Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rav Kook's Ein Ayah: Improving Those Whose Intentions Are Not Complete

(based on Berachot 2:41)

Gemara: May it be Your will, Hashem … that you shall put peace in your legions above and below and between the students who are occupied with Your Torah, whether those who do so with proper intentions (lishma) or those who do so not lishma. And may it be Your will that they will occupy themselves lishma.

Ein Ayah: The reason for this prayer is that general human peace depends on Israel’s peace. Since Torah scholars increase peace in the world, it should be His will that there be peace between them, so that they reach the level of peace that enables them to increase peace within Israel.

Those who study lishma will have peace because they recognize the truth. The prayer extends to those who do not study lishma. Although they did not yet merit to purify their hearts to be occupied lishma, they still need to not be so corrupt as to pervert the straight truths and make arguments based on ideas antithetical to Torah’s truth. As these people still act like one who studies Torah lishma, their actions facilitate peace as if they learn lishma, despite the incomplete purity of their hearts. This is not totally dependent on one’s capabilities, for Hashem can purify the hearts of those who are lacking. Thus the prayer asks that Hashem raise the spirits of those who study not lishma so that they should do so lishma. 

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