Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Social Insecurity

By Moshe Feiglin

Editor's note: Several weeks ago, Moshe Silman set himself alight at a 'social justice' protest. Silman was in debt to Israel's social security and his truck, which was the means of his livelihood, was confiscated by the agency as a result. Silman eventually died of his wounds, but the debate over social justice rages on. 

More than anything else, Moshe Silman was killed by 'social justice.' Who confiscated his truck and for what purpose? Social Security: the fulfillment of the dreams of the social protesters. What is Social Security if not the mechanism established by the State to ensure 'social justice'? It is an institution authorized to take from the 'haves' and give to the 'have-nots'. And from whom will the Institute for Social Justice take if not from the owner of a moving company? And to whom will it give the value of the truck? To the tycoons? Of course not. It will give to the have-nots, or to those who know how to hide what they have.

The story of the Institute for Social Justice and the truck of the 'tycoon' Moshe Silman is the precise story of socialism. It is a flashing warning sign for everyone who has fallen captive to the charms of the social justice movement.

They want many more institutions for social justice and many more Moshe Silmans from whom these institutions can confiscate their only source of livelihood. Most important of all, they want many more poor people who will justify the existence of more and more institutes for social justice. Let Israel turn into one big commune, and be finished with it.

When tycoon Arcady Gaydamak erected a tent city for the victims of Olmert's War of Convergence, the 'social' defense minister, Amir Peretz, bellowed at him: "We will not let you take over our poverty!"

Poverty is an asset. Public outrage over it can be directed at those who open businesses, produce jobs and income and pay taxes. Then more and more social justice mechanisms can be established. More and more income producing property is stolen from more and more Moshe Silmans, poverty is translated into political fortune and the new social justice warriors are born. The productive segment of society shrinks, poverty grows and those with the means to produce more income look to invest in markets that boast more freedom.. The economic ship falls over on its side, is inundated with the poison of legalized robbery – socialism, or in its purer form, communism, and begins to sink, for the glory of the State of Israel.

Does this sound unrealistic? Track the money that is funding this 'social justice' movement. It all goes back to the New Israel Fund and Naomi Hazan. For those still in doubt, do a simple search on Ms. Hazan and her ideological roots.

The social justice protesters are right about the fact that most of the money in Israel is concentrated in the hands of just a few monopolies. The price of housing is sky-high, food is unjustifiably expensive and the salary gap between rich and poor is second only to America's. But the solution for this illness is just the opposite of the centralization that the social protesters demand.

The solution is privatization to the public instead of mafia-like allocation to controlling corporations. The solution is to allocate Israel's land to the public and to close Israel's Land Authority; privatization of the Water Company, Electric Company and banks – not to big business but to the public; straight into their bank accounts. Social security should work like a commercial firm, such as a car insurance company. It should be run by the Jewish Agency – for the Jews. Social Security is not an institution that is supposed to exploit one nationality so that it can feed a different nationality. More than half of the truck confiscated from Silman was distributed to the Arabs in Israel.

True release from the clutches of centralization and the politically correct will significantly increase the individual's free income and leverage Israel's economy. Social justice, on the other hand, has already accomplished the opposite.

The economic strain is real. But its roots are in a completely different place. Moshe Silman was a man without a family or community. The socialists who led Israel when it was founded erased the institution called 'community', turning Israel into one, big community. The individual has become very lonely as a result, bereft of the buttressed walls of community that the largely religious public still enjoys, particularly in the small towns in Judea and Samaria.

Politically, the lack of community is expressed in the fact that there are no voting districts in Israel. This means that there is no local government representative to whom people can turn when in need.

Over the past fifteen years, the institution called family has also been diminished. No longer is it politically correct to note that someone is widowed or divorced. Nowadays, they are "single-parent families." Even a couple of the same gender is considered a family. Everything is family, so nothing is family. "There are no more men in Tel Aviv," a young Tel Avivian sorrowfully agreed.

The woman makes the home. The man makes the family. Feminism and homosexuality have eliminated manhood, thereby eliminating the family.
The protesters are searching for family. They are searching for a father figure. With no one to turn to, they turn to the state. Standing there all together, the protesters replace the feeling of family – if only for a few fleeting moments. The children stand there in unison, shouting out for Mom and Dad - in this case, the state.

The state cannot replace family and community. But the protesters don't know anything else. The traditional family has been taken from them and the state has been empowered in its stead. This has given birth to the summer's protest. The dominant elements of the protests do not stem from poverty stricken areas, but from the heart of Tel Aviv: the place where there are no more men and no more families.

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