US sanctions; ignoring the Iranian regime's crackdown on protesters, smuggling weapons to the Houthis and Venezuela; attempting to murder US former officials and citizens on American soil, and taking more foreign hostages.
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- Newly leaked information from inside Iran, obtained by Iran International, reveals that the Biden administration has made even more concessions to revive the nuclear deal, which have not been revealed to the public. According to the report, "the US guarantees that its sanctions against IRGC would not affect other sectors and firms: e.g. a petrochemical company shouldn't be sanctioned by US because of doing business with IRGC."
- The Biden administration seems to have been bragging that Iran's leaders have dropped a key demand: removing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the US foreign organizations terrorist list. But if other sectors that are linked to the IRGC can freely do business under the nuclear deal, then the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization, as well as the sanctions against the IRGC, are merely cosmetic.
- The IRGC has a large stake in almost every industrial sector in Iran, which includes the energy sector, mining, telecommunications, gold, shipping and construction. Private sector competitors are not permitted in these sectors because the more closed the economy, the more easily the IRGC can monopolize it.
- As a result, any economic growth in these sectors will directly benefit Iran's military, the IRGC and its elite Quds Force branch, and Iran's militia and terror groups across the Middle East. Since Iran's economy is predominantly controlled by the IRGC or the state, additional revenues will likely be funneled into the treasury of the IRGC and the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
- The other critical concession being reportedly made is that "the participants note the firm commitment of the US President [without mentioning Joe Biden by name] for returning to JCPOA compliance as long as Iran remains committed to the deal." This probably means that future US presidents are obliged to continue with the implementation of the nuclear deal. But why should the US guarantee the implementation of the nuclear deal if it is not even a legally binding treaty, approved by two-thirds of the Senate, in accordance with Article II, section 2 of the US Constitution? In addition, it is illegal for any president to commit future presidents to anything that has not been approved as a formal treaty by two-thirds of the Senate.
- This is a much worse deal than the 2015 nuclear deal. Because, first, the US or EU3 (France, the United Kingdom and Germany) cannot call for reinstating sanctions on Iran unilaterally even if they believe that the Iranian regime is violating the nuclear deal. In the previous nuclear deal, at least, any single party to the deal could unilaterally trigger the snap-back sanctions clause. In addition, with the new deal, restrictions on the regime's nuclear program could be lifted only two years after the agreement is signed; and the Iranian regime will not be obliged to reveal its past nuclear activities, which had military dimensions; and Russia will be trusted to store Iran's enriched uranium, a task for which Moscow will be paid.
- Reportedly, another concession that the Biden administration has made to Iran is that the IAEA is expected to halt its investigation into the regime's past nuclear activities.
- "This shift to appeasement was never going to solve any of the world's issues with the Islamic Republic. The regime's problem with the West is the West's very existence, which obstructs its path to a global caliphate." — Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and an advocate of secular democracy for Iran, Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2022.

The Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime has been one of capitulation and giving concessions, and it appears determined to enrich and empower what the State Department has called "the world's top state sponsor of terrorism," whose core policy since its Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been to "export the revolution," as anchored in "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". Pictured: A member of the Islamic Basij volunteer militia burns an American flag in Tehran, Iran, on July 16 2022. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)
Since assuming office, the Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime has been one of capitulation and giving concessions to the ruling Islamist mullahs of Iran. So far, they include suspending some of the anti-terrorism sanctions on Iran-backed Houthis, then revoking the designation of Yemen's Houthis as a terrorist group; disregarding Iran's oil sales to China; shipping oil to Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Venezuela in direct violation of US sanctions; ignoring the Iranian regime's crackdown on protesters, smuggling weapons to the Houthis and Venezuela; attempting to murder US former officials and citizens on American soil, and taking more foreign hostages.
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A Mass Murderer of Jews Goes to Berlin
by Daniel Greenfield
Abbas earned his doctorate for his Holocaust denial thesis from the USSR's Patrice Lumumba University: created to train third world assets for a Communist war on free nations, . The KGB reportedly recruited the "Palestinian" terrorist leader, gave him the code name "mole" and put him to work under the man who now serves as Putin’s special representative the region.
When Abbas wasn't working for the Communists, he was being inspired by the Nazis. Edy Cohen, an Israeli researcher who wrote a book on Hitler’s Mufti, warned that Abbas' Holocaust denial thesis was "inspired by and based on the work of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust." Abbas and Eichmann had both made killing Jews and lying about it their life’s work.
31 years after the visit by Hitler's Mufti, Abbas and the "Palestinians" made their grand bid to replace the Nazis with the Munich Massacre of Israeli Jewish athletes.
The Munich Olympics were meant to show off the new Germany. And they did. In the new Germany, the job of killing Jews had been outsourced to Muslim 'guests'.
German authorities had refused to provide security because it would clash with the country's image makeover and so the Muslim terrorists were able to freely operate in the Olympic Village.
The unarmed Israeli coaches and athletes fought the 8 armed Muslim terrorists for their lives. Some were killed outright, one was castrated, while others were taken hostage. Germany rejected Israeli pleas to allow them to send a hostage rescue team. Shortly after the massacre was over, it began secret negotiations with the terrorists to cut a deal to recognize the PLO.
After the massacre, the bodies of deceased terrorists were sent back where they were buried with full honors. Those terrorists who were arrested, were shortly released. The Olympics refused to initially even postpone the games and made no reference to the massacre. It took over 40 years for the Olympics to officially commemorate the dead athletes and coaches.
Abbas was one of the senior officials who planned the massacre and provided the money to carry it out. Despite that, Chancellor Scholz decided to hold a joint press conference with a Holocaust denier responsible for the worst post-Holocaust massacre of Jews on German soil.
Was he really surprised or disgusted? And will there be any consequences?
As Stephen M. Flatow, an American father whose daughter Alisa was brutally murdered in a bus bombing in Israel, wrote in a recent JNS editorial that, “Germany sent the Palestinian Arabs $199 million last year.”
“Let’s not lose sight of the incredible hypocrisy of governments that shed crocodile tears over the Munich massacre, and then send hundreds of millions of dollars to a man who helped perpetrate it,” he writes.
The German representative in Ramallah repeatedly boasts of all the money flowing from Berlin to the terrorist territories. None of that money will stop. No diplomatic relations will be cut.
In the past few months, Abbas has met with Biden, France's Macron and Romania's Klaus Iohannis where the Islamic terrorist leader was decorated with the “Star of Romania”.
The only country to turn down a visit by Abbas was the Saudi Kingdom.
When Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, often accused of anti-Semitism by the Left, visited Israel in 2018, he "broke protocol" by not scheduling a visit with Abbas. That was a rare exception to the world leaders who have hugged and shaken hands with the terrorist boss.
Biden, Putin and Xi Jinping have all paid tribute to Abbas and to the notion that Israel's existence on its own land represents some sort of "occupation" when the only occupation is the one carried on by the Arab Muslim colonists who terrorize Israel’s indigenous Jewish population.
Despite clamoring about the occupation, Abbas promised Xi Jinping to stand with China in its occupation of Hong Kong and the repression of fellow Muslims in Xinjiang. He endorsed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Not surprising for a dictator who was last elected in 2005.
Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, an imaginary place that never existed and still doesn't, claims to represent the equally imaginary Palestinian people. Whom does he actually represent? A poll of the Arab Muslim settlers living in the terrorist-occupied territories in Israel earlier this year revealed that 73% want Abbas to resign and that he would lose any election. So there isn’t going to be an election and the big lie of “Palestine” will keep on going.
Abbas is a terrorist who doesn’t represent anyone except his armed minions and state sponsors. A “Palestinian” state is as historically legitimate as ISIS, and its leader is as legitimately in office as Adolf Hitler. The only thing that the murderous leadership of a fictional terror state have ever given the world is international terrorism.
Despite these indisputable facts, Chancellor Scholz chose to welcome Abbas. And the rest of the world’s leaders will go on welcoming the Holocaust denier and former KGB agent the way that Berlin once welcomed Hitler’s Mufti. What was once the ugliness of the Nazi regime has become the multinational human rights consensus of the international community.
The Mufti of Jerusalem and Mahmoud Abbas had a simple message. Hitler invited the Mufti of Jerusalem because he agreed with his call to kill the Jews. The only reason that the leaders of the world community continue to invite Abbas over is because they agree with his message.
It would be undiplomatic of them to say so. They invite him to say it for them instead.
At a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Abbas refused to apologize for his Munich Massacre of Jews and falsely claimed that Israel had carried out "50 holocausts" against the Arab Muslim settlers occupying Israel.
Scholz, Merkel's successor, said nothing at the joint press conference, but later tepidly condemned the remarks. “I am disgusted by the outrageous remarks made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas,” he tweeted. Why should he be? This is who Abbas is.
After a Muslim settler recently opened fire at a bus stop and shot a number of Israelis and American tourists, including a pregnant woman who was hit in the stomach, Abbas' Fatah celebrated the attack, posting on Facebook, "Praise to the rifle muzzles."
In 1929, years before Hitler took power, the Hevron massacre by the Muslim settler population brutally killed the local Jewish men, women and children, mutilated their bodies and scattered limbs and organs. Every year, the Palestinian Authority honors three of the killers as "martyrs".
One of the PA's martyrs, Muhammad Jamjoum, confessed to murdering five Jews. Another, Ataa Al-Zir, murdered three innocent people back when Hitler could only dream of killing Jews.
