Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rise of the Morning Star

By Moshe Feiglin

We are in the midst of a period in which light and darkness fight for center stage, making it difficult to know how to celebrate Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day. Those who say that Yom Ha'atzmaut is a day for joy and thanksgiving are right. But those who point out that Israel is in the throes of retreat and surrender are also right. If we compare our situation today to our situation before Israel was established, we are filled with gratitude and pride. But how are we supposed to feel when we see our country regressing to its former, pre-State status?

We celebrate every child's birthday and rejoice in his small accomplishments - even though he occasionally causes us grief. We take joy in the knowledge that he is growing and maturing. But what if the child is in danger? What if he is in the hands of someone who is incapable of keeping him alive?

We must always thank G-d and rejoice in His gifts. But there are different types of joy. Our joy today is not the joy that we experienced in the naive days of Gush Emunim. After the retreat from Sinai, after Gush Katif, after two lost wars to Hezbollah and Hamas, after we have realized that the State of Israel is being led by people who are incapable of guarding its existence - that joy is blended with worry and a strong sense of responsibility.

The redemption process is not deterministic. Those who said that there would not be an Expulsion because that is what was determined in heaven were sorely mistaken. We didn't understand that message in Sinai, so we were fed the same fare in Gush Katif. Leadership void of Jewish vision perpetrated an Expulsion - and we have no guarantee that there will be no more. True, we all know that the final frame of the movie is redemption. We all believe that it will happen. But how will the scenes before the grand finale play out? Will it be a musical or a horror film? That depends on us.

Manhigut Yehudit's progress since last Yom Ha'atzmaut has been truly impressive. We must do all that we can to prepare for the upcoming challenges. And we must be prepared to take the leadership of Israel into our hands. This Yom Ha'atzmaut, let us pray that next year, the State of Israel will celebrate its Independence Day with authentic Jewish leadership. It is in our hands.

Happy Yom Ha'atzmaut

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please read or keep reading the Bible, some statements here are incorrect & spreading them can be to the peril of Jews.

- with love from a Christian Zionist