Thursday, February 16, 2023

“When Adar Arrives, We Increase Our Joy”

by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir

“When Adar arrives we increase our joy, and when Av arrives we decrease our joy” (Ta’anit 29a).

In Adar, G-d shone His countenance upon us and saved us from the plot of wicked Haman. We, therefore, display great joy over G-d’s enormous kindness. Yet even in Av, during which G-d concealed His countenance from Israel and two Temples were destroyed, we do not eliminate our joy altogether but only “decrease” it. The foundation of our faith is that even when G-d, so to speak, “conceals His countenance,” our Father in Heaven is still acting in secret for our benefit. Therefore, a believing Jew who truly, constantly serves G-d, must remain joyous, whether G-d is revealing His face or concealing it.

As our sages taught, “A person must bless G-d for the bad just like he blesses Him for the good” -- with a whole heart and with joy (Redak, I Shmuel).

Joy may be compared to music. The volume can be turned up or down, but the tune of faith, trust, and joy cannot be turned off altogether.

Today, the State of Israel finds itself in a complex and complicated situation. We are at war with our enemies who are rising up to destroy us and to drive us out of our land -- it will never be! Likewise, cultural, social, and political power struggles from within are seemingly weakening the strength and fortitude of the nation. Even so, we trust in G-d, and rely on the truthfully spoken words of our prophets, prophets of truth and justice: “The L-rd will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance” (Tehilim 94:14). The farther we march along the upward path to complete redemption, the greater will be the joy of Israel and the whole world. Ultimately we will see with our own eyes how “the nations shall cease from G-d’s land” (Tehilim 10:16); and “the L-rd shall bring the counsel of nations to naught, and make the people’s devices to be of no effect. The L-rd’s counsel shall stand forever; the thoughts of His heart for all generations” (Tehilim 33:10-11).

Looking forward to complete salvation,
With the Love of Israel,
Shabbat Shalom,
Chodesh Tov.

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