The “Palestinian” cause is the modern standard bearer of the Nazis. The terrorist group whose representative was invited to Berlin has killed more Jews than anyone since the Nazis.
And has spent more time lying about it than any ordinary Holocaust denier in Germany.
Scholz, Merkel's successor, said nothing at the joint press conference, but later tepidly condemned the remarks. “I am disgusted by the outrageous remarks made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas,” he tweeted. Why should he be? This is who Abbas is.
After a Muslim settler recently opened fire at a bus stop and shot a number of Israelis and American tourists, including a pregnant woman who was hit in the stomach, Abbas' Fatah celebrated the attack, posting on Facebook, "Praise to the rifle muzzles."
In 1929, years before Hitler took power, the Hevron massacre by the Muslim settler population brutally killed the local Jewish men, women and children, mutilated their bodies and scattered limbs and organs. Every year, the Palestinian Authority honors three of the killers as "martyrs".
One of the PA's martyrs, Muhammad Jamjoum, confessed to murdering five Jews. Another, Ataa Al-Zir, murdered three innocent people back when Hitler could only dream of killing Jews.
The “Palestinian” cause is the modern standard bearer of the Nazis. The terrorist group whose representative was invited to Berlin has killed more Jews than anyone since the Nazis.
And has spent more time lying about it than any ordinary Holocaust denier in Germany.
Abbas earned his doctorate for his Holocaust denial thesis from the USSR's Patrice Lumumba University: created to train third world assets for a Communist war on free nations, . The KGB reportedly recruited the "Palestinian" terrorist leader, gave him the code name "mole" and put him to work under the man who now serves as Putin’s special representative the region.
When Abbas wasn't working for the Communists, he was being inspired by the Nazis. Edy Cohen, an Israeli researcher who wrote a book on Hitler’s Mufti, warned that Abbas' Holocaust denial thesis was "inspired by and based on the work of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust." Abbas and Eichmann had both made killing Jews and lying about it their life’s work.
31 years after the visit by Hitler's Mufti, Abbas and the "Palestinians" made their grand bid to replace the Nazis with the Munich Massacre of Israeli Jewish athletes.
The Munich Olympics were meant to show off the new Germany. And they did. In the new Germany, the job of killing Jews had been outsourced to Muslim 'guests'.
German authorities had refused to provide security because it would clash with the country's image makeover and so the Muslim terrorists were able to freely operate in the Olympic Village.
The unarmed Israeli coaches and athletes fought the 8 armed Muslim terrorists for their lives. Some were killed outright, one was castrated, while others were taken hostage. Germany rejected Israeli pleas to allow them to send a hostage rescue team. Shortly after the massacre was over, it began secret negotiations with the terrorists to cut a deal to recognize the PLO.
After the massacre, the bodies of deceased terrorists were sent back where they were buried with full honors. Those terrorists who were arrested, were shortly released. The Olympics refused to initially even postpone the games and made no reference to the massacre. It took over 40 years for the Olympics to officially commemorate the dead athletes and coaches.
Abbas was one of the senior officials who planned the massacre and provided the money to carry it out. Despite that, Chancellor Scholz decided to hold a joint press conference with a Holocaust denier responsible for the worst post-Holocaust massacre of Jews on German soil.
Was he really surprised or disgusted? And will there be any consequences?
As Stephen M. Flatow, an American father whose daughter Alisa was brutally murdered in a bus bombing in Israel, wrote in a recent JNS editorial that, “Germany sent the Palestinian Arabs $199 million last year.”
“Let’s not lose sight of the incredible hypocrisy of governments that shed crocodile tears over the Munich massacre, and then send hundreds of millions of dollars to a man who helped perpetrate it,” he writes.
The German representative in Ramallah repeatedly boasts of all the money flowing from Berlin to the terrorist territories. None of that money will stop. No diplomatic relations will be cut.
In the past few months, Abbas has met with Biden, France's Macron and Romania's Klaus Iohannis where the Islamic terrorist leader was decorated with the “Star of Romania”.
The only country to turn down a visit by Abbas was the Saudi Kingdom.
When Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, often accused of anti-Semitism by the Left, visited Israel in 2018, he "broke protocol" by not scheduling a visit with Abbas. That was a rare exception to the world leaders who have hugged and shaken hands with the terrorist boss.
Biden, Putin and Xi Jinping have all paid tribute to Abbas and to the notion that Israel's existence on its own land represents some sort of "occupation" when the only occupation is the one carried on by the Arab Muslim colonists who terrorize Israel’s indigenous Jewish population.
Despite clamoring about the occupation, Abbas promised Xi Jinping to stand with China in its occupation of Hong Kong and the repression of fellow Muslims in Xinjiang. He endorsed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Not surprising for a dictator who was last elected in 2005.
Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, an imaginary place that never existed and still doesn't, claims to represent the equally imaginary Palestinian people. Whom does he actually represent? A poll of the Arab Muslim settlers living in the terrorist-occupied territories in Israel earlier this year revealed that 73% want Abbas to resign and that he would lose any election. So there isn’t going to be an election and the big lie of “Palestine” will keep on going.
Abbas is a terrorist who doesn’t represent anyone except his armed minions and state sponsors. A “Palestinian” state is as historically legitimate as ISIS, and its leader is as legitimately in office as Adolf Hitler. The only thing that the murderous leadership of a fictional terror state have ever given the world is international terrorism.
Despite these indisputable facts, Chancellor Scholz chose to welcome Abbas. And the rest of the world’s leaders will go on welcoming the Holocaust denier and former KGB agent the way that Berlin once welcomed Hitler’s Mufti. What was once the ugliness of the Nazi regime has become the multinational human rights consensus of the international community.
The Mufti of Jerusalem and Mahmoud Abbas had a simple message. Hitler invited the Mufti of Jerusalem because he agreed with his call to kill the Jews. The only reason that the leaders of the world community continue to invite Abbas over is because they agree with his message.
It would be undiplomatic of them to say so. They invite him to say it for them instead.
Friday, August 26, 2022
Rav Kook's Igrot Hare’aya: Questions about Religious Services in Eretz Yisrael – #111 – part V
Date and Place: 2 Adar I 5668 (1908), Yafo
Recipient: Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi, author of Dorot Harishonim.
Body: I will do my best to answer your questions. First, I will quote your question, and then I will answer.
Question #6: Which colonia (settlement) is the most prepared to begin with [regarding starting the desired new type of religious school]?
My answer: In this matter I cannot make a clear decision, for each is very much in need of it. The influence of the [secular] schools is destroying Eretz Yisrael, and the religious schools have still not reached their goals because they have not supplemented themselves with the necessary worldliness. The main reason this has not been accomplished is the limited resources of the organizers, in addition to the habit of hating everything that is new. However, if we will join together wise people who are well-entrenched in Torah and fear of Heaven, we can remedy many things, with Hashem’s help.
It would still seem to me to give precedence to those settlements that don’t have any religious school, and only later to turn to those settlements that have religious schools, just that they are not set up well. I am not familiar with the settlements of the Galilee region. But closer to the region of Judea, the settlement of Samarin (Samaria) is the one which should be saved first. There the French style of education has taken hold and the destructive forces have come along with it, and it is far away from any of the holy cities. On the other hand many of the people who live there would be interested in straightforward, accepted education with true fear of Heaven, if it is well-supplemented with matters of the ways of life.
One of the bigger remedies for the settlements is that I will humbly be making rounds from time to time in the settlements to take a look at the general religious situation and to make public addresses on matters of ethics and life lessons. However, this requires a significant outlay of money because we need to present the rabbinate in an honorable manner. All the more so, we must not degrade the rabbinate by receiving any compensation from those upon whose paths we want to shine a light of sanctity. Therefore, I need to have at my constant disposal a carriage so that I can travel among the more than 30 settlements that are scattered throughout Judea and Samaria and have no one looking after their [religious situation]. I know the extent to which these travels in an honorable manner with discussions and public addresses are highly impactful. However, this requires an appropriate budget. Perhaps, Hashem will arrange this, so that a new light will begin to shine in the Holy Land in the new Yishuv, to tie them with ropes of love for Torah and fear of Hashem, so that the righteousness of the actions will be complete and they will give hope to many future generations.
When Hashem will grant us the ability to bring the plans for the yeshiva to fruition it will be an opening of hope for all, for rabbis to ask, for teachers to ask, and for the honor of Torah and [authentic] Judaism in the new Yishuv. It will be a source of permanent and internal connection between the new and old Yishuv, and the two of them together with the entirety of the Diaspora communities.
May Hashem grace our ideas and be with us in all that we do …
Recipient: Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi, author of Dorot Harishonim.
Body: I will do my best to answer your questions. First, I will quote your question, and then I will answer.
Question #6: Which colonia (settlement) is the most prepared to begin with [regarding starting the desired new type of religious school]?
My answer: In this matter I cannot make a clear decision, for each is very much in need of it. The influence of the [secular] schools is destroying Eretz Yisrael, and the religious schools have still not reached their goals because they have not supplemented themselves with the necessary worldliness. The main reason this has not been accomplished is the limited resources of the organizers, in addition to the habit of hating everything that is new. However, if we will join together wise people who are well-entrenched in Torah and fear of Heaven, we can remedy many things, with Hashem’s help.
