Friday, March 14, 2025

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook: Public Response to Zealous Defense of Rav Kook


Date and Place: 15 Sivan 5670 (1910), Yafo

Recipient and Background: Letter to the Editor of “Hamoriah,” which they published on 17 Sivan 5670. I did not find the letter referenced, but it was clearly effusive in praise of Rav Kook and the sale of the land for Shemitta and critical of those who opposed it.

Body: I must express my great pain over the things that rabbis from Yerushalayim wrote in a letter published in the newspaper “Ha’or,” of which I was unaware and unhappy. Although I know clearly that the writers, who are substantial Torah scholars and fearers of Hashem, intended to act for the sake of Heaven, still I believe that this is not the proper way to deal with disagreements over halachic rulings. Rather, we must judge favorably all of the sides and assume that each person intends to serve Hashem and provide the truth.

I am particularly pained by the exaggerated praises they wrote about me, which I unfortunately do not deserve, even partially. It would be terrible for me to consider myself a great man, even in comparison to a student of Torah, all the more so compared to serious rabbis. It is just that regarding the path of truth, and for the benefit of Bnei Yisrael and the Holy Land, even someone weak like me needs to say, “I am a great warrior, and I will not defer in the war of support of Hashem in sustaining Eretz Yisrael’s Jewish community.” This interest has become relevant in our days through the Rock of Israel’s kindness in preparing a path for His nation’s remnant to return to the place which was originally our tent. I consider it an obligation to strengthen the adherence to the ruling that was produced by venerable rabbis, for the welfare of our holy community, His nation, and His lot. Blessings to all who have a straight heart and love truth, who anticipate Hashem’s salvation for His nation and lot, who value the clear signs of the emergence of the End of Days, as the mountains of Israel give their fruit and produce branches for the returning nation of Hashem. [May blessing come to] those who stand by my right side to help along with Hashem’s “right arm.”

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