Sunday, January 10, 2016

Moshe Feiglin: Coalition Rejection of Bill Disgraceful

Moshe Feiglin expressed disappointment that the Coalition has rejected the bill proposed by MK Dov Hanin, which stipulated that a suspect could not be convicted of a crime on the basis of his confession alone. “I disagree with Hanin on almost every issue,” said Feiglin. “On this issue, however, Hanin was totally in line with the basic Jewish principle that says that a person does not incriminate himself.”

“The forced confession of Zardarov and the torture of the Duma suspect minors highlight how vital this bill is,” Feiglin added.

Feiglin called the Coalition rejection of the bill “a disgrace for the Coalition and a severe stain on the religious parties”. “They are not capable of rising above petty coalition concerns to identify the golden opportunity to legislate a vital principle of Jewish liberty into our lives,” Feiglin concluded.

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