It would still seem to me to give precedence to those settlements that don’t have any religious school, and only later to turn to those settlements that have religious schools, just that they are not set up well. I am not familiar with the settlements of the Galilee region. But closer to the region of Judea, the settlement of Samarin (Samaria) is the one which should be saved first. There the French style of education has taken hold and the destructive forces have come along with it, and it is far away from any of the holy cities. On the other hand many of the people who live there would be interested in straightforward, accepted education with true fear of Heaven, if it is well-supplemented with matters of the ways of life.
One of the bigger remedies for the settlements is that I will humbly be making rounds from time to time in the settlements to take a look at the general religious situation and to make public addresses on matters of ethics and life lessons. However, this requires a significant outlay of money because we need to present the rabbinate in an honorable manner. All the more so, we must not degrade the rabbinate by receiving any compensation from those upon whose paths we want to shine a light of sanctity. Therefore, I need to have at my constant disposal a carriage so that I can travel among the more than 30 settlements that are scattered throughout Judea and Samaria and have no one looking after their [religious situation]. I know the extent to which these travels in an honorable manner with discussions and public addresses are highly impactful. However, this requires an appropriate budget. Perhaps, Hashem will arrange this, so that a new light will begin to shine in the Holy Land in the new Yishuv, to tie them with ropes of love for Torah and fear of Hashem, so that the righteousness of the actions will be complete and they will give hope to many future generations.
When Hashem will grant us the ability to bring the plans for the yeshiva to fruition it will be an opening of hope for all, for rabbis to ask, for teachers to ask, and for the honor of Torah and [authentic] Judaism in the new Yishuv. It will be a source of permanent and internal connection between the new and old Yishuv, and the two of them together with the entirety of the Diaspora communities.
May Hashem grace our ideas and be with us in all that we do …
Preparing Ourselves: Parashat Re’eh and Rosh Chodesh Elul 5782
Parashat Re’eh and Rosh Chodesh Elul 5782
By HaRav Nachman Kahana
As the month of Elul approaches, and we prepare for the Days of Awe – Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – introspection is foremost on the agenda. To evaluate ourselves. Who we really are, and have we observed the Torah in the best way that we can? And have our relationships with our fellow man lived up to what is expected of a ben Torah?
This process of personal introspection cannot be achieved without going beyond the everyday mundane flow of life. It requires one to consider and ponder on the Creator; what is He? And what is his relationship with humanity, more specifically with His chosen people – Am Yisrael and most specifically with the individual Jew.
Firstly, we have to clarify that we believe that there is a God – the first cause of all things; and that the Creator has chosen us, the Jewish nation, as his unique and only “adopted children” in this world and in the next.
Is there a rational, empirical proof aside from tradition passed down from generation to generation?
There are many proofs, but I will report on a particular one that caught my attention.
It was, I believe, Louis the 16th, last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution who asked a philosopher friend for proof that there is a god. To which the scholar answered with two words “les Juis” – the Jews. That if the Jews still exist after all that was perpetrated upon them then there is a God and He is Jewish.
Now let’s try to ascertain, in some very modest manner, the infinite greatness of the Creator.
The new NASA James Webb telescope has the capacity to look more than 13 billion light years in the past (a light-year is the distance light travels in one year). Light zips through interstellar space at 186,000 miles [300,000 kilometers] per second and 5.88 trillion miles [9.46 trillion kilometers] per year), the farthest we’ve ever seen into space. The image of this galactic cluster is known as SMACS 0723 and contains thousands of galaxies, some of which are as far away as 13.1 billion light years. The observable Universe has an estimated radius of 46.5 billion light-years (46.5 billion times 6 trillion miles) and seems to contain at least two trillion galaxies. The estimated number of stars (our sun is a medium size star) in these galaxies are 200 billion trillion stars or 200 sextillions, that is 1 followed by 22 zeros.
The people at NASA are overwhelmed with the results which enlargers exponentially the estimates of what the universe contains. However, as brilliant as they are, the astronomers of NASA do not get it. Not only are there 200 billion trillion stars in the universe, but more astonishing is the fact that HaShem knows each one and designates to each one a name, as the pasuk says (Tehillim 147,1-7):
א) הַלְלוּ יָהּ כִּי טוֹב זַמְּרָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ כִּי נָעִים נָאוָה תְהִלָּה:
ב) בּוֹ נֵה יְרוּשָׁלִַם ה’ נִדְחֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יְכַנֵּס:
ג) הָרֹפֵא לִשְׁבוּרֵי לֵב וּמְחַבֵּשׁ לְעַצְּבוֹתָם:
ד) מוֹנֶה מִסְפָּר לַכּוֹכָבִים לְכֻלָּם שֵׁמוֹת יִקְרָא:
ה) גָּדוֹל אֲדוֹנֵינוּ וְרַב כֹּחַ לִתְבוּנָתוֹ אֵין מִסְפָּר:
ו) מְעוֹדֵד עֲנָוִים ה’ מַשְׁפִּיל רְשָׁעִים עֲדֵי אָרֶץ:
Praise the Lord!
1 How good it is to sing praises to our God, for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting.
2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiled of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
4 He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.
5 Great is our Lord and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.
6 The Lord lifts up the downtrodden; he casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving.
Preparing Ourselves
Tradition teaches that Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) will appear to the Jews before the arrival of the Mashiach in order to prepare our hearts, minds, and our military for the challenges that will accompany this revolutionary period in world history.
The rabbis of the Mishnah concluded that if Eliyahu has to prepare us for this transition then we have to have to be prepared for the appearance of Eliyahu himself. Hence, the last Mishna in tractate Sota reveals what the world will be like prior to Eliyahu, as follows (Mishna, Sota 9:15):
בעקבות משיחא
חוצפא יסגא
ויוקר יאמיר הגפן תתן פריה והיין ביוקר
והמלכות תהפך למינות
ואין תוכחה
בית ועד יהיה לזנות
והגליל יחרב והגבלן ישום
ואנשי הגבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו
וחכמת סופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו
והאמת תהא נעדרת
נערים פני זקנים ילבינו זקנים יעמדו מפני קטנים
בן מנוול אב בת קמה באמה כלה בחמותה
אויבי אדם אנשי ביתו
Translation in bold, followed by explanation:
In the times of the approach of the Messiah,
As we live today on this planet.
Impudence will increase.
Chutzpa expressed by the disrespect of young people to the elderly, unlearned to the scholarly, people to people and nation to nation.
And high costs will pile up.
There will be world-wide inflation where prices skyrocket as money loses its value.
Although the vine shall bring forth its fruit, wine will nevertheless be expensive.
This situation is a negation of the iron clad law of economics where the price of an item is based on supply and demand, that when supply is plentiful, and demand is moderate, prices drop. Today, the supermarkets, car dealerships, vacation spots etc., have readily available inventory, yet prices are continually rising.
And the monarchy shall turn to heresy.
World governments will deny the existence of a Deity.
And there will be no one to give reproof about this.
Corruption will be widespread and taken for granted, to the extent that even a righteous person who would stand up to criticize the situation would be suspected of being corrupt.
The meeting place of the Sages will become a place of promiscuity.
The parliaments and supreme courts will sell their favors for the highest bidder as a harlot.
And the Galilee shall be destroyed, and the Golan will be desolate.
In our own land the upper and lower Galilees will be in a state of destruction because the majority of residents there are now goyim – Moslems, Druze and Christians, and the Golan will be scarcely settled.
And the men of the border shall go round from city to city to seek charity, but they will find no mercy.
There will be millions of refugees in the world who will find no solace.
And the wisdom of scribes will putrefy.
The advice of the great Torah minds will not be heeded
And people who fear sin will be held in disgust.
God fearing observant Jews will be belittled and even hated.
And the truth will be absent.
Life threatening issues will be dealt with the false principles of secular values.
The youth will shame the face of elders, elders will stand before minors.
The progressive ideas of denying all time-honored values will destroy the order of society. Parental respect will be a thing of the past as will respect for one who has merited to reach old age and all time-tested values of what makes up a decent human being.
Normal family relations will be ruined: A son will disgrace a father; a daughter will rise up against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
Destruction of the nuclear family by the abominations, and abhorrence of newly defined gender species causing rife, discontent and doubt on our holy value system.
The face of the generation will be like the face of a dog.
Political leaders will be devoid of compassion just as a dog shows no sympathy or empathy even to those who raised his up.
A son will no longer be ashamed before his father.
The morals of our societies have developed over thousands of years and passed on through the generations, the most sacred of which is the solidarity and respect in family life, and traditions will be denigrated.
And upon what is there for us to rely? Only upon our Father in heaven.
There will be despair, hopelessness, in our ability to remedy the ills of our society and we can look only to HaShem to send His Mashiach to instill normalcy and Godly values in the lives of human beings before we self-destruct.
Sound Familiar?!
The Mashiach will propel the Jewish nation to the forefront in the battle to eliminate those ideas which will be perverting the world and dragging humanity down in the gutter.
Shabbat Shalom,
Chodesh Tov,
Nachman Kahana
Copyright © 5782/2022 Nachman Kahana
Parashat Re’eh and Rosh Chodesh Elul 5782
By HaRav Nachman Kahana
As the month of Elul approaches, and we prepare for the Days of Awe – Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur – introspection is foremost on the agenda. To evaluate ourselves. Who we really are, and have we observed the Torah in the best way that we can? And have our relationships with our fellow man lived up to what is expected of a ben Torah?
