Monday, September 07, 2020

Ending the Covid Lies

by Jason Gold

There is so much sheker/falsehood out there with so many brainwashed and weak-minded people affected, it's hard to know where to begin.  Last Monday, I posted the true Covid mortality numbers based on the CDC's own quiet reclassification of the data, here and with follow-up stories like this and this on the veracity of the testing, but that didn't deter the left's little army of fact checkers and media suppressors as they went on a deny binge.

Today, let's talk about news on the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) front.  America's Frontline Doctors have been, courageously and with the great risk to themselves and their careers, getting the word out about the safety and effectiveness of HCQ, alone or in combination, and fighting (social) media and big pharma suppression and censorship.

Dr. Simone Gold (no relation) is the founder of Frontline Doctors and she has paid a price for telling the truth about HCQ. After their press conference, she was defamed by the media, censored by multiple social media companies, wrongfully terminated from employment, and viciously attacked, all for advocating for the right of physicians to prescribe what they believe is best for their patients.  She is a warrior for truth.

Last Tuesday, she dropped the advance online preview of an accepted study in the American Journal of Medicine confirming other studies (including the recent one at Henry Ford Hospitals) regarding the effectiveness of HCQ in treating Covid.  The screenshot is below, just in case Twitter uses its vast medical expertise to censor this information and remove it.

In a world of lies, truth becomes the antidote to the virus of lies.
The trick is wanting to take the antidote. So, will that be a red pill today?
We have been played.
No more "new normal".

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