This is in response to Mr Asa-el's article: 'Why Moshe Feiglin matters' - from the December 19th Jerusalem Post.
Ever since I converted my Habonim group to Betar after reading Menachem Begin's 'Revolt' I have had Rosh Betar Ze'ev Jabotinsky as my enduring passion. I believe I have read everything that the great man wrote - have listened to all his speeches that are available on tape at Metzudat Ze'ev and have read everything written about him. I learnt at the feet of the experts such as Yedidiah Blumenthal,Harry Hurwitz and the master of them all: Shmuel (Moekie) Katz who wrote his two volume biography "Lone Wolf" ; and would aver that Feiglin is a lot closer to Jabotinsky than is Netanyahu.
Mr Asa-el has given a completely leftist interpretation of Jabotinsky that simply never existed ; has omitted and taken out of context much of what Jabotinsky said and wrote.
Though Jabotinsky was not religious in the sense that he regularly attended synagogue services - he certainly laid t'fillin on occasion as his well-worn t'fillin will attest to (on display in the Jabotinsky museum) . I also recall Eri Jabotinsky , his son , having been involved in a very forceful exchange with someone who claimed that his father was a total secularist - Eri maintained that his father was 'Masorati' with a very strong attachment to Judaism , tradition , mores and history; this is also very evident in his writings. This did not in any way diminish his liberal and democratic views. His avoiding an alliance with Orthodox Zionism was his belief in the seperation of Religion and State - not his rejection of Orthodox Judaism . In fact most of his battles with the Zionist Sociaslists and assimilationists rested on his premise that Judaism was at the heart of all Zionism ! Furthermore , most of his immense support came from religious and traditional Jews ! Feiglin's attitudes and support in these respects are precisely those of Jabotinsky's!
Jabotinsky wanted to transliterate the bible for the mundane and practical reason that ordinary 'unlettered in Hebrew script' Jews the world over would be able to read and learn the language. One should not read anything else into this.
Regarding the Arabs - Jabotinsky was in favour of a Jewish majority on both sides of the Jordan as promised by the Balfour Declaration and enshrined in Articles of the League of Nations - all of which were adopted in FULL by the the United Nations (later reneged upon where Israel is concerned) . Jabotinsky wrote that the Arabs would be full citizens sharing the privilages and responsibilities of the Jewish majority - in-other-words serving in the military as well. He went further and stated categorically that if they lived peaceably with the Jews they would enjoy all the benefits including that of even being head of state , however, if they were troublesome , or looked to become the majority ; they would have to LEAVE!
Jabotinsky would have viewed with abhorrence any idea that an Arab State would be formed in any part whatsoever of Eretz Yisrael ! He was the absolute maximilist where Jewish land , legal , religious , defence and sovereign rights were concerned ! There would never have been a situation as exists today where Arabs shoot rockets at Jewish towns had Jabotinsky been in control , so too Feiglin!
The Zionist Revisionist (Jabotinsky) movement was always suffused with religious orthodox and traditional Zionists - David Raziel the first leader of the ETZEL was an orthodox Jew ; Begin was highly religious and traditional even though he never wore a kippa all the time . Netanyahu and Dan Meridor are the exceptions - not Feiglin.
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