This process of personal introspection cannot be achieved without going beyond the everyday mundane flow of life. It requires one to consider and ponder on the Creator; what is He? And what is his relationship with humanity, more specifically with His chosen people – Am Yisrael and most specifically with the individual Jew.
Firstly, we have to clarify that we believe that there is a God – the first cause of all things; and that the Creator has chosen us, the Jewish nation, as his unique and only “adopted children” in this world and in the next.
Is there a rational, empirical proof aside from tradition passed down from generation to generation?
There are many proofs, but I will report on a particular one that caught my attention.
It was, I believe, Louis the 16th, last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution who asked a philosopher friend for proof that there is a god. To which the scholar answered with two words “les Juis” – the Jews. That if the Jews still exist after all that was perpetrated upon them then there is a God and He is Jewish.
Now let’s try to ascertain, in some very modest manner, the infinite greatness of the Creator.
The new NASA James Webb telescope has the capacity to look more than 13 billion light years in the past (a light-year is the distance light travels in one year). Light zips through interstellar space at 186,000 miles [300,000 kilometers] per second and 5.88 trillion miles [9.46 trillion kilometers] per year), the farthest we’ve ever seen into space. The image of this galactic cluster is known as SMACS 0723 and contains thousands of galaxies, some of which are as far away as 13.1 billion light years. The observable Universe has an estimated radius of 46.5 billion light-years (46.5 billion times 6 trillion miles) and seems to contain at least two trillion galaxies. The estimated number of stars (our sun is a medium size star) in these galaxies are 200 billion trillion stars or 200 sextillions, that is 1 followed by 22 zeros.
The people at NASA are overwhelmed with the results which enlargers exponentially the estimates of what the universe contains. However, as brilliant as they are, the astronomers of NASA do not get it. Not only are there 200 billion trillion stars in the universe, but more astonishing is the fact that HaShem knows each one and designates to each one a name, as the pasuk says (Tehillim 147,1-7):
א) הַלְלוּ יָהּ כִּי טוֹב זַמְּרָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ כִּי נָעִים נָאוָה תְהִלָּה:
ב) בּוֹ נֵה יְרוּשָׁלִַם ה’ נִדְחֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל יְכַנֵּס:
ג) הָרֹפֵא לִשְׁבוּרֵי לֵב וּמְחַבֵּשׁ לְעַצְּבוֹתָם:
ד) מוֹנֶה מִסְפָּר לַכּוֹכָבִים לְכֻלָּם שֵׁמוֹת יִקְרָא:
ה) גָּדוֹל אֲדוֹנֵינוּ וְרַב כֹּחַ לִתְבוּנָתוֹ אֵין מִסְפָּר:
ו) מְעוֹדֵד עֲנָוִים ה’ מַשְׁפִּיל רְשָׁעִים עֲדֵי אָרֶץ:
Praise the Lord!
1 How good it is to sing praises to our God, for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting.
2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiled of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
4 He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.
5 Great is our Lord and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.
6 The Lord lifts up the downtrodden; he casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving.
Preparing Ourselves
Tradition teaches that Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) will appear to the Jews before the arrival of the Mashiach in order to prepare our hearts, minds, and our military for the challenges that will accompany this revolutionary period in world history.
The rabbis of the Mishnah concluded that if Eliyahu has to prepare us for this transition then we have to have to be prepared for the appearance of Eliyahu himself. Hence, the last Mishna in tractate Sota reveals what the world will be like prior to Eliyahu, as follows (Mishna, Sota 9:15):
בעקבות משיחא
חוצפא יסגא
ויוקר יאמיר הגפן תתן פריה והיין ביוקר
והמלכות תהפך למינות
ואין תוכחה
בית ועד יהיה לזנות
והגליל יחרב והגבלן ישום
ואנשי הגבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו
וחכמת סופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו
והאמת תהא נעדרת
נערים פני זקנים ילבינו זקנים יעמדו מפני קטנים
בן מנוול אב בת קמה באמה כלה בחמותה
אויבי אדם אנשי ביתו
Translation in bold, followed by explanation:
In the times of the approach of the Messiah,
As we live today on this planet.
Impudence will increase.
Chutzpa expressed by the disrespect of young people to the elderly, unlearned to the scholarly, people to people and nation to nation.
And high costs will pile up.
There will be world-wide inflation where prices skyrocket as money loses its value.
Although the vine shall bring forth its fruit, wine will nevertheless be expensive.
This situation is a negation of the iron clad law of economics where the price of an item is based on supply and demand, that when supply is plentiful, and demand is moderate, prices drop. Today, the supermarkets, car dealerships, vacation spots etc., have readily available inventory, yet prices are continually rising.
And the monarchy shall turn to heresy.
World governments will deny the existence of a Deity.
And there will be no one to give reproof about this.
Corruption will be widespread and taken for granted, to the extent that even a righteous person who would stand up to criticize the situation would be suspected of being corrupt.
The meeting place of the Sages will become a place of promiscuity.
The parliaments and supreme courts will sell their favors for the highest bidder as a harlot.
And the Galilee shall be destroyed, and the Golan will be desolate.
In our own land the upper and lower Galilees will be in a state of destruction because the majority of residents there are now goyim – Moslems, Druze and Christians, and the Golan will be scarcely settled.
And the men of the border shall go round from city to city to seek charity, but they will find no mercy.
There will be millions of refugees in the world who will find no solace.
And the wisdom of scribes will putrefy.
The advice of the great Torah minds will not be heeded
And people who fear sin will be held in disgust.
God fearing observant Jews will be belittled and even hated.
And the truth will be absent.
Life threatening issues will be dealt with the false principles of secular values.
The youth will shame the face of elders, elders will stand before minors.
The progressive ideas of denying all time-honored values will destroy the order of society. Parental respect will be a thing of the past as will respect for one who has merited to reach old age and all time-tested values of what makes up a decent human being.
Normal family relations will be ruined: A son will disgrace a father; a daughter will rise up against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
Destruction of the nuclear family by the abominations, and abhorrence of newly defined gender species causing rife, discontent and doubt on our holy value system.
The face of the generation will be like the face of a dog.
Political leaders will be devoid of compassion just as a dog shows no sympathy or empathy even to those who raised his up.
A son will no longer be ashamed before his father.
The morals of our societies have developed over thousands of years and passed on through the generations, the most sacred of which is the solidarity and respect in family life, and traditions will be denigrated.
And upon what is there for us to rely? Only upon our Father in heaven.
There will be despair, hopelessness, in our ability to remedy the ills of our society and we can look only to HaShem to send His Mashiach to instill normalcy and Godly values in the lives of human beings before we self-destruct.
Sound Familiar?!
The Mashiach will propel the Jewish nation to the forefront in the battle to eliminate those ideas which will be perverting the world and dragging humanity down in the gutter.
Shabbat Shalom,
Chodesh Tov,
Nachman Kahana
Copyright © 5782/2022 Nachman Kahana
Thursday, August 25, 2022
The Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash
by Rav Binny Freedman
Recently at a wedding in LA, the family of the groom decided to daven mincha (and someone immediately asked: ‘Which way is East?’ I was struck by the fact that in Israel no-one asks, ‘Which way is East?’; it’s always ‘Which way is Jerusalem?’ (I recall the first time in Lebanon we prayed facing south; a strange feeling for someone used to praying east, having grown up in NY…)
And of course, it is always powerful to realize that any Jew, praying anywhere in the world faces Israel. And every Jew in Israel always faces Jerusalem, and every Jew in Jerusalem faces the Old City, and every Jew in the Old City prays facing the Temple Mount and specifically the place where the Temple once stood. Why is the Temple so important that even today we still yearn for its rebuilding and pray facing its location?
It is interesting to note that the forerunner of the Temple or Beit HaMikdash, was actually the Tabernacle, also known as the Mishkan. Indeed, it was the Mishkan which accompanied the Jews in the desert for nearly forty years after they left Mount Sinai, and it continued to be the center of Jewish spiritual life in Israel hundreds of years after the Jews entered the land of Israel, at Shiloh.
Indeed, for nearly four hundred years, through the reign of Joshua, throughout the centuries of rule of the Judges and until after the death of King David, there was no Temple, only a Mishkan.
And in the Torah, throughout the books of Shemot, Vayikra and Bamidbar, the Mishkan is mentioned hundreds of times and is one of the focal points of discussion regarding its construction as well as the details of the service and sacrifices meant to be experienced there.
All of which is what makes it so interesting to note that, as noted by Rav Menachem Leibtag, in the book of Devarim, the Mishkan is not mentioned even once! Hundreds of times the Mishkan appears in the books of Shemot, Vayikra and Bamidbar, but appears nowhere in Devarim.
On the other hand, the Torah describes in Devarim again and again the idea of a place chosen by G-d, and although not directly named as the Beit HaMikdash, the phrase:
“HaMakom asher Yivchar Hashem Elokecha…”
literally: ‘The place the Lord your G-d has chosen…’
occurs multiple times in our book of Devarim, and no less than sixteen times in this week’s portion of Re’eh.
So why is the Mishkan no longer mentioned, especially as it will remain the spiritual center of the Jewish people for hundreds of years? And why is the Torah so focused on a place chosen by G-d (which will not actually be ‘chosen’ until the end of the reign of King David (see Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) II: 3:1)
There is an obvious difference between the Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash: the Mishkan was always a temporary structure, whereas the Beit HaMikdash was meant to be permanent.
