Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Big Lies About Israel

by Robert Williams
  • For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening.
  • In May, the World Food Programme (WFP) of the UN claimed, without a shred of evidence, that there was a "full blown famine" in Gaza.
  • Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war." In its report published on June 4, the UN's IPC [Integrated Food Security Phase Classification] concluded that famine was no longer even "plausible" and had no "supporting evidence."
  • By comparison, more than three million children in Sudan are acutely malnourished, and a quarter of a million more are likely to die in the coming months. By the UN's own admission, the war in Sudan is "the war the world has either forgotten or ignored." The irony of that statement has clearly been lost on the UN, which is probably the main reason that Sudan – and other conflict spots – is ignored: the UN focuses almost all its resources on Israel and Gaza.
  • The "made-up" famine is just the latest in a long row of fabrications demonizing Israel's military operations in Gaza, which over the last months have been exposed as lies yet have received zero coverage in the media.
  • In early May, the UN effectively admitted that Hamas's casualty figures were untrustworthy...
  • UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres led the incitement against Israel, as the UN almost always does.
  • Overall, 18 million people in Sudan face starvation.

For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Pictured: A line of trucks in Rafah, Egypt carrying aid prepares to cross into the Gaza Strip on March 23, 2024. (Photo by Ali Moustafa/Getty Images)

For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening.

"Starvation," claimed EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell, "is used as a weapon of war. Israel is provoking famine." His words came after a UN-affiliated body, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (ICP) published a special brief in March claiming that hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza were already experiencing famine and that by July the figure would rise to more than a million.

"Famine is imminent" the IPC claimed. "1.1 million people, half of Gaza, experience catastrophic food insecurity."

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