Sunday, December 27, 2015

Moshe Feiglin: War or Peace – no More Terror

“There are two basic states in which a country finds itself:” Feiglin continued.  “War and peace. Each of those states has its own laws,” he explained.  “There are laws of war, in which you kill the enemy or punish him collectively.  There is also a state of peace with its own laws.”
Feiglin noted that in the aftermath of the Six Day War, Israel chose not to declare sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. “We have turned ourselves into occupiers in our own Land,” said Feiglin, “and created the swamp that we call terror with our very own hands. If you are not able to identify your enemy, you will never be able to defeat him. If you call your enemy ‘terror’, you will never win the war.”
“Israel must end the Occupation, declare sovereignty over all parts of the Land of Israel and will then deal only with war and peace. No more terror,” Feiglin concluded.

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