In fact, one might suggest the Mishkan ideally was never meant to be at all: if the Jews had not transgressed with the Golden Calf, they most probably would have left Sinai directly for Israel where they were most certainly meant to eventually build a permanent center of worship: the Beit HaMikdash.
Indeed Rashi (and many other commentaries) believed the command to build a Mishkan was only the result of the Sin of the Golden Calf; once it became clear the Jews were not headed directly into Israel but would rather be spending longer than anticipated in the desert. They needed a spiritual anchor, a place where they could connect with G-d possibly as a response to what they felt was missing which caused the Golden Calf in the first place. So Hashem (G-d) enjoins them to build a Mishkan which will accompany them on their journeys until such time as they are ready to build a permanent in Jerusalem.
And why did the ideal include such a permanent structure in Israel? Because nothing lasts forever, and we all need a way to recharge our batteries and reconnect. And so, three times a year every Jew was meant to take a break from the incessant grind of life and journey to a place where the presence of Hashem could be more intensely experienced, a place where the entire Jewish people came together, where we re-experienced a yearning for a closer connection with Hashem.
Interestingly, in the book of Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) II: 3:1) when David finally decides to build a permanent Beit HaMikdash (and G-d agrees that the people are ready) the mountain designated by G-d is called Mount Moriah: the exact place of the binding of Isaac.
Rav Soleveitchik suggests that there are two mountains in Judaism, Mount Sinai and Mount Moriah. Mount Sinai was where G-d gave to us; it was at Sinai that we received the ultimate gift from G-d, the Torah. Mount Moriah however is where we were willing to give everything up for G-d; it was in that place Avraham was willing to offer up his son whom he loved more than anything else in the world…
The Temple was to be built in the place that represented our willingness to give; to be partners with G-d in making a better world, and most of all, our willingness to change.
So, it becomes clear why the book of Devarim and especially our portion of Re’eh sees no mention of the Mikdash. This portion is all about the Jewish people readying themselves to enter the land of Israel.
It is where Moshe enjoins the Jewish people, as part of creating a society that will be a role model for the world to remove all idolatrous pagan practice from the land (hard to build an ethical society next-door to people that commit murder, adultery, robbery or are without an ethical system of courts and justice (i.e. the seven Noachide laws…). And part of this is the need for a spiritual center that helps to foster Jewish unity, as well as a National center which will house the Sanhedrin (the High Court).
Thus, the book of Devarim makes clear that the goal is a society and land with Hashem and spirituality at its center, on a permanent basis. Thus, obviously the Mishkan is not the focus here, the Beit HaMikdash is.
We are living in incredible times as physically, the Jewish people are at long last, after two thousand years of wandering, returning home. The largest Jewish community in the world is now in Israel, and very soon the majority of the Jews in the world will be in Israel. And we are witnessing a world-wide debate on whether Jerusalem is really the capital, the center of the Jewish State and the Jewish people. This is not an accident; at stake here is the simple question of whether at our core, we are a people chosen by G-d whose prayers face a place and a mission chosen by G-d.
And as a part of this question, it behooves us as well, on a personal and individual level to ask ourselves what lies at the center of our lives; in what direction is our focus? Are we directing ourselves towards a spiritual goal, or is the center of our lives simply physical? And do we have a place or a space we can retreat to and regular experiences which will allow us to change, to grow to recharge and to experience Hashem and deeper meaning in our lives.
And perhaps the difference between a temporary Mishkan vs. a permanent Mikdash alludes to whether we find a way to make such moments last. This is the question at the heart of this week’s portion of Re’eh: to see, and really to choose, what path our lives will take. Something to think about.
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem.
Recently at a wedding in LA, the family of the groom decided to daven mincha (and someone immediately asked: ‘Which way is East?’ I was struck by the fact that in Israel no-one asks, ‘Which way is East?’; it’s always ‘Which way is Jerusalem?’ (I recall the first time in Lebanon we prayed facing south; a strange feeling for someone used to praying east, having grown up in NY…)
And of course, it is always powerful to realize that any Jew, praying anywhere in the world faces Israel. And every Jew in Israel always faces Jerusalem, and every Jew in Jerusalem faces the Old City, and every Jew in the Old City prays facing the Temple Mount and specifically the place where the Temple once stood. Why is the Temple so important that even today we still yearn for its rebuilding and pray facing its location?
It is interesting to note that the forerunner of the Temple or Beit HaMikdash, was actually the Tabernacle, also known as the Mishkan. Indeed, it was the Mishkan which accompanied the Jews in the desert for nearly forty years after they left Mount Sinai, and it continued to be the center of Jewish spiritual life in Israel hundreds of years after the Jews entered the land of Israel, at Shiloh.
Indeed, for nearly four hundred years, through the reign of Joshua, throughout the centuries of rule of the Judges and until after the death of King David, there was no Temple, only a Mishkan.
And in the Torah, throughout the books of Shemot, Vayikra and Bamidbar, the Mishkan is mentioned hundreds of times and is one of the focal points of discussion regarding its construction as well as the details of the service and sacrifices meant to be experienced there.
All of which is what makes it so interesting to note that, as noted by Rav Menachem Leibtag, in the book of Devarim, the Mishkan is not mentioned even once! Hundreds of times the Mishkan appears in the books of Shemot, Vayikra and Bamidbar, but appears nowhere in Devarim.
On the other hand, the Torah describes in Devarim again and again the idea of a place chosen by G-d, and although not directly named as the Beit HaMikdash, the phrase:
“HaMakom asher Yivchar Hashem Elokecha…”
literally: ‘The place the Lord your G-d has chosen…’
occurs multiple times in our book of Devarim, and no less than sixteen times in this week’s portion of Re’eh.
So why is the Mishkan no longer mentioned, especially as it will remain the spiritual center of the Jewish people for hundreds of years? And why is the Torah so focused on a place chosen by G-d (which will not actually be ‘chosen’ until the end of the reign of King David (see Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) II: 3:1)
There is an obvious difference between the Mishkan and the Beit HaMikdash: the Mishkan was always a temporary structure, whereas the Beit HaMikdash was meant to be permanent.
In fact, one might suggest the Mishkan ideally was never meant to be at all: if the Jews had not transgressed with the Golden Calf, they most probably would have left Sinai directly for Israel where they were most certainly meant to eventually build a permanent center of worship: the Beit HaMikdash.
Indeed Rashi (and many other commentaries) believed the command to build a Mishkan was only the result of the Sin of the Golden Calf; once it became clear the Jews were not headed directly into Israel but would rather be spending longer than anticipated in the desert. They needed a spiritual anchor, a place where they could connect with G-d possibly as a response to what they felt was missing which caused the Golden Calf in the first place. So Hashem (G-d) enjoins them to build a Mishkan which will accompany them on their journeys until such time as they are ready to build a permanent in Jerusalem.
And why did the ideal include such a permanent structure in Israel? Because nothing lasts forever, and we all need a way to recharge our batteries and reconnect. And so, three times a year every Jew was meant to take a break from the incessant grind of life and journey to a place where the presence of Hashem could be more intensely experienced, a place where the entire Jewish people came together, where we re-experienced a yearning for a closer connection with Hashem.
Interestingly, in the book of Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim) II: 3:1) when David finally decides to build a permanent Beit HaMikdash (and G-d agrees that the people are ready) the mountain designated by G-d is called Mount Moriah: the exact place of the binding of Isaac.
Rav Soleveitchik suggests that there are two mountains in Judaism, Mount Sinai and Mount Moriah. Mount Sinai was where G-d gave to us; it was at Sinai that we received the ultimate gift from G-d, the Torah. Mount Moriah however is where we were willing to give everything up for G-d; it was in that place Avraham was willing to offer up his son whom he loved more than anything else in the world…
The Temple was to be built in the place that represented our willingness to give; to be partners with G-d in making a better world, and most of all, our willingness to change.
So, it becomes clear why the book of Devarim and especially our portion of Re’eh sees no mention of the Mikdash. This portion is all about the Jewish people readying themselves to enter the land of Israel.
It is where Moshe enjoins the Jewish people, as part of creating a society that will be a role model for the world to remove all idolatrous pagan practice from the land (hard to build an ethical society next-door to people that commit murder, adultery, robbery or are without an ethical system of courts and justice (i.e. the seven Noachide laws…). And part of this is the need for a spiritual center that helps to foster Jewish unity, as well as a National center which will house the Sanhedrin (the High Court).
Thus, the book of Devarim makes clear that the goal is a society and land with Hashem and spirituality at its center, on a permanent basis. Thus, obviously the Mishkan is not the focus here, the Beit HaMikdash is.
We are living in incredible times as physically, the Jewish people are at long last, after two thousand years of wandering, returning home. The largest Jewish community in the world is now in Israel, and very soon the majority of the Jews in the world will be in Israel. And we are witnessing a world-wide debate on whether Jerusalem is really the capital, the center of the Jewish State and the Jewish people. This is not an accident; at stake here is the simple question of whether at our core, we are a people chosen by G-d whose prayers face a place and a mission chosen by G-d.
