Sunday, November 03, 2019

I Am The Counter Culture

by Jason Gold

The realization came on the heels of a recent discussion regarding my well-aged musical preferences.  Sure, my preference for most of my music listens is pre-2000 and indeed pre-1980 and I always assumed it was just because I was getting on in years and that most of today's music that wraps itself in the robes of rock and roll, is really just execrable.  But then, this past August while waxing nostalgic about the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, I was asked why I'm still into that "counter culture" music. And then, it hit me like a 2x4.  That counter culture music resonates with me because I am the counter culture of today.

Think about it.  Who has become "the man" or "the establishment" that was rallied and railed against at countless protests and sit-ins across the US back in the day? Right you are, those same protestors from back in the day.  The "liberals" from back in the day, those protesting for freedom and keeping government out of their lives have now become the "man"/"establishment" the oppressors, those in charge, and demanding bigger government, more censorship, and hell-bent on shutting down any opposing idea, thought or dialogue.  The hippie leftists of those bygone days have gone full-throttle "progressive" (or more appropriately "regressive") fascist occupying seats of power in government and in education, trying to ensure complete control of the masses and the poisoning/brain-washing of the thoughts of youths in the current generation and generations to come.  It brings to mind one of my favorite quotes from reformed leftist David Horowitz who says, "Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out".  I was determined at one point in my life to keep politics out of my religious observance until my "well-intentioned" assimilated liberal brothers and sisters decided to drag politics into Judaism making abortion and gender fluidity the new Gods to pray to.

It is those with views that tilt rightward that are under constant attack from the left, under a true "freedom for me but not for thee" mantra.  I may hold conservative view points but I'm happy to engage in a dialogue with those differing with me who are on the left. That's called being civilized or respectful. Unfortunately, the former counter culturists will brook no dissent, no exchange of ideas, no discussion. It's their way or no way. The rampant censorship of social media platforms, the forced new LGBQT alphabet in the public schools, the introduction of "social justice" and tokenization themes into sports and entertainment, the PC culture, the climate cultists, the vilification of comics who dare to speak out against cancel culture all highlight the current headwinds and culture, and it all emanates from the left and the alums of the 60's who perverted the message. 

While written for a previous generation here are two tunes that should become the conservative rallying cry:


I wonder what Paul Kantner/Marty Balin (Jefferson Airplane) and Stephen Stills (Buffalo Springfield) would think? Don't know, don't care. Like those who came before me, I'm not asking permission or apologizing.

I am the counter culture. Who's with me?

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