Monday, May 31, 2021

Knesset Member removed from Plenum after challenging Arab MKs with Bible burned in Riots

May Golan (Likud) was removed from the Knesset plenum on Monday when she held up a Bible that had been burned in Arab riots in Lod. May began her address by reading the names of eight synagogues that were burned in the Arab riots in cities that had both Jewish and Arab residents.

“Synagogues were burned like they were on Kristallnacht in Europe, or after the riots when my mother fled Iraq for Israel,” May said. “I don’t want to speak about the worthless people who did these horrible things. I simply hope they will rot in jail. I want to speak about the Arab leaders in these days. Especially those who represent them here in this Knesset as part of the Joint List. The left-wing and the media loves to praise the ‘even handed’ voice. They are invited to interviews, to meeting and to speak about coexistence and brotherhood between nations. But under the surface is a warped reality, crude and ugly.”

“A quick Google search will show that any normal and proper parliament would have rejected them long ago.”

She noted the significance of giving the speech as Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Joint Arab List, sat next to her, heading the plenum.

“We are the owners of this land,” she proclaimed as the Arab MKs shouted at her from the floor of the Knesset. “You represent the people of Gaza, not the Arab citizens of Israel.”

“I have a message for those people who serve Hamas,” May said, unwrapping a burned bible.”Do you see this holy Bible? this was burned in Lod. This bears witness to who we are and who you are. This will remain as a witness forever. This burned Bible will bear witness as to how much merit we have from our forefathers for this land. The more you try to harm us, the more we will flourish and grow stronger.”

Golan was removed from the podium because, ironically, the Knesset bylaws forbid the presentation of the Bible. Watch the full video below.

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