Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dealing with the Iranian Threat

By Moshe Feiglin

28 Nissan, 5769
(April 22, '09)

Iran's nuclear capability is not the greatest danger facing Israel. The real danger is that Israel's Left will find the way to destroy Judea and Samaria because of that capability. It is important to remember that the Oslo Accords were hatched as an indirect result of the First Gulf War. When PM Shamir relied on the US and Britain to protect Israel from the Iraqi missiles, he had to pay a price. We are still paying that price today. Oslo's threat to Israel's existence is infinitely greater than all the Iraqi missiles put together.

At the very start of his term in office, Netanyahu attempted to link the political process with the Iranian threat. "No problem," countered Obama's advisors. "Take Yitzhar off the map and then we'll talk." Eerily reminiscent of the judenrat dynamic, this US approach means that the lives of Jews are meaningless and that they must pay a price just to stay alive. But it's even worse than that. With the threat of total annihilation hanging over our heads, we are once more being manipulated into compliance to destroy ourselves first (albeit at a slower pace).

If this is the picture even before we take measures to protect ourselves from Iran, what will happen if and when we attack? Or even worse, if the US attacks Iran? In either case, we will be cajoled into pushing ourselves ever so much closer to the Mediterranean - the Final Solution entertained by Israel's enemies.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington has published a comprehensive analysis of Israel's military options and capabilities in a possible strike against Iran's nuclear installations. The 114 page report studies Israel's options and concludes that Israeli military action is possible, albeit much more complex than its attack on Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981.

While it is clear that Israel must strike Iran, we can assume that under the present government, the price of such an attack will be Israel's retreat from Judea and Samaria. That is a price that we cannot pay. The danger to Israel's existence in the pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders" is infinitely greater than the danger of a nuclear Iran.

What can we do?

Israel needs leadership that does not look to the nations of the world for authorization to exist. It needs leadership that does not apologize for its Jewishness - leadership that will exact the price for the protection of Jewish lives from its enemies and not from its citizens.

And what can we do until then?

We do not have instant solutions. But the fact that there is no immediate relief in sight does not mean that we should take steps that are counterproductive to our goals. Manhigut Yehudit is progressing all the time in its quest for Jewish leadership for Israel. That is the only true solution on the horizon. (Prayer is a prerequisite for everything that we do and Mashiach is the ultimate Jewish leader - but this discussion is based on our actions within the realm of our own, human effort). We must be sure that everything that we do brings us closer to our Jewish destiny. The seemingly simple act of registering for the Likud is actually a major step toward taking the leadership of Israel into our own hands. The more people that register, the less time it will take to save Israel.

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