Friday, August 09, 2024

Igrot Hare’aya – Letters of Rav Kook

Difficult to Understand a Rabbi’s Ruling – #248

Date and Place: 29 Kislev 5670 (1909), Yafo

Recipient: Rav Shalom Eisenbach, a rabbi who was critical of Rav Kook, as the story implies.

Body: I will tell you a story I heard. In the days of the brilliant Rav Leib of Kovna, of blessed memory, the dignitaries of Kovna wanted the brilliant, pious Rav Yisrael Salanter to settle in Kovna. When they asked Rav Leib [whether he agrees with this idea], he told them the following.

If he wants a formal rabbinical position, fine. However, if he wants to live as a private person, I am not happy about it. When they asked him why, he said: Even the most brilliant man and the most lofty righteous person will not be able to understand the mindset of one who shoulders the yoke of ruling for the masses and the anguish he goes through. Thus, he cannot give the rabbi the benefit of the doubt about his decisions. (Ed. note – it seems clear that Rav Eisenbach had complaints about something Rav Kook had ruled, and Rav Kook was intimating, that he was not in a position to understand Rav Kook’s decisions.)

Appreciate Jewish Ottoman Soldiers – #249

Date and Place
: 2 Tevet 5670 (1909), Yafo

Recipient: The Council of Ekron

Body: I suggest you, distinguished people, come up with a plan regarding the youngsters who are Ottoman citizens, who are about to start working for the army. See if you can find a good way to help their families, when their lot indicates they will need to serve. We all know that those who work for the army carry the community’s load, so that it is proper that the community will notice their status. Especially notice that the askaria tax (for matters of work) will apparently be removed because of our brothers’ work. I await your prompt response.

Rafah for Bialystok? – #257

Date and Place
: 14 Tevet 5670 (1909), Yafo

Recipient: Yoel Moshe Solomon, the leader of the Jerusalemites who founded the moshav of Petach Tikva, who continued to be active in settling the Land. This letter relates to the group from Bialystok, with whom Rav Kook previously discussed land in present-day Jordan.

Body: I wanted to tell you that Mr. Manishewitz from Bialystok, who came with Mr. Shatz of Lodg, on the matter of buying land in Eretz Yisrael, on behalf of a big association with significant resources, is now leaning toward acquiring land in Rafah (Rafiach in Hebrew, in today’s Gaza Strip), near El Arish, which is under British control. I agree with this. When I became aware that you know about this matter in detail, I thought to recommend to you to come here as soon as possible to discuss the matter with Mr. Manishewitz. Maybe Hashem will be with us, and we will be able to secure redemption of an important plot of land in the Holy Land.

I do not need to rush someone as diligent as you. If you cannot come today, let me know as soon as possible what your thoughts are about the association from Bialystok.

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