Thursday, February 23, 2023

Good Will -- The Key to Amicable Relations on the Individual and the National Level

by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir

Regarding the words, “Take My offering from everyone whose heart impels him [yidvenu] to give” (Shemot 25:2), Rashi explains: “‘Yidvenu’ is from the same root as ‘nedavah.’ It is a term denoting ‘goodwill.’”

The Mishkan was erected through donations given by the Jewish People out of their own goodwill. This goodwill was the foundation behind the erection and continued existence of the Tabernacle and the Temple.

In one’s own home as well, if goodwill reigns, i.e., love and brotherhood and peace and friendship, that home is compared to the Tabernacle or the Temple, in which G-d’s light is revealed, illuminating those inside and those outside.

Our national home, as well, the State of Israel, was established with G-d’s help, through the goodwill displayed by large segments of the people. They united together at an auspicious moment and established the Jewish State despite the Arabs attacking us and the enormous difficulties.

Today, despite all of the complications, the vast majority of the nation likewise shows goodwill. That goodwill is displayed amongst the marvelous soldiers of the Israeli army who defend our state. It is displayed amongst the millions of Jews who live in Israel, facing enormous difficulties. It is displayed amongst the myriad of settlers who endanger their lives daily for the sake of our holding on to the Land that is our life’s blood. It is displayed amongst those learning Torah, with great self-sacrifice, all over the country. It is displayed amongst all of the tens of thousands of Jews who do kind deeds and volunteer to help out their fellow man in matters great and small.

Fortunate is he who has good will and good deeds to his name. With these he will be able to walk in G-d’s path: “G-d is good to all and His mercy is over all His works” (Tehilim 145:9).

Looking forward to complete salvation,
With the Love of Israel,
Shabbat Shalom.

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