Tuesday, November 12, 2019

No Bibi, Iran is (Y)our Responsibility

(Ed. note: I started writing this piece before the current round of rocket attacks.  Just brings the point home.)

by Jason Gold

It happens on a pretty regular basis these days.  Announcements, or updates about Iran's nuclear capability or about how Iran has decided to trash the "treaty" that Kerry/the Obama mafia, and the EU "negotiated" with them, and now not to even try to disguise their nuclear enrichment protocols. And let’s not forget the openly genocidal rants against Israel, threatening wholesale destruction. And what is the response of the current Prime Minister? Well, aside from a StuxNet viral attack on their nuclear facilities and the air-bombing of an Iranian facility in Syria, it’s been almost non-existent, unless you count the number of times he has taken to the world stage at the UN or the US Congress or last week in Israel to whine about Iran and implore the world to do something about them. 

Guess what, Bibi? With the exception of a very few, the world doesn't care.  The EU, China, Russia et al, are too busy trying to figure out how to circumvent the trade sanctions. Why? Oil, money, Jew-hatred, the usual.  Trump cares, but he will deal with Iran in his own way, via economics and only use military force as a total last resort, but that's not to say he would object to a well-timed Israeli drone strike on the Iranian parliament building. 

Bibi, aside from the US and aside from this possible "evolving" detente with some of the other Arab countries, do you really think the world loves Israel and the Jews? I would have thought that your time as a UN ambassador as well as your 70 years on this earth would have given you plenty of perspective on that. I mean look at our "friends" the Jordanians and how much they love us. The world hates us. They might as well fear and respect us as well because this “restraint” or gutlessness isn’t winning us any love on the global stage. Along these lines, while I may have issues with Moshe Feiglin, he is right about two things, in particular.

  1. When he called for an attack on Iran years ago, he was absolutely correct. Almost all of the terrorist players who have Israel on jihad speed dial, are proxies for Iran.  Hitting them then, cutting off the cash and logistics supply chain, would have dealt a crippling blow to the PA, Hezbollah, et al and sent a clear message of deterrent power to them. Obama had abandoned the Iranian people to the mad mullahs despite their imploring him to help overthrow the genocidal maniacs. Israel could have been seen as a hero and liberator. The optimal time was then. Now? Much more difficult.
  2. The world loves DEAD Jews as witnessed by the pilgrimages of the gentiles to Yad Vashem when they come for a visit. A few bowed heads, a few tears, and then it's back to Israel bashing on demand. No one from the outside is rushing in to do what needs to be done for us. 

Readers of this blog know my thoughts on Bibi, both good and bad.  But almost everything happening now is because of the "kick the can down the road" mentality of the Israeli leadership when it comes to dealing a decisive death blow, and the current leadership takes that to an art form. Despite Israel's technological and military strength, it is viewed as hesitant and indecisive in applying that strength and power in an overwhelming way. And that is all that terrorists and terrorist states understand. Not gestures, not empty threats and rhetoric, but power and the will to apply it in a devastating fashion. Hesitate, appear weak and indecisive, and the jackals will go for your throat, over and over again. 

The current "low intensity" warfare scenario cannot continue indefinitely. At some point it will elevate into a full fledged conflict both with Iran directly and its proxies.  The Iranians have made their intentions clear. There is no need to seek justification from a world that stood idly by and watched six million Jews taken to their deaths.  Yes, any preemptive strike will look bad on CNN and the BBC. The world will howl and scream like they did for a few weeks after Begin bombed Iraq and then come to belatedly realize what a favor Israel did for them. The Arabs who are afraid of Iran may look at Israel as their savior but on the other hand may be hoping for an Israel-Iran conflict that cripples both countries and gives them a 2 for 1 deal. No Bibi, Iran is your problem and your responsibility and one that should have been dealt with a long time ago. And since the Talmud tells us that we are responsible for one another, it's our responsibility too.  

One a final metaphysical note, take a step back and look at the broader picture in terms of what's going on politically with the Israeli elections.  Now consider what some of the midrashic and kabbalisitc texts say about Iran. Take the hint, Bibi. If you/we won't deal with problem, Gd will choose someone who will, either by choice or kicking and screaming. 

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