Thursday, August 08, 2024

Back to school — back to Jew-bashing

by Cheryl K. Chumley


Pro-Palestinian protesters who took to college campuses to show their love and concern for innocent civilians in Gaza who were getting killed by the mean ol’ Jews occupying the land called Israel are at it again, planning for more demonstrations once school resumes this fall. That’s the coded way of putting it. Now for the truth.

Pro-Hamas, Jew-hating antisemites are gearing to exploit the left’s failures to educate kids by taking to college campuses again this fall and rally all the ignorant youthful sheep to carry signs and scream slogans that advance lies about Israel’s counterattacks on terrorists.

Welcome to higher learning in America, 2024.

“Students gearing up for round 2 of pro-Palestinian protests: ‘We’ve been working all this summer,’” one headline from The Hill read.

Working on what?

Why, working on getting the Jew-bashing demonstrations in order, that’s what.

Go, Columbia University.

People listen to a speaker at a pro-Palestinian encampment calling for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, inside the campus of Columbia University, Sunday, April 28, 2024, in New York. Columbia University said it has placed three administrators on leave while it investigates allegations that they exchanged unprofessional text messages while attending a panel discussion about antisemitism on campus. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki, File)

“What we will see [this fall is] the students will continue their activism, will continue doing what they’ve done in conventional and unconventional ways. So not only protests, not only encampments, [but also] any available means necessary to push Columbia to divest from Israel,” said Mahmoud Khalil, a student negotiator on behalf of Columbia University Apartheid Divest, The Hill reported.

Don’t expect Columbia University administrators to do anything to stop the planned turmoil. They’re more concerned with appearing tolerant and welcoming of diverse views — like antisemitism — than about taking any sort of hard and decisive action that could be interpreted as discriminatory — like offending terrorists and thugs.

When hoodlums took over the campus last school year, Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, put out a “dear members of the Columbia community” message that expressed heartache at having to — finally! — call police to break up the encampments but that recognized “protesters are also fighting for an important cause, for the rights of Palestinians and against the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza.”

‘Lest it be forgotten, this “humanitarian tragedy in Gaza” was born after the terror group that Palestinians voted to lead them — Hamas — attacked Jews at the Nova music festival in Israel, slaughtering, butchering, torturing, raping, abducting and murdering hundreds. Israel launched a counterattack. And it’s the counterattack that all these antisemites of the world are calling a “humanitarian tragedy.”

Remember the good old days when college-age kids would go to college and receive an education that actually served them as useful to society; that actually trained them in the productive way to go?

“And we’ve been working all this summer on our plans, on what’s next to pressure Columbia to listen to the students and to decide to be on the right side of history,” Khalil said in The Hill.

Remember when college kids used to spend their summers working for money, rather than on activist plans to bash Jews?

Gone are the days when “Ivy League” merits respect and admiration.

If parents want to do their kids a favor and save their minds from melting into masses of hate, violence and sheep-like stupidity, then college seems less and less frequently the answer.

From Columbia’s website: The 2024-2025 cost to attend is $71,170 tuition and fees; $675 new student fees; $17,580 housing and food; and $3,992 books, personal expenses and transportation. The grand estimated total? That’s $93,417. Per year.

That’s a lot of money to teach kids to hate.

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