MK Moshe Feiglin on Israel's Pressing Issues

Translated from Israel's Channel 2
Zohar Yisrael
Can you give us some details on your political/state platform?
"My political/state platform is well known, and I have presented it clearly: One state in the territorial expanse of the Land of Israel, affording full human rights to those Arabs who choose to remain under Israeli sovereignty, while encouraging emigration for all those Arabs who choose to live in a different state. I do not define myself as a rightist. My political home is in the Likud and perhaps that is what makes me unique. I do not belong to any particular category. I advocate liberty in its most basic form. Sometimes, I even vote with the Left; for example on repealing Israel's antiquated State of Emergency law."
The Likud primaries will be taking place on Wednesday. Last time, you won the 14th slot on the Likud roster and were pushed down the list to make room for the reserved spots for the Yisrael Beiteinu party. What slot do you think you will win this time?
"I expect to progress a number of slots."
The polls are predicting that the Likud will lose some Knesset seats. What will happen if you win an unrealistic slot on the roster?
"I wasn't born with a chair attached to the place where one sits and it will not break me. I adhere to the values of Jewish identity and national identity. These values have been virtually abandoned by the National Camp. My identity strengthens my deep faith in liberty, empowering me to propose new ideas such as transforming the IDF into a professional volunteer army, lifting the restrictions on medical marijuana and protesting organ harvesting in China. Identity and liberty are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they complement each other."
The Likud is putting more emphasis on security issues.
"It is hard to know what issues are being emphasized, because one of the problems is that the issues have been blurred. I strive to restore the Likud to its original ideology; both in matters of state and certainly on social issues, as well."
If so, why did you withdraw your candidacy for chairmanship of the Likud?
"I will always continue to strive to head the Likud. But both the current Chairman of the Likud (Netanyahu) and the Chairman of the Likud Central Committee (Danon) together created a situation that rendered the simultaneous race for chairmanship of the Likud and the Likud Knesset primaries - impossible. I will wait until this wave passes and when the next wave comes, I will once again run for chairmanship of the Likud."
Your Facebook page says that you are a candidate for the premiership.
"I certainly see myself as a candidate for the premiership - after I become Chairman of the Likud."
Have you ever thought of joining a different party? Aren't the Jewish Home or Yisrael Beiteinu parties more in line with your values and platform?
"Never. I strive to lead the National Camp. This leadership was and will remain in the hands of the Likud. What has to be done now is to liberate ourselves from the mentality that we have adopted in the last twenty years. You see t hat I am not afraid to speak out without fear of the political correctness that has brought Israel nothing but wars and violence and has cost us one trillion Shekels to date.
Who do you endorse for chairmanship of the Likud?
"There is a reason why we stand behind a screen when we vote, but I will say this: There is no real difference today between Netanyahu and Danon. Both candidates say exactly the same thing. Danon is not presenting a real alternative; not in speech and not in his political actions. Choosing between the two is insignificant."
When you will be PM, will you work to institute a Jewish-law state?
"No, I oppose religious parties. I think it is a bad idea. I want to return the family to the citizens. Unfortunately, the status of family has been taken away and dissolved. I also strive to restore local communities, to allow the citizen to stand up to the State as an individual and as part of the collective community - and to be truly free. For example, those communities that choose to run public transportation on Shabbat should be allowed to do so.
What about civil marriage?
"I am in favor of civil union as long as it does not uproot the status of the traditional family. It is of utmost importance to safeguard the value of the traditional family: a man and a woman. The question of all the other types of unions, such as same-gender unions, can be resolved by civil union - as long as it is clear that they have a different moral status than the traditional family. If you claim that everything is considered a family, then you are actually saying that nothing is considered a family."
Why is a homosexual couple morally different than a heterosexual couple?
"The traditional family paradigm has a unique status of its own. It is an individual's right to live with a same-gender partner. I respect that and support his right to access the medical records of his partner and the like. But we cannot claim that morally, the same-gender 'family' is identical to the traditional family."
Do you support their right to adopt children?
"No, I oppose adoption by same-gender coup les. Talking about their right to raise children without talking about a child's right to both a mother and a father is not reasonable. This bill would allow an adult to enjoy a privilege at the expense of a child. A child needs a mother and a father. Whoever listens to the heart of the child and not just to political correctness knows that well."
Good luck in the primaries. Did you make any deals?
"Yes, that is the way the system works. However, I made deals only with those candidates with whom I see eye-to-eye ideologically and sociologically. So most of the votes that I get will not be the product of deals. I did not make any deals with MKs or groups that do not fit me ideologically."
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