by: Shmuel Sackett, International Director, Manhigut Yehudit
After their recent trip to the Teheran Holocaust Deniers Conference the Neturei Karta (all nine of them) has become the "pin-cushion" of the Jewish world. They have been excommunicated, bad-mouthed and trashed by religious Jews across the globe. Articles have been written in condemnation, speeches have been made and eggs have been thrown. Jews have rallied against them, even gathering outside the Park House Hotel in Boro Park, where Moshe Aryeh Friedman (one of their illustrious leaders) and his wife recently tried to spend a relaxing Shabbos.
While I am certainly not in support of anything this evil group does, I am not the least bothered by them either. In my opinion they are crazy, sick individuals. Their beards and peyot (sidelocks) mean nothing to me and since they thrive on publicity, the best thing we can do is simply ignore these self-hating lunatics.
What does bother me is all the attention the Jewish world is giving them. I understand why the NY Times loves them. I understand why CNN and the rest of the anti-Jewish media fall over these lowlifes, but why do we follow this line? Why do rabbis talk about them during their Shabbos speeches? Why did the Chief Rabbi of Israel find it necessary to excommunicate them? Are they a danger? Do they pose some kind of threat to our world? Are they taking over Brooklyn? Are they influencing our children? Of course not! So, why??? Why the attention, why the condemnation, why the fuss?
Let me make my question much stronger. Most people say that they "crossed the line". Their attendance at that abhorrent "conference" and their hugs with the Iranian president shows that they have simply identified with the enemy. Well, if that's true, didn't Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert also "cross the line" when they expelled 8,000 Jews from their homes? Didn't they identify with the enemy when they rewarded Arab terrorists with Jewish land and Jewish fields? Didn't they spit on Jewish blood when they destroyed Jewish homes, synagogues, Yeshivas and businesses? Where were the condemnations then? Where were the excommunications, the speeches and the protests? Back in the summer of 2005 when this was happening, most of the rabbis were on summer vacation and the few that were around said it was "political" and remained quiet. Many Orthodox rabbis even supported the Jewish expulsion! How quick they are to bash the non-existent, non-threatening Neturei Karta idiots but how slow they are to say the truth about real destroyers of Israel such as Sharon and Olmert.
Many have told me that it was "Chilul Hashem" (desecration of G-d's Name) that motivated the huge response against Neturei Karta. Really??? Although it sounds nice, I don't believe it! What bigger Chillel Hashem is there than a mosque sitting on top of the Temple Mount? When is the last time you heard someone speak about that? Almost 40 years ago, G-d -- in His infinite mercy -- returned Jerusalem to the Jewish nation. Yet no Israeli government has dared touch the abomination and source of impurity that stands on our holiest site out of fear. I find that action -- or inaction -- far more disgusting than a couple of yo-yos kissing some insignificant president with a last name nobody can pronounce. The unbelievable present that G-d has given us has been rejected by our people. We have "exchanged" the Temple Mount for the Western Wall, and are perfectly happy praying next to an outside wall than at the real thing.
Chilul Hashem? That's why everybody screamed? How about the pogrom of 2005 when 8,000 Jews were kicked and dragged from their homes... by fellow Jews? This action was praised by Ehud Olmert who, a year later, was the guest speaker at the OU conference in Jerusalem! Why didn't the Chief Rabbi excommunicate him? Why didn't the OU snub him for his terrible actions? This man continues to work night and day at setting up a Palestinian State, at destroying Jewish lives and property and at rejecting the heavenly gift bestowed up him by the One above... yet not a word is spoken about him. No, no, no... the real enemy is little Moshe Aryeh Friedman and his gang of hooligans who stand with Palestinian flags at the Israel Day Parade.
Who cares about these meshuganas??? As soon as you realize that one day men in white coats will come take them away, you will ignore them, as I do. The real danger is Olmert, Bibi and Peres. These guys don't wave Palestinian flags but are doing things far worse! They are actively building the infrastructure for a Palestinian state on G-d's land. They are talking with the enemy, negotiating with him and working out deals. I included Bibi in that group because he is the most dangerous of all. He gives the impression that he is against these things but his actions prove just the opposite. Let us not forget how he hugged Arafat, negotiated away 80% of Hebron, gave weapons to murder Jews to the PA and supported the Gaza Expulsion Plan. Please don't fall into his trap again. He is the man that can actually make Neturei Karta's dreams come true.
So, back to my original question; why the fuss? Why the noise over this miniscule group of weirdoes? It is because of only one thing: It's easy and non-controversial. Picking on Neturei Karta is politically correct and very acceptable by the people. The Jewish world united against these nut-jobs so it was an easy -- and even fun -- task for our rabbis and leaders to bash them as well. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon and had a good time attacking these wretched souls.
The problem is, however, that this is not the leadership we need. We need leaders who are willing to take positions that are true, but not so popular. We need rabbis who are willing to rule in areas that are controversial, with fear of Heaven as their only guiding force. We need Jewish organizations that have the guts and courage to stand up to bullies named Olmert and Netanyahu and reject their friendship. We need brave leaders who take that term "politically correct" and erase it along with the names of "Amalek" and "Haman". Jews need to be "Jewishly correct" and sanctify G-d's Name in each and every one of their actions.