And as a part of this question, it behooves us as well, on a personal and individual level to ask ourselves what lies at the center of our lives; in what direction is our focus? Are we directing ourselves towards a spiritual goal, or is the center of our lives simply physical? And do we have a place or a space we can retreat to and regular experiences which will allow us to change, to grow to recharge and to experience Hashem and deeper meaning in our lives.
And perhaps the difference between a temporary Mishkan vs. a permanent Mikdash alludes to whether we find a way to make such moments last. This is the question at the heart of this week’s portion of Re’eh: to see, and really to choose, what path our lives will take. Something to think about.
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem.
The Yishai Fleisher Israel Podcast: High on the Temple Mount
SEASON 2022 EPISODE 34: Just in time for the new month of Elul! Rabbi Yishai Fleisher is ascending the Temple Mount and recording with Dr. Melissa Kronfeld and then going to the Isaac and Rebecca Hall at the Tomb of the Ancestors in Hebron and speaking with Nachman Mostovsky - and finishing off the show with the great Malkah Fleisher!
Israel's control of Judea & Samaria (West Bank) – US interests?
by Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
*Has Israel's control of the mountain ridges of Judea & Samaria enhanced or injured US interests?
Will the proposed Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria boost or undermine US interests?
*During the October 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty ceremony, top Jordanian military officers warned their Israeli counterparts that a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River would doom the pro-US Hashemite regime east of the River, transforming Jordan into a uncontrollable terrorist heaven, haunting the highly vulnerable pro-US regimes of the oil-producing Arab Gulf states, as well as the pro-US Egypt.
*In June 1967, Israel gained control over the topographically-dominant mountain ridges of the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria, in a preemptive war against Egypt-Syria-Jordan, which dramatically enhanced its posture of deterrence.
Israel was transformed from a violence-inducing national security-consumer to a violence-deterring national security-producer, evolving into a unique force-multiplier for the US, constraining the maneuverability of anti-US rogue entities.
*The mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria - 3,000 ft. above the Jordan Valley and 2,000 ft. above pre-1967 Israel – play a major role in determining the survival of Israel, the pro-US Hashemite regime in Jordan and Jordan's neighbors in the Arabian Peninsula.
*Israel's control of Judea and Samaria has eliminated much of the threat (to Jordan) of a Judea and Samaria-based Palestinian terrorism and has deterred domestic and regional anti-Hashemite elements.
*For example, in 2022, the Iranian-inspired tension along the Syria-Jordan border – from the Golan Heights to Iraq - is intensifying. It features Iranian-made drones and cyberattacks on Jordan, as well as an increasing infiltration by Syria-based Iranian terrorists, arms smugglers and drug traffickers. Iran's Ayatollahs aim at toppling the Hashemite regime, extending their reach toward the Mediterranean, undermining the US' strategic posture in the Middle East, and intensifying the lethal threat to Israel and Saudi Arabia (Jordan's southern neighbor).
*Jordan may not be able to face the escalated Iranian threat on its own. While it does not rely on an effective US or Arab military deployment, it perceives Israel as its only proven ally, which has systematically flexed its military muscle against Iran. Moreover, Israel's posture of deterrence emboldens Jordan, in the face of the Iranian threat, as it did in prior threats posed to the Hashemite regime from the Syrian front.
*For instance, on September 18, 1970, the pro-USSR Syria invaded the vulnerable, pro-US Jordan in an attempt to topple the Hashemite regime, which was entangled in a civil war against Palestinian terrorist organizations. A successful invasion would trigger an anti-US domino scenario throughout the Arabian Peninsula, at a time when the US was heavily dependent upon Persian Gulf oil.
*However, the invasion was rolled back on September 23, largely, due to Israel’s posture of deterrence, which emboldened the Jordanian military and deterred Syria.
Israel would not possess such pro-US strategic clout, if it were not in control of the Golan Heights and the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria.
*Israel’s posture of deterrence spared the US the need to deploy its own troops, in order to avoid an economic and national security blow. It denied the USSR a strategic bonanza.
*An Israeli retreat from the overpowering mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria – back to the pre-1967, 8-15-mile sliver along the Mediterranean - would obliterate Israel's posture of deterrence and deny the US a major force-multiplier. It would transform Jordan’s western border (with the proposed Palestinian state) into the straw that would break the Hashemite back, converting Jordan into a platform of anti-US global Islamic terrorism in the mold of Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, intensifying the threat to all pro-US Arab regimes.
*The impact of the proposed Palestinian state on the region and US interests is most credibly assessed against the backdrop of the Palestinian track record:
--The intra-Arab Palestinian track record of subversion and terrorism against Egypt (1950s), Syria (1960s), Jordan (1970), Lebanon (1970s) and Kuwait (1990).
--The close Palestinian ties with Nazi Germany, the USSR, Moslem Brotherhood terrorists, European and Latin American terrorist organizations, Iran's Ayatollahs, Saddam Hussein, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
--And, the Palestinian reaction to the unprecedented Israeli concessions of 1993 (relocating the PLO leadership and 100,000 Palestinian terrorists to Gaza, Judea & Samaria; retreating from 40% of Judea & Samaria; offering to retreat to the pre-1967 lines) and 2005 (uprooting all Jewish communities and IDF presence from Gaza): unprecedented hate-education, mosque incitement, terrorism, glorification of homicide bombers, the systematic violation of commitments, the oppression of Palestinians and forcing a massive flight of Christians.
Based on its well-documented track record (rather than speculative, future track record), the proposed Palestinian state would be a rogue entity, adding fuel to the Middle East fire, adversely affecting the US economy and national security, adding an anti-US vote at the UN, and enhancing Russia's, China's and Iran's strategic foothold in the critical intersection of Europe-Asia-Africa between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
Since leopards don’t change spots - only tactics – therefore, the proposed Palestinian state, on the one hand, and US values and national security interests, on the other hand, constitutes a classic oxymoron!
*Has Israel's control of the mountain ridges of Judea & Samaria enhanced or injured US interests?
Will the proposed Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria boost or undermine US interests?
*During the October 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty ceremony, top Jordanian military officers warned their Israeli counterparts that a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River would doom the pro-US Hashemite regime east of the River, transforming Jordan into a uncontrollable terrorist heaven, haunting the highly vulnerable pro-US regimes of the oil-producing Arab Gulf states, as well as the pro-US Egypt.
*In June 1967, Israel gained control over the topographically-dominant mountain ridges of the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria, in a preemptive war against Egypt-Syria-Jordan, which dramatically enhanced its posture of deterrence.
Israel was transformed from a violence-inducing national security-consumer to a violence-deterring national security-producer, evolving into a unique force-multiplier for the US, constraining the maneuverability of anti-US rogue entities.
*The mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria - 3,000 ft. above the Jordan Valley and 2,000 ft. above pre-1967 Israel – play a major role in determining the survival of Israel, the pro-US Hashemite regime in Jordan and Jordan's neighbors in the Arabian Peninsula.
*Israel's control of Judea and Samaria has eliminated much of the threat (to Jordan) of a Judea and Samaria-based Palestinian terrorism and has deterred domestic and regional anti-Hashemite elements.
*For example, in 2022, the Iranian-inspired tension along the Syria-Jordan border – from the Golan Heights to Iraq - is intensifying. It features Iranian-made drones and cyberattacks on Jordan, as well as an increasing infiltration by Syria-based Iranian terrorists, arms smugglers and drug traffickers. Iran's Ayatollahs aim at toppling the Hashemite regime, extending their reach toward the Mediterranean, undermining the US' strategic posture in the Middle East, and intensifying the lethal threat to Israel and Saudi Arabia (Jordan's southern neighbor).
*Jordan may not be able to face the escalated Iranian threat on its own. While it does not rely on an effective US or Arab military deployment, it perceives Israel as its only proven ally, which has systematically flexed its military muscle against Iran. Moreover, Israel's posture of deterrence emboldens Jordan, in the face of the Iranian threat, as it did in prior threats posed to the Hashemite regime from the Syrian front.
*For instance, on September 18, 1970, the pro-USSR Syria invaded the vulnerable, pro-US Jordan in an attempt to topple the Hashemite regime, which was entangled in a civil war against Palestinian terrorist organizations. A successful invasion would trigger an anti-US domino scenario throughout the Arabian Peninsula, at a time when the US was heavily dependent upon Persian Gulf oil.
*However, the invasion was rolled back on September 23, largely, due to Israel’s posture of deterrence, which emboldened the Jordanian military and deterred Syria.
Israel would not possess such pro-US strategic clout, if it were not in control of the Golan Heights and the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria.
*Israel’s posture of deterrence spared the US the need to deploy its own troops, in order to avoid an economic and national security blow. It denied the USSR a strategic bonanza.
*An Israeli retreat from the overpowering mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria – back to the pre-1967, 8-15-mile sliver along the Mediterranean - would obliterate Israel's posture of deterrence and deny the US a major force-multiplier. It would transform Jordan’s western border (with the proposed Palestinian state) into the straw that would break the Hashemite back, converting Jordan into a platform of anti-US global Islamic terrorism in the mold of Libya, Yemen, Iraq and Syria, intensifying the threat to all pro-US Arab regimes.
*The impact of the proposed Palestinian state on the region and US interests is most credibly assessed against the backdrop of the Palestinian track record:
--The intra-Arab Palestinian track record of subversion and terrorism against Egypt (1950s), Syria (1960s), Jordan (1970), Lebanon (1970s) and Kuwait (1990).
