Friday, May 17, 2024

Light Against Darkness

by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir

The tehilim of Wednesdays, which the Levi’im would recite in the Beit HaMikdash, begins: “O L-rd G-d, to whom vengeance belongs; O G-d, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!” (Tehilim 94:1). Dovid HaMelech, suffering the nation’s pain, addresses G-d: “L-rd, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph.... They crush Your people, O L-rd, and afflict Your heritage. They slay widows and strangers, and they murder orphans” (verses 3,5-6). The evil do this, thinking that “the L-rd shall not see it, neither shall the G-d of Yaakov regard it” (v. 7). Truthfully, however, “The L-rd knows the thoughts of man, that they are vanity” (v. 11). The plans and designs of the evil against the People and Land of Israel will be nullified, “for the L-rd will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His inheritance” (v. 14). Moreover, G-d’s revenge will be fulfilled: “G-d will bring upon them their own iniquity; He will cut them off in their own wickedness. The L-rd our G-d will cut them off” (v. 23). Even if G-d tarries, He will surely destroy them (Metzudat Dovid, Ibid.).

Today, our enemies are rising up against us with the goal of stealing our land and destroying our state - It will never come to pass! Likewise, they go out to murder our men, women, and children - may G-d avenge their blood. Yet we must consider well and respond forcefully, turning back the battle to the gate. We must understand and recognize that we are at the height of a war for our survival, just as when our ancestors fought for their survival in their land during the First and Second Temple periods. We must ask and learn and recognize the source from which David drew his strength and faith when he set out to fight Goliath. From where did we derive the spirit and might to stand as the few against the many, a small country against great powers like Egypt, Babylonia, Greece and Rome?

The answer is that our ancestors possessed a clear awareness that the wars of Israel are wars of G-d. Israel’s wars are not just over territory, but over the revelation of G-d’s glory on earth, which is indeed revealed through Israel’s rising up and achieving independence in their land. The present war, as well, is a war of the children of light against the children of darkness. The Arabs, and those who support them, cannot bear the morning light that is being revealed more and more through the rebirth of the Jewish People in their land. True, “the rulers and kings of the earth take counsel together against the L-rd and against His anointed” (Tehilim 2:2), but “He who sits in heaven laughs, the L-rd mocks them” (v. 4). Quite the contrary, G-d addresses us with a request: “Ask of Me and I shall give you nations for your inheritance; the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession” (v. 8). Then, the tables will be turned: “You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel” (v. 9). May our constant entreaty be fulfilled: “Spare Your people, O L-rd. Let not Your heritage be an object of contempt, a byword among the nations” (Tachanun for Mondays and Thursdays).

Besorot Tovot and Shabbat Shalom,
Looking forward to complete salvation,
With the Love of Israel,
Shabbat Shalom.

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