Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chareidi = Apostate?

By Jason Gold

If there was any doubt about the complete failure and dysfunction of the so-called Torah political leadership of Israel and its total inability to lead this nation and turn it into a true Jewish state, those doubts were put to rest by the statements of Yahadut HaTorah MK Avraham Ravitch last week. While commenting on the pathetic negotiations between Olmert (empty suit) designate Tzipi Livni and Shas and Yahadut HaTorah to join her unholy coalition, MK Ravitch stated "We are not like Shas that says it worries about all of Israel - we worry about the Torah world."

And there you have it. What MK Ravitch has clarified is that we Chareidim really don’t give a damn about Israel as a nation. All we care about is money. Money for our yeshivas, money for putting more rabbis on the streets, money for maintaining people learning in yeshiva with large families in a welfare state even if they really can’t learn well, but we would rather do that than actually try to give them job skills, lest we lose control of them, so that even if they can’t be the next “Gedolei HaDor”, we could at least say we are making a case for “Torah U’mada”. Even HaRav Moshe Feinstein, ZTK”L, in his Igros clearly states that not everyone is cut out to sit and learn. We really don’t care as, as previous Chareidi rabbeim have stated, whether we need a passport to reach the “kosel” or my yeshiva. And don’t think Shas is any better. No, they are just the flip side of the same coin. Ravitch should be praised for at least being correct in that Shas pretends to care about the whole country, including Jerusalem, but in reality they are exactly the same as Yahadut.

What we are seeing is a complete warping and distortion of Torah values to the point of where Ravitch/Yishai et al are actually Kofrim (apostates) on the highest levels. You think not? Consider then that anyone who ignores a Torah principle deliberately and repeatedly is branded a “Kofer B’ikar.” Is it possible that learned men such as Ravitch and Yishai have never heard of “kol yisrael areivim zeh et zeh?” If they find it so easy to ignore that fundamental principle, what else can they ignore? Let’s forget the Chillul HaShem aspect and how they inspire sinat chinum in the Chiloni population. How can they have sat in and enabled governments that allowed the disengagement from Gush Katif, that would allow the division of Jerusalem, the give away of the Golan, Yesha etc? How can they have sat by and not have said a word when the eight boys from Mercaz HaRav yeshiva were murdered thanks to policies the governments that they have sat in promulgated? Oh yes, that’s right; these were boys in a Tzioni yeshiva, not affiliated with Shas or Yahadut.

I remember a shiur given by Rav Zev Leff, shlita, when a member of his kehilla who was ill insisted on fasting on Yom Kippur even though Rav Leff told him not to. Rav Leff told this man he was guilty of Avoda Zara. After the man recovered from his shock, Rav Leff pointed out that anyone who elevates/worships one aspect of the Torah incorrectly (in this case Yom Kippur over Bikuach Nefesh), is guilty of Avoda Zara. Do you get the hint, Avraham, Eli? I know there are chareidim out there that are disgusted by this, but if your constituents remain silent without giving tochacha, then they are as culpable in all of this as you. Yet, there is hope as the Chareidi/Shas youth are seeing the inherent corruption of their leadership and moving towards a different orientation. An orientation based on real faith-based leadership for a true Jewish State.

It is clearer than ever that Israel needs true faith-based leadership without the burden of the extortion of the so-called religious parties. Leadership without a “galut” or "alta heim" mentality. Leadership that will allow for Torah learning without a gun pointed at the state’s head. Leadership that will be non-coercive and not worry about which airlines Chareidim should fly and whether El Al should fly on Shabbat or any other useless so-called “Shabbat Laws”. It is time to stop the Chillul HaShem, the Boosha, the Avoda Zara and the spilling of Jewish blood caused by these so-called religious parties. It is time for leadership that stands up the Arab authorities on Har Habayit in an inspiring display of faith. It is time that on the next occasion you Chareidi/Shas look in the mirror please do a lot more than adjust that black hat or strommel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ure worthless u think ure soo cool hiding behind ure computer screen showing ure "leadership skills" shame on feiglin that he lets u write on his site go hate on a whole segment of the jewish people that prioritize learning torah! better then really doing real intitiatives to bring food to hungry people go run and try to get interviews and talk abt how ure gonna bomb the arabs and the jews that are "too jewish" for u why dont u go back to gardening in israel and stop writing ure bad at it and have too much hate and very little creativity and have u ever spent shabbos with charedim u have noo sense of growth why dont u read the chumash again