Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Where is the renewed fighting leading?

Parashat Vayakhel 5785
by HaRav Nachman Kahana

The fighting has resumed, and people are asking, “where is it leading?”

A while back, I wrote what came to my mind regarding where HaShem is taking us at this juncture in our long and circuitous history. And it seems to be even more imminent than before, so I wish to repeat the idea for those who missed that article.

It was reported that following the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, the head of IDF military intelligence and the head of Shabak (internal security) met in Jordan with their counterparts to discuss the real possibility that Iran will attempt to undermine the government of Jordan to send in Iranian troops to the border with Israel.

Let’s discuss this:

The changes in our region are so sudden and extreme that political analysts and commentators cannot keep up with the unprecedented events. The only way to be relevant is to begin by appraising events beyond the present and working backwards.

I suggest:

Just as the Assad regime of Syria was overthrown, so too – by the will of HaShem in His plan for Am Yisrael – will there be a revolt and civil war in Jordan with King Abdullah begging for refuge in Israel.

This will necessitate our army to seize large areas within Jordan, if not all of the country.

Behind everything that is happening in and around Eretz Yisrael are the seismic changes in HaShem’s relations with Am Yisrael. They could be headlined “End of galut and beginning of the advent of the Mashiach”.


We have troops in and along the length and breadth of the Gaza Strip. Gaza is part of the biblical tribes of Yehuda and Shimon.

We have troops in Lebanon, which is situated on the soil of the two tribes of Asher and Naftali.

We have troops in Syria, which is in the tribe of Menashe.

In total, there are Israelis today in 10 of the 12 biblical tribes that constitute Eretz Yisrael. Excluded are the tribes of Reuven and Gad, which are in the central and southern regions of Jordan.

Ten is nice but it is not twelve; and like water history seeks its natural level.

The last time Jews were in simultaneous control of all the territories of the twelve tribes was in 722 BCE – a whopping 2746 years ago – when Hoshea ben Ella, the last king of the ten northern tribes and his empire was exiled by the Assyrian King Shalmaneser.

The events in Jordan will necessitate our seizing large parts of the area, including the regions of Reuven and Gad. This will close the historical circle of 2746 years, when Am Yisrael is again in control of all the land areas of the twelve tribes.

This does not necessarily mean that the Mashiach is about to arrive. In fact, it is quite possible that the era of pre-Mashiach struggle could continue with up-and-down periods for many more years. However, the condition for some of the agricultural Torah mitzvot is our residence in all the 12 tribal areas.

We might yet turn out to be one of the most meaningful generations in our long history.

Shabbat Shalom,
Nachman Kahana
Copyright © 5785/2025 Nachman Kahana

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