Wednesday, January 13, 2021

"A Great Leader for a Great Nation"

by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir

Moses was the first and foremost leader of the Jewish People. As is known, a person’s name teaches us about him. It is true that Moses’s name [Moshe] was inspired by the fact that he himself had been “removed” from trouble. Pharaoh’s daughter says, “Because I removed him [meshitihu] from the water” (Exodus 2:10). Yet this name recalls not only Moses’s being removed from the water but also his removing [moshe] the Israelites from trouble when he took them out of Egypt (S’forno).

Moreover, it is no accident that Moses’s father was named “Amram,” which means “an exalted people.” A son born to someone with this name recognizes the uniqueness and greatness of the Jewish People. He understands that G-d chose them from amongst all the nations in order that they should tell His praise and illuminate the entire world with His goodness. Obviously, a leader who knows his people’s greatness cannot bear to see them down low, and such a leader was Moses, who saved our people from the tribulations of Egypt.

Today, we are about to attempt again to choose the next leader of the State of Israel. We need a leader who will save our country in its time of difficulty, a leader whose task it will be to exalt Israel from the internal degradation to which we have recently borne witness.

The tried and true way to exalt Israel and to elevate its stature is not just by defeating our enemies both microscopic and corporeal when they come to banish us from our land, but also by recognizing the uniqueness and identity of the Jewish nation as an exalted people, a people chosen by the Master of the Universe to bring goodness and light to the world, in Eretz Yisrael and Jerusalem its capital.

If we conduct ourselves in accordance with our greatness, the whole world will recognize that the L-rd Gd of Israel is King and that He reigns overall.

Looking forward to complete redemption,
With Love of Israel,
Chodesh Tov,
Shabbat Shalom.

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