Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rav Kook's Ein Ayah: The Special Focus on Yerushalayim

(condensed from Berachot 4:56)

Gemara: One who is outside Israel, should focus his prayers on Israel; those in Israel should focus on Yerushalayim; one who is in Yerushalayim … It turns out that all of the Jewish Nation is focused on one place. Rav Avin said: What is the pasuk [that expresses this idea]? “Like the Migdal Dovid is your neck, built as talpiyot” (Shir Hashirim 4:4). [Talpiyot hints at the idea that it is a ruins to which all face.]

Ein Ayah: All national sites in the world attract the masses only when they are occupied because then they provide material benefit to those who are connected to them. However, the connection that all of Israel has to the place of the Beit Hamikdash is unrelated to the physical aspirations but to the goal of a great light that will emerge when the nation will be prominent, as the people unite in the Holy Land. Therefore, even when the site is in ruins, all eyes are turned to it, as the Divine Presence never left the western wall (Shemot Rabba 2:2).

In that way, the Beit Hamikdash was built with the spiritual characteristic that even when it is desolate, still everyone will focus on it. This is connected to the idea of the “Migdal Dovid.” That great warrior and king intended that even the national security was desired in order to reach an ideal level of spirituality through the nation’s all-around greatness. Dovid HaMelech occupied himself in writing Tehilim and Torah study to indicate that the greatness of the kingdom is a means to reach true completeness in knowledge and fear of Hashem.

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