Monday, August 05, 2024

Palestinians ❤ Hamas

by Bassam Tawil
  • By hailing Haniyeh as a "great leader," Abbas and his Palestinian Authority cohorts are sending a message to all Palestinians that the murderous Hamas leader is their role model.
  • [T]he Biden-Harris administration and those who continue to talk about the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.... must be reminded that Haniyeh, who is being praised by Abbas and the PA as a "great leader," belongs to a group that has long been waging a Jihad (holy war) to murder Jews and destroy Israel – and that does not have the slightest intention of being "revitalized."
  • Abbas and other Palestinian Authority leaders have once again demonstrated their preference to ally with Islamist terror groups such as Hamas rather than to secure a brighter future for their own people. Abbas and the PA have also once again served as a reminder that they share the same goal as Hamas: glorify terrorism and destroy Israel.

By hailing as a "great leader" the late Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Iran-backed Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his cohorts are sending a message to all Palestinians that the murderous Hamas leader is their role model. Pictured: Abbas (R) and Haniyeh in Gaza City, on April 5, 2007. (Photo by Mahmud Hams/AFP via Getty Images)

The Palestinian Authority (PA) should have been happy over the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Iran-backed Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas appears to have forgotten that Haniyeh represents a group that carried out a violent and brutal coup against his loyalists in the Gaza Strip back in 2007.

Instead, the PA and its leaders have been mourning the death of Haniyeh, who was killed during a visit to Tehran on July 31. They have, in addition, used the assassination to step up their incitement against Israel.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) reported in 2007 that at least 161 Palestinians were killed and more than 700 wounded during fighting between Hamas on one side and members of Abbas's security forces and Fatah faction on the other. According to the PCHR:

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