--The close Palestinian ties with Nazi Germany, the USSR, Moslem Brotherhood terrorists, European and Latin American terrorist organizations, Iran's Ayatollahs, Saddam Hussein, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
--And, the Palestinian reaction to the unprecedented Israeli concessions of 1993 (relocating the PLO leadership and 100,000 Palestinian terrorists to Gaza, Judea & Samaria; retreating from 40% of Judea & Samaria; offering to retreat to the pre-1967 lines) and 2005 (uprooting all Jewish communities and IDF presence from Gaza): unprecedented hate-education, mosque incitement, terrorism, glorification of homicide bombers, the systematic violation of commitments, the oppression of Palestinians and forcing a massive flight of Christians.
Based on its well-documented track record (rather than speculative, future track record), the proposed Palestinian state would be a rogue entity, adding fuel to the Middle East fire, adversely affecting the US economy and national security, adding an anti-US vote at the UN, and enhancing Russia's, China's and Iran's strategic foothold in the critical intersection of Europe-Asia-Africa between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
Since leopards don’t change spots - only tactics – therefore, the proposed Palestinian state, on the one hand, and US values and national security interests, on the other hand, constitutes a classic oxymoron!
“G-d lovingly chooses His people Israel”
by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir
Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook was the faithful seer and shepherd of the nation during the generation of national rebirth. Next week, on the 3rd of Elul, 87 years ago, his lefty, illuminating soul ascended on high.
Rav Kook related to the crisis of Jews abandoning religion in our generation, and he dealt with how to unite the nation and bring them closer to their roots, as well as how to forge a direct path through the tangle of relations between the religious and irreligious. He taught that first, we have to delve deeply to clarify Israel’s essence, its strengths, and special points. We have to distinguish between Israel’s having chosen G-d, and Israel’s inherent specialness.
Regarding that specialness, it is an inheritance from the patriarchs and based also on G-d’s having chosen them from all the nations. As it says, “You are children of the L-rd your G-d…. You are a nation consecrated to the L-rd your G-d. G-d has chosen you from all nations on the face of the earth to be His own special nation” (Devarim 14:1-2). Rashi comments, “Your own sanctity extends from your forefathers. In addition, G-d has chosen you.” Moreover, Rav Kook writes, “The living light of G-d burns and shines within every single Jew” (Orot Yisrael 9:6).
As Rebbe Meir said, “‘You are children of the L-rd your G-d’: One way or the other, you are called sons. Even when you are foolish, even when you don't believe; even when you worship idols.” As the Prophet Hoshea said, “Instead of their being told: ‘You are not My people,” they shall be told, ‘You are the children of the living G-d’” (Hoshea 2:1; Kiddushin 36).
By contrast, our choosing G-d depends on our doing good deeds and learning Torah. The situation in this regard can change from generation to generation, and from person to person. Yet it will not change in the least the fact that we are sons of the L-rd our G-d. He chooses us in every place and every time with love, as we say in our prayers, “G-d lovingly chooses His people Israel.”
Today, in our generation, the generation of rebirth, of the footsteps of Mashiach, the power of the specialness of the Jewish people is growing stronger and stronger. More and more, the covenant of the patriarchs is being revealed, and that covenant never ceases. The contents of the prayer, “G-d remembers the patriarchs’ loyalty, and he brings a redeemer to their children's children for the sake of His name, lovingly” is being revealed for all to see, through the ingathering of the exiles, and through the rebuilding of our country, which is developing more and more at great strides.
It is true from the point of view of Israel’s choosing G-d there are some Jews who are blighted by evil deeds and views. Yet they will change and will once more choose goodness, with G-d's help, and there is no good but Torah. As Rav Kook said:
“Loving our fellow Jew is a byproduct of our faith in the divine light of the Jewish people. That light is an inherent characteristic that will never leave the Jewish people. Despite all the vicissitudes of time, it will just become stronger in our midst... Most of all, this lofty love has to be aroused amongst the spiritual elite, at a time when the nation's spiritual level is declining, when everything holy is being trampled and religion is being ridiculed. At this time, that spiritual elite must make every effort to discern that despite everything, Israel's spiritual strengths are still enormous. They must gaze at the inner light that penetrates the spirit of the entire nation. That inner light also abides within every individual Jewish soul openly or in secret, and even in a person who has withdrawn far from G-d's path.” (Orot Yisrael 4:2)
Looking forward to salvation.
With Love of Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Chodesh Tov.
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir
Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook was the faithful seer and shepherd of the nation during the generation of national rebirth. Next week, on the 3rd of Elul, 87 years ago, his lefty, illuminating soul ascended on high.
Rav Kook related to the crisis of Jews abandoning religion in our generation, and he dealt with how to unite the nation and bring them closer to their roots, as well as how to forge a direct path through the tangle of relations between the religious and irreligious. He taught that first, we have to delve deeply to clarify Israel’s essence, its strengths, and special points. We have to distinguish between Israel’s having chosen G-d, and Israel’s inherent specialness.
Regarding that specialness, it is an inheritance from the patriarchs and based also on G-d’s having chosen them from all the nations. As it says, “You are children of the L-rd your G-d…. You are a nation consecrated to the L-rd your G-d. G-d has chosen you from all nations on the face of the earth to be His own special nation” (Devarim 14:1-2). Rashi comments, “Your own sanctity extends from your forefathers. In addition, G-d has chosen you.” Moreover, Rav Kook writes, “The living light of G-d burns and shines within every single Jew” (Orot Yisrael 9:6).
As Rebbe Meir said, “‘You are children of the L-rd your G-d’: One way or the other, you are called sons. Even when you are foolish, even when you don't believe; even when you worship idols.” As the Prophet Hoshea said, “Instead of their being told: ‘You are not My people,” they shall be told, ‘You are the children of the living G-d’” (Hoshea 2:1; Kiddushin 36).
By contrast, our choosing G-d depends on our doing good deeds and learning Torah. The situation in this regard can change from generation to generation, and from person to person. Yet it will not change in the least the fact that we are sons of the L-rd our G-d. He chooses us in every place and every time with love, as we say in our prayers, “G-d lovingly chooses His people Israel.”
Today, in our generation, the generation of rebirth, of the footsteps of Mashiach, the power of the specialness of the Jewish people is growing stronger and stronger. More and more, the covenant of the patriarchs is being revealed, and that covenant never ceases. The contents of the prayer, “G-d remembers the patriarchs’ loyalty, and he brings a redeemer to their children's children for the sake of His name, lovingly” is being revealed for all to see, through the ingathering of the exiles, and through the rebuilding of our country, which is developing more and more at great strides.
It is true from the point of view of Israel’s choosing G-d there are some Jews who are blighted by evil deeds and views. Yet they will change and will once more choose goodness, with G-d's help, and there is no good but Torah. As Rav Kook said:
“Loving our fellow Jew is a byproduct of our faith in the divine light of the Jewish people. That light is an inherent characteristic that will never leave the Jewish people. Despite all the vicissitudes of time, it will just become stronger in our midst... Most of all, this lofty love has to be aroused amongst the spiritual elite, at a time when the nation's spiritual level is declining, when everything holy is being trampled and religion is being ridiculed. At this time, that spiritual elite must make every effort to discern that despite everything, Israel's spiritual strengths are still enormous. They must gaze at the inner light that penetrates the spirit of the entire nation. That inner light also abides within every individual Jewish soul openly or in secret, and even in a person who has withdrawn far from G-d's path.” (Orot Yisrael 4:2)
Looking forward to salvation.
With Love of Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Chodesh Tov.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
The Shamrak Report: No Justification Must be Given by Israel and more...
Israeli security forces, including the IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Border Police closed down seven institutions that had ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), including six that Defense Minister Benny Gantz previously declared as terrorist organizations.
Last month, nine European countries published a joint statement in which they announced that they would continue to cooperate with the six organizations, citing that Israel did not present evidence that would justify the change of policy towards them. ( Have European anti-Semites given any justification for financial, diplomatic and moral support they provided to terrorists - enemies of Israel?)
A UN spokesperson said that the UN was studying the Israeli raids and that the world body had expressed concern last year after Israel s designation of the groups as terror organizations. ('Ugly Nazi - the biggest anti-Israel organization - can't miss an opportunity for studying any situation In Israel.)
Washington expresses concern after security force raids offices of groups Israel claims aid terrorists. The UN also slams Israel, saying there was no credible evidence to support the Israeli accusations. (Israel is the sovereign state and this is an internal security issue! Has the US's DOJ provided to the world justification on what basis the FBI raided President Trump's home?)
Food for Thought
by Steven Shamrak
It is quite disturbing when Zionist Jews - people who support reunification of Jewish ancestral land and ending enemy terror - are characterised as "extremists", "ultra-nationalists" or "right-wingers". It is even more disappointing to hear fellow Jews using these terms.
Hezbollah Chief Vows Escalation
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened an escalation if Lebanon does not get what it wants in the US-mediated maritime border negotiations with Israel. If the Lebanese state is not given what it wants, we will be heading to an escalation, even if the (Iranian) nuclear agreement gets signed, Nasrallah said. (He has forgotten already what Israel did to the Islamic Jihad leaders recently. Israel should not negotiate bogus territorial claims made by enemies. No such claim was made before Israel discovered the gas fields.)
