Friday, November 24, 2023

The Fulfillment of Ya'akov's Dream

by HaRav Dov Begon
Rosh HaYeshiva, Machon Meir

Ya'akov was facing difficult times. Relentlessly pursued by Esav, who wished to kill him, he left his parents’ home in Be’er Sheva for the exile of Charan, alone and bereft of possessions. Along the way, he had a good dream. In his dream, he saw “G-d standing over him” (Bereisheet 28:13), “to protect him” (Rashi). G-d promised him, “I will give to you and your descendants the land upon which you are lying” (Bereisheet 28:13). G-d folded the whole Land of Israel under him thereby hinting to him that it would be as easy to conquer as four cubits. (Rashi, Ibid.). And G-d further promised, “Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth. You shall spread out to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south. All the families on earth will be blessed through you and your descendants” (v. 14).

Regarding Ya'akov's bleak situation at that time, G-d said, “I am with you. I will protect you wherever you go and bring you back to this soil” (v. 15).

Ya'akov's remarkable dream is, in fact, the dream of the Jewish People that has accompanied us throughout all the generations, even during the darkest and most difficult periods of our bitter and gloomy exile. As we show again in our current situation - during times of destruction, pogroms, and also the Holocaust, Jews have never ceased to believe in the fulfillment of Ya'akov's dream.

It is true that there were, and continue to be, some who try to blot out the dream. They think that by doing so they stop the Jews from continuing on to their goal of returning to their land and fulfilling their destiny - which is to bring light and goodness to the world. All the same, “many are the thoughts in man’s heart, but it is the council of G-d that will come to pass” (Proverbs 19:21).

These days, “with G-d bringing back the return of Tzion - we, are like dreamers” (Tehilim 126:1). Our generation is privileged to see the ingathering of the exiles. We are already living Ya'akov's dream in a wakeful state, as in G-d’s promise, “I will bring you back to this soil” (Bereisheet 28:15). It is no dream. It is already a reality. The day is not far off when we too, will see the promise made to both Avraham and Ya'akov: “All the families on earth will be blessed through you and your descendants” (v. 14).

BeSorot Tovot,
Looking forward to complete salvation,
With the Love of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael,
Shabbat Shalom.

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