Wednesday, March 06, 2013

New MK Moshe Feiglin Celebrates Entrance into Knesset with Hundreds of Supporters in NY

A standing-room only crowd of over 200 celebrated Monday night at the Chateau Steakhouse in Queens, New York the entrance of
Moshe Feiglin into the Israeli Knesset. Mr. Feiglin, overwhelmed by emotion, threw out his prepared speech and instead thanked all of his supporters as he called them 'his family'. He told them that it has been a long road that they have been on together, and now they have finally reached the beginning of the journey. He told them to prepare for many bumps in the road, but in the end, whenever that comes, they will succeed in bringing authentic Jewish leadership to the State of Israel.

Additionally, last night was the American premiere of the documentary, "The Mystery of Moshe Feiglin".

The overflowing crowd all had their photos taken with Moshe, and enjoyed an excellent meal, in addition to basking in the success of Moshe being the only new Knesset Member from the Likud party.

Prior to the celebration, Feiglin held a press conference with a score of reporters.

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