Turkey and Israel Unholy Marriage of Convenience
Israel and Turkey have decided to restore full diplomatic ties and will return ambassadors to each other's countries. In 2018, Turkey recalled its ambassador to Israel after deadly protests on the Gaza border and then-US President Donald Trump moved Washington's embassy to Jerusalem. Turkey is grappling with an inflation rate above 70% and is seeking foreign investment. For its part, Israel views Turkey as a strong player that can counterbalance Iran's influence in the region (and Syria). (Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already invited Mahmoud Abbas to visit to Turkey.)
Cyprus to Acquire Iron Dome
Cyprus has reached a deal to purchase from Israel the Iron Dome missile defense system. The Cypriot National Guard insisted on acquiring Iron Dome to meet its operational demands - growing concern in Cyprus over Turkish aggression, amid ongoing tensions over contested gas deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish forces invaded Cyprus in 1974; nine years later, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which controls the north-eastern section of the island nation, declared independence. (So-called Northern Cyprus is actually occupied territory! The UN, Ugly Nazi, does not give it the same consideration it gives to fake Palestinians.)
Did Israel Hit IRGC s Base in Yemen?
Gulf Arab intelligence sources reported that the third target attacked by Israel was the Al Hafa military base on the Naqam Mountain west of the Yemen capital of Sanaa, taking place on Aug. 7, the day before the IDF launched the Gaza operation against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Al Hafa is a key base maintained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Lebanese Hizballah in Houthi insurgent-held territory of Yemen. It also serves as home for the IRGC s attack drone fleet. Yemeni officials claimed that an exploding ballistic missile caused the damage. According to the same Gulf sources, an Israeli air strike took place, killing 10 people, including at least 6 IRGC and Hizballah personnel. Most of the facility was levelled in the strike and subsequent explosions finished off many of the surrounding buildings. (Was it a message to Iran and the Western friends ?)
PA's UN Membership Stunt
The PA mission at the United Nations is once more pushing for full member status, but the effort will fail as in times past. They tried it twice, once in 2009 and once in 2012. Every resolution that the EU adopts calls for the parties to come back to negotiations, according to the Oslo Accords, said Baker, former Israeli Ambassador to Canada. This is no more than a pure PR stunt, which the Palestinians try to pull every few years, when they feel the international community is not giving them the attention they believe they deserve, said Ostrovsky, a human-rights attorney.
The 'Ugly Nazi' does not Tolerate Support for Israel
Sarah Muscroft has been forced to step down as head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the PA after a tweet condemning Islamic Jihad rocket attacks on Israel during Operation Breaking Dawn , posting a tweet "indiscriminate rocket fire of Islamic Jihad provoking Israel retaliation". She has been demoted even after she published a retraction.
Israel s War on Crime in Arab Sector
In the 10 months since the operation Safe Route" began 10 months ago police have seized around 600 weapons, and 2,083 suspects in total were arrested. Throughout the country 256 combined enforcement operations were carried out in cooperation with the various government ministries.
Quote of the Week:
"As prime minister, I refused to meet Abu Mazen (Abbas - ed.) or to proceed in any negotiations with him, even under internal and external pressure. A 'partner' who denies the Holocaust, persecutes our soldiers in Hague, and pays salaries for terrorists, is not a partner." - Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel - Abbas is terrorist, anti-Semite and Holocaust denier.
The US Concessions to Iran
(source Debka)
The evolving nuclear deal with Iran would absolve sanctions from foreign firms doing business with the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). This is a major US concession given that the IRGC controls most branches of Iran s economy.
Other concessions:
1. Iran gains another decade to continue developing its nuclear program.
2. Iran agreed to stop using its high-speed centrifuges for uranium enrichment but will be allowed to keep them on site and connected to the electrical current, ready to restart.
3. When the new deal is signed, President Biden will annul ex-president Trump s directive to quit the first nuclear accord.
4. The deal contains 21 US guarantees committing never again to leave the accord.
5. Tehran will have 60 days after signing to verify the lifting of sanctions on its oil exports and the release of its frozen accounts in Western banks.
6. Should the US again seek to exit the accord; Iran will be granted three years grace before sanctions are re-imposed.
The press reports cover only that the draft of the nuclear deal agreement proposed by the European Union does not include Iran s demand to delist the IRGC as a terrorist organization. (Anything goes - just to let an enemy of Israel to obtain nuclear arms capability, and stop Israel from preventing it.)
It is quite disturbing when Zionist Jews - people who support reunification of Jewish ancestral land and ending enemy terror - are characterised as "extremists", "ultra-nationalists" or "right-wingers". It is even more disappointing to hear fellow Jews using these terms.
Hezbollah Chief Vows Escalation
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened an escalation if Lebanon does not get what it wants in the US-mediated maritime border negotiations with Israel. If the Lebanese state is not given what it wants, we will be heading to an escalation, even if the (Iranian) nuclear agreement gets signed, Nasrallah said. (He has forgotten already what Israel did to the Islamic Jihad leaders recently. Israel should not negotiate bogus territorial claims made by enemies. No such claim was made before Israel discovered the gas fields.)
Turkey and Israel Unholy Marriage of Convenience
Israel and Turkey have decided to restore full diplomatic ties and will return ambassadors to each other's countries. In 2018, Turkey recalled its ambassador to Israel after deadly protests on the Gaza border and then-US President Donald Trump moved Washington's embassy to Jerusalem. Turkey is grappling with an inflation rate above 70% and is seeking foreign investment. For its part, Israel views Turkey as a strong player that can counterbalance Iran's influence in the region (and Syria). (Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already invited Mahmoud Abbas to visit to Turkey.)
Cyprus to Acquire Iron Dome
Cyprus has reached a deal to purchase from Israel the Iron Dome missile defense system. The Cypriot National Guard insisted on acquiring Iron Dome to meet its operational demands - growing concern in Cyprus over Turkish aggression, amid ongoing tensions over contested gas deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkish forces invaded Cyprus in 1974; nine years later, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which controls the north-eastern section of the island nation, declared independence. (So-called Northern Cyprus is actually occupied territory! The UN, Ugly Nazi, does not give it the same consideration it gives to fake Palestinians.)
Did Israel Hit IRGC s Base in Yemen?
Gulf Arab intelligence sources reported that the third target attacked by Israel was the Al Hafa military base on the Naqam Mountain west of the Yemen capital of Sanaa, taking place on Aug. 7, the day before the IDF launched the Gaza operation against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Al Hafa is a key base maintained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and the Lebanese Hizballah in Houthi insurgent-held territory of Yemen. It also serves as home for the IRGC s attack drone fleet. Yemeni officials claimed that an exploding ballistic missile caused the damage. According to the same Gulf sources, an Israeli air strike took place, killing 10 people, including at least 6 IRGC and Hizballah personnel. Most of the facility was levelled in the strike and subsequent explosions finished off many of the surrounding buildings. (Was it a message to Iran and the Western friends ?)
PA's UN Membership Stunt
The PA mission at the United Nations is once more pushing for full member status, but the effort will fail as in times past. They tried it twice, once in 2009 and once in 2012. Every resolution that the EU adopts calls for the parties to come back to negotiations, according to the Oslo Accords, said Baker, former Israeli Ambassador to Canada. This is no more than a pure PR stunt, which the Palestinians try to pull every few years, when they feel the international community is not giving them the attention they believe they deserve, said Ostrovsky, a human-rights attorney.
The 'Ugly Nazi' does not Tolerate Support for Israel
Sarah Muscroft has been forced to step down as head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the PA after a tweet condemning Islamic Jihad rocket attacks on Israel during Operation Breaking Dawn , posting a tweet "indiscriminate rocket fire of Islamic Jihad provoking Israel retaliation". She has been demoted even after she published a retraction.
Israel s War on Crime in Arab Sector
In the 10 months since the operation Safe Route" began 10 months ago police have seized around 600 weapons, and 2,083 suspects in total were arrested. Throughout the country 256 combined enforcement operations were carried out in cooperation with the various government ministries.
Quote of the Week:
"As prime minister, I refused to meet Abu Mazen (Abbas - ed.) or to proceed in any negotiations with him, even under internal and external pressure. A 'partner' who denies the Holocaust, persecutes our soldiers in Hague, and pays salaries for terrorists, is not a partner." - Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel - Abbas is terrorist, anti-Semite and Holocaust denier.
The US Concessions to Iran
(source Debka)
The evolving nuclear deal with Iran would absolve sanctions from foreign firms doing business with the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). This is a major US concession given that the IRGC controls most branches of Iran s economy.
Other concessions:
1. Iran gains another decade to continue developing its nuclear program.
2. Iran agreed to stop using its high-speed centrifuges for uranium enrichment but will be allowed to keep them on site and connected to the electrical current, ready to restart.
3. When the new deal is signed, President Biden will annul ex-president Trump s directive to quit the first nuclear accord.
4. The deal contains 21 US guarantees committing never again to leave the accord.
5. Tehran will have 60 days after signing to verify the lifting of sanctions on its oil exports and the release of its frozen accounts in Western banks.
6. Should the US again seek to exit the accord; Iran will be granted three years grace before sanctions are re-imposed.
The press reports cover only that the draft of the nuclear deal agreement proposed by the European Union does not include Iran s demand to delist the IRGC as a terrorist organization. (Anything goes - just to let an enemy of Israel to obtain nuclear arms capability, and stop Israel from preventing it.)
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