Dearest friends, stop worrying about Jimmy Carter and Neturei Karta (are they related?). They both hate Jews. Instead, focus on the real enemy and make your voice heard in the battle for new and authentic Jewish leadership. Don't be afraid to speak the truth. Fear only G-d and cling to Him every moment of your life. Don't get side-tracked by insignificant little bugs who try to steer you off course. We are living in amazing times with amazing opportunities. G-d has given us a chance to establish a real Jewish state on the land of our ancestors. Let's stay focused on that goal and work night and day towards making that a reality.
Before our very eyes, we see how Israel's current leadership is reeling more and more out of control. Reality -- a.k.a. the Creator -- is tossing the Kadimah ship to and fro as it pitifully plunges into oblivion. It seems that beside the captain, still clinging to the helm, all the sailors have already jumped ship. Kadimah is nothing more than a 'spin' party. Unlike the Likud and Labor, it does not represent the Jewish vs. Israeli undercurrent dividing Israeli society. That is why it will necessarily disappear, just like all the 'spin' parties that preceded it.
Kadimah's senior government partner, the Labor ship, is suffering from the opposite problem. Labor authentically represents those Israelis who do not connect to their Jewish identity. The Labor boat is not quite sinking, but its captain is. The sailors trying to save the ship and throw the captain overboard have not succeeded, creating an awkward competition between those who strive to replace him.
All of this is a golden opportunity that a normative Opposition could only dream of. But Israel's Opposition is silent. Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu is giving Israelis an exemplary lesson in how NOT to lead.
Everything points to the fact that the Likud is going to win the next elections. This has almost nothing to do with the qualities of the Likud Chairman. Netanyahu has not suddenly become a public icon. He is simply the default candidate. Whoever follows what Netanyahu is saying today, understands that the solutions that he proposes for the challenges facing Israel are no different than the solutions of the Left. That is simply because Netanyahu's Jewish identity does not form his world view. Consequently, he is part of the problem -- and not its solution.

Bibi votes for Disengagement
The destruction wrought by Netanyahu will bring the Left back into power, and that will once again prepare the ground for Bibi's return to power and the next round of destruction. This description is not an apocalyptic vision of the future. It is based entirely on past experience! The only way to break this vicious and destructive cycle is to establish authentic Jewish leadership for the Jewish majority now groping in the darkness.
Manhigut And The Likud
It is important to distinguish between the people of the Likud and its leaders. The people who make up the Likud are by and large very Jewish in their outlook and their identity. The political leadership of the Likud, though, is completely captive to the Leftist elites and its world view. When the Likud members were asked how they identified themselves first -- as Jews or Israelis -- only 29% answered that they identified first as Israelis. In other words, the vast majority identifies as Jews. These people are the bedrock of the Jewish majority. The Likud is the Nation of Israel. It is currently controlled by leadership that coerces it to act counter to its values. The only way to rectify this situation is to work inside the Likud; to meet the people; approach them as fellow Likud members and to speak to their Jewish hearts. It works, because their hearts are thirsting for political leadership that represents their basic Jewish values.
The Likud, as the authentic representative of the Jewish majority, has a natural advantage. Consequently, since the first time the Likud won national elections in 1977, it has for the most part remained in power. So the question is not: When does the Likud win? The question really is: When does the Likud lose?
If we look at Israel's electoral history, we will see that the Likud loses to the Left every time it strays from the Nationalistic path: The first time was in 1984 after the retreat from Sinai; the second time in 1992 after the Madrid Conference; the third time in 1999 after the Wye Accords and retreat from Hebron and the last time in 2005, after the Disengagement.
The Likud referendum on Gush Katif and Sharon's refusal to put the question to a national vote prove that the Likudniks are an accurate national weathervane. When the Likudniks voted against the Disengagement, Sharon understood that the nation would also vote it down. That is why he refused to hold a national poll on the issue.
When the Likudniks will elect Moshe Feiglin, it will mean that the nation at large is ready for him, as well. Furthermore, how many people will vote NRP if Moshe Feiglin is running on the Likud ticket for Prime Minister? How many will vote National Union? How many will stay with Shas or with Lieberman? When Moshe Feiglin will head the Likud, we will be able to establish a Jewish umbrella party that, with G-d's help, will win by a large majority and lead a united, Jewish revolution. Because Manhigut Yehudit at the head of the Likud means more than winning the elections; it means leadership that will steer Israel on its authentic Jewish course.
into the Jewish State.
Now is the Time!
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Poor Neturei Karta. Everybody's pummeling these shlemiels and shlemazels because...they were televised all over the world, kissing and hugging Achmad-i-thenutjob, embarrassing any Jew with a brain and a heart and confusing the heck out of everyone else. Oh, wait, the Disembowelment (sorry, I meant Disengagement) was also televised all over the, when are we going to go after the real challenge? After reading this article on the actual M"Y site, I prayed hard that haShem would help us hurry up and get over there already! (Too much paperwork and too much time approving it!)
I think we ought to go after both Neturei Karta AND Beilin, Sarid, Olmert, Peres, Peretz, etc. ad nauseam.
Go Shmuel! Go Manhigut Yehudit!
i second that mazel tov on ure new version of the site id like to say that there is now a manhigut yehudit facebook group for all the very young people soo just thought people should know the truth is do we need to post every single article that comes on every week its alot!! it should either be a link and i also suspect most poeple that come to this blog already read the site backwards like its holy writ (i do) all the best enjoy ure dinner and news abt olmerts/kadima demise as well as likud primaries would be the very very most appreciated may we hear good news may we mean to do the right thing and if thats the case may hashem bless our efforts be blessed with success
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