Friday, February 22, 2019

Zehut’s Response to Left Merger

by Moshe Feiglin

The ZEHUT Party’s response to the Gantz-Lapid-Ashkenazi merger and Likud call for ZEHUT to withdraw from elections or to be absorbed into the right-wing bloc:

Following the merger of Gantz (who doesn’t say anything) with Lapid (who says nothing) it is only reasonable that another merger should be completed between Netanyahu and Bennett (who only founded his party to merge with the Likud).

The Histadrut heads in Gantz’s party and the Workers Union Chairmen in Netanyahu’s will continue to preserve the special privileges of the old generation and perpetuate the current reality in Israel, in which young couples cannot make ends meet, while their chance to purchase ahome of their own becomes more and more fleeting.

ZEHUT is not playing the intimidate-the-sector game, the purpose of which is to maintain the privilege of the insiders and cronies in the Likud Central Committee and the Histadrut, at the expense and on the shoulders of Israel’s young people.ZEHUT was established in order to change the rules of the game and not to be swallowed up in any bloc.The

ZEHUT Party is a magnet for people from both Right and Left who are repulsed by the empty-suit politics that have taken them captive.

In the next Knesset, there will be a major ZEHUT presence –
  • For the young people who work ceaselessly and pay exorbitant sums just to live here, young people who can only dream of a home of their own.
  • For the sake of tens of thousands of patients fighting for their lives, forced to struggle with a state that prohibits them from accessing their medicine.
  • For the benefit of half a million cannabis consumers pursued by the police policy of incrimination.
  • For the sake of thousands of fathers denied a relationship with their children due to false complaints and institutional persecution.
  • For the benefit of the small and medium business owners, crushed by the long arms of bureaucracy.
ZEHUT will never forget southern Israel as it burns, the abandoned residents of South Tel Aviv and the periphery, the suitcases of protection cash paid to the families of the Hamas murderers, the humiliation, the impotence and the fear of being free in our Land.

We will never forget Jerusalem!

Let all the people of yesterday unite, and let ZEHUT bring the Nation of Israel and its young people renewed hope for tomorrow!

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