Friday, August 02, 2024

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook

Printing of Shabbat Ha’aretz and Preparing for Parents’ Arrival – #246

Date and Place: 22 Kislev 5670 (1909), Yafo

Recipient: Rav Shmuel Kook, Rav Kook’s brother, who was involved in some of Rav Kook’s publications.

Body: Thank you very much for bringing joy to my Shabbat, by sending me the book (Rav Kook’s work on Shemitta, Shabbat Ha’aretz). Please send me a package of a few hundred copies as soon as you can. It is proper to print large envelopes to put the books into with stationery, so that we can send several hundred. This is also my intention for the future, should I have the strength to be involved in other similar works, regarding other mitzvot of the land, etc. These matters have more impact, even when done secretly, than mundane matters that are done with great raucousness. May Hashem fill our internal world with the air of Eretz Yisrael as much as possible, in a way that Hashem will be with us.

I do not understand your complaint and your agitation from the matter [of the planned and then cancelled fundraising trip with the Ridbaz]. I could not exempt myself from it, as it was a case of saving lives [for those who wanted to keep Shemitta]. True, it would hurt my heart to leave the Holy Land even temporarily, and now that there is no need, I thank G-d that I do not have to go, as nothing came of it. What other people have to say about it does not enter my considerations. (Ed. note – apparently there were rumors Rav Kook was going to fundraise and keep some of the income.) Only Hashem, Who sees into people’s hearts, knows the rectitude of my heart and intentions, and that makes me as happy as all the riches in the world. My heart is strong with the bravery that comes with being truthful.

I also need cards [to go with the books]. Please print some for me with my personal stationery, perhaps with small envelopes. Of course, it should be in good taste.

We received a letter from our father’s house, as they prepare [to move to the Holy Land]. Perhaps it is correct to point out that it is not worthwhile to sell all of their furniture; it is better for them to take some things that are expensive here.

It pays to start describing things in letters, so that they will not be shocked by the visible spiritual status of the Holy Land’s inhabitants, as well as, and especially, our material situation. They should know that with all of the detriments, we are very happy with our lot, having the great fortune of living in our Desired Land. We hope they too will be happy here.

Instructions for a Sick Person – #247

Date and Place: 28 Kislev 5670 (1909), Yafo

Recipient: A man named Z’ev (translated from Yiddish)

Body: I received your letter and was very pained by your present medical situation. I hope that before long, your situation will improve with Hashem’s help, and you will fully recover with His help.

Do not have any doubts about your wife. You should distance the non-Jew from the house, as much as possible, but without anger.

For Hashem’s sake, learn every day one page from some holy book that you can. Some examples are: Menorat Hama’or, Shevet Mussar, Kav Hayashar, Nofet Tzufim, etc. – only holy books.

Do not go to a burial under any circumstances until you feel fully healthy. Please write me your mother’s name.

Do not be afraid at all; Hashem will help you. Accept the idea, without making an oath, that when Hashem will help you and your livelihood improves enough that you will be able to live in Eretz Yisrael, that you will come. It will strengthen you, your fortitude, and your Judaism.

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