Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir
Ya'akov attempts to flee from Esav and succeeds in smuggling out his family across the Yabok River. Yet, he himself remains behind and is confronted by Esav’s angelic prince: “A stranger appeared and wrestled with him... When the stranger saw that he could not defeat him, he touched the upper joint of Ya'akov’s thigh. Ya'akov’s hip joint became dislocated as he wrestled with the stranger... He was limping because of his thigh.” (Beresheet 32:25-26,32).
Rashbam explains that Ya'akov was punished and smitten, and acquired a limp because he fled rather than trusting G-d’s promise to protect him and make him defeat Esav. We find the same with all those who diverge from G-d’s path, and with those who refuse to accept the missions G-d assigns them. All are punished (Rashbam, Beresheet 32:29).
Today, we must learn a lesson from Ya'akov’s flight and from his subsequent limp. Wherever the Jewish People retreat and flee, G-d forbid, everyone can see them limping. Precisely today, when we are facing a difficult test, when our enemies are attacking us in order to destroy us and banish us from our land, G-d forbid, we must become stronger in spirit. We must know and believe that we are fighting a just war over the land of our ancestors. Only through the Jewish People’s having control over their land will G-d’s name be sanctified for all to see. Then we will be able to spread benevolence and illuminate the whole world, all mankind, with the timeless and divine values of peace, justice, love, and truth.
Our enemies’ whole goal is to take control over Eretz Yisrael, and thereby, to bring ethical and spiritual darkness to the world. May it never be! In King David’s time, when Aram was attacking Israel from both front and back (Shmuel Bet 10:9), Yo'av, the head of King David’s army, encouraged the soldiers of Israel with the words, “Let us be strong and of good courage for our people, and for the cities of our G-d, and the L-rd will do that which seems good in His eyes” (v. 12). Let us too be strong and of good courage, and then we will defeat our enemies and cease our limping.
Besorot Tovot and Shabbat Shalom.
Looking forward to complete salvation,
With the Love of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
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