Friday, November 29, 2013

So What Did I Do this Week?

By Moshe Feiglin

My 'One Chief Rabbi' proposal passed its first major Knesset hurdle.

I spoke in the Knesset plenum on Iran, citing that Israel must be responsible for her own security. It is dangerous to let the "world" solve the problem for us, as we now see in Geneva.
In a Knesset query, I once again pressured the Health Minister on cannabis.
In a Knesset speech, I pointed out how US aid actually harms Israel.
I attacked the appointment of Shai Nitzan as AG - and will continue to do so.
I proposed a balanced way to control pornography on the internet.
In a Knesset speech, I explained why Jonathan Pollard is still in prison.
I continued to advance the cause for taxing a married couple as one unit - not two.
In a speech before the Knesset Interior Committee, I tried to protect the Negev from being given to the Bedouins.
I distributed a special report to all the MKs that shows that all the land allocated for building will be used up in 15 years, which will send housing prices sky high.
I participated in an event honoring injured army veterans.
I started writing a Megillat Esther, which I hope to finish by Purim.
And last but not least, I rode my bicycle again. Carefully.  
Shabbat Shalom

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