Friday, May 24, 2024

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Raffle of Property in Eretz Yisrael for Tzedaka


Date and Place: 25 Menachem Av 5669 (1909), Rechovot

Recipient: An open letter, apparently sent broadly, in Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora, as part of a fundraising project.

Body: It is already known to the masses how great and holy the sacred yeshiva and the lower-school yeshiva in Meah Shearim is. It is one of the most important parts of Jerusalem, the Holy City, may it be rebuilt and established. It is unnecessary to bring proof about things that are well known.

However, now the holy institution is in a horrible situation of financial distress. The administrators, who are great rabbis, including the brilliant rabbi who is famous for his Torah and his fear of Heaven, Rabbi Shaul Chaim, the Rabbi of Dobrovna, decided that it is correct to raffle off the estate they own in the Moshava of Chadera, which is within Eretz Yisrael, may it be rebuilt and established. The area of the land in question is 220 dunams (approximately, 55 acres). Alas, such an act should find grace and honor in the eyes of our dear brothers, who love our Desired Land, whether they are far (i.e. live in the Diaspora) or near (i.e., live in Eretz Yisrael). There is little more that needs to be said.

[This is a special opportunity for more than one reason.] For one, by joining in the support of a holy institution, by buying raffles, people are strengthening those who are building [the Jewish community of Eretz Yisrael and specifically] this wonderful institution of Torah and distinction, which is located on the heights of the Holy Mountain, in Jerusalem, the Holy City, may it be rebuilt and established.

Additionally, those who win the raffle, how good is their part, and how pleasant is their lot, to merit receiving a piece of land and an estate in the Holy Land. This is especially significant at this time, which is a time of building, thank G-d. It is a time at which the Spirit of Hashem is on His nation to enable them to return to their estate in an ever-increasing manner.

It is a special opportunity, in that even those raffles that will not be “winners” will still enable their holders to receive four amot of land in Eretz Yisrael. This is both a piece of land in the estate of Hashem, and also, an opportunity to take part in fulfilling the Land-based commandments. This makes [those who buy raffles fortunate] and does good for them.

I sign with blessings from the holy mountains to everyone who lends a hand in support of the pillars of the holy Torah and the pillars of the settlement of Eretz Yisrael, which are both things that are loved for eternity.

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