Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Sinking pier perfect symbol of Biden presidency

by Cheryl K. Chumley

President Biden ordered the U.S. military to build a $320 million floating pier to serve as a provision point for aid to Palestinians in Gaza. And now it’s sinking. Of course it’s sinking.

Truly, is there a better symbol for the Biden administration than the pier that’s sinking in waters off Gaza?

“A floating pier … meant to be bringing aid to desperate Palestinians in Gaza sustained damage in rough seas and will have to be towed away for repairs after a part broke off,” the Daily Mail wrote.

“Just two weeks after it opened, the pier’s operations have been temporarily suspended and repairs could take more than a week,” the Daily Mail wrote.


It’s being towed as we speak. Just like a brain-dead Biden being towed off the stage — this broke-back pier is being towed as we speak.

Team Biden blames it on rough choppy waters.

Team “We Know Better” blames it on Biden — because this, after all, is how Team Biden typically rolls.

Failure is the name of this White House’s game. What began with an astonishingly lame basement campaign for president in 2016 — with wife, Jill, elbowing Joe every time he made a mistake before television cameras — and then moved quickly to an astonishingly botched U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, where friends were left for foes to figuratively devour and Grampa Joe peered at his watch as the bodies of America’s dead heroes were lifted from the airplane, the fecklessness of this president has been unrivaled. Every day is a tossup: Will he reach to shake the hand of an invisible entity, or will he tell the guy in the wheelchair to stand for a round of applause?

So yes, Biden’s pier has broken into parts and floated across the waves.

Of course Biden’s pier has started to sink.

And of course, it’s even worse than that: “Footage from land shows the rusted hull of a U.S. Army ship that has been beached amid efforts to free it,” the Daily Mail wrote.

“Two other vessels are anchored off the beach,” the Daily Mail wrote.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said the pier must be detached from the coastline then moved to Ashdod for reassembly and repairs, and ultimately, reattachment.

It’ll be a week at least before it’s ready for operation again.

“It’s been tough weather. Weather plays a role. Mother Nature has a say here and the eastern Med [Mediterranean], even in the summertime, can be a pretty rough place,” said John Kirby, White House national security spokesman.

You would think the condition of the waters would have been taken into consideration before launching the operation. But this is the Biden administration.

A broken pier that floats away and sinks is about the best that can be expected.

The fact it lasted even a few days before breaking is the real surprise.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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