By Moshe Feiglin

The truth is that the elites have nothing to fear. There is one thing that the old guard kibbutzniks had that the Religious Zionists lack: Leadership mentality. The settlers simply do not want to lead. They do not believe in their Torah as much as the socialists of the Second Aliyah believed in their own ideology. When the poetess Rachel tended the geese on the kibbutz, she dreamt of rectifying the world as per the socialist dream. She had Katznelson and Ben Gurion to lead the revolution.
The settlers may tend to their goats, but they leave rectification of the world to G-d and leadership to Bibi and Barak. Have you ever heard a settler admit in a media interview that he wants to be prime minister? Adir Zik z"l once explained it as a "manufacturing defect" in the collective settlement psyche that prevents the settlers from striving for nothing more than the number two slot. First they had their 'historic covenant' with the Labor party and today it is their disgraceful adoration of Bibi.
The elites cannot understand this strange behavior and they fear the Religious Zionists. But Bibi is smarter. He is not afraid of the Religious Zionist revolution. He knows that they will never vie for his prime ministerial seat. He has nothing to fear from them. But he does fear the bluebloods. To protect his position, he sacrifices the nationalists to the elites, knowing full well that as soon as he stops destroying settlements - he's finished. That is why Sharon carried out the Expulsion. And that is why Bibi has decreed a building freeze.
Slowly but surely, the emperor with no clothes marches on. First he destroys an empty container on a hilltop. Then a cabin populated by a group of boys. Now, half of the IDF forces in Judea and Samaria are busy chasing after Jewish settlement activity.
"The emperor has no clothes!" shouts the Jewish boy at his swearing-in ceremony - intolerable, indeed. Emperors do not like it when people point to their failings. Quiet refusal to obey orders is much less effective than making a public statement. From the overwhelming condemnation of the soldiers who dared refuse we can deduce how effective this spontaneous, honest and true declaration was.
Israel's Channel 10 interviews newly inducted Golani soldiers. Not one of them wears a kippah on his head. But not one of them is willing to drive Jews from their homes, either. "This is the influence of the sign bearers," the reporter explains. And that is very logical. Because after the boy points out that the emperor has no clothes, the dam bursts and suddenly everyone dares to connect between what they see and what their hearts feel.
It seems that Netanyahu will have no choice but to forgo his grandiose Gush Katif style expulsion plan. Without soldiers to expel the Jews, he will be forced to simply abandon them. It is Charles de Gaulle's Algerian plan, Israeli style. The ten month freeze is just a stage in the plan.
Netanyahu is planning another big bang. Like his predecessor, Sharon, he too plans to defect from the Likud and the Feiglinites who get in his way. He will join forces with Ehud Barak, Shaul Mofaz and their ilk and lead an IDF retreat from Judea and Samaria with no expulsion. The settlers can choose to become refugees in what is left of the State of Israel or to face Israeli weapons in the hands of Hamas and Fatah. Whatever they prefer.
Once again, the Jewish majority will be neutralized and Israel will be sucked into the black hole called "The Center," backed by the media, the justice system and all the other tools at the disposal of the elites.
How can all of this happen? Because we never gave the large Jewish majority - the majority that always votes Right and gets Left - a Jewish alternative to lead it.
There is one Religious Zionist, though, who Bibi does fear. In fact, he is so afraid of him that he preferred to lead his party from sure victory to a glorious defeat at the hands of Kadimah - as long as that man would not be on the Likud Knesset roster.
He is so afraid, that just like in Harry Potter, it is forbidden to say his name. We will respect that, and not mention his name, either.
This Religious Zionist is a serious hitch on the Religious Zionist production line. He insists on running for leadership of the Likud and of the nation.
"I am afraid of Feiglin," wrote a professor in Ha'aretz during the Zo Artzeinu days, "because he thinks like a leftist." The fear displayed by Netanyahu and the Left is resounding proof that the faith-based alternative is true and potentially triumphant.
All that you need to do to make their fears come true is to join. Register for the Likud through Manhigut Yehudit, come to our annual dinner and participate in Manhigut Yehudit activities. Only faith-based leadership can save Israel from the impending catastrophe.
The Religious Zionists believed in Begin and got Yamit. They believed in Shamir and got Madrid and the PLO. They believed in Sharon and got the Expulsion. They continued to believe in Bibi, Bogi and Begin and got the building freeze.
There is a solution. It is Jewish leadership. And it is